i loveeee characters like this (morally grey characters, or those with a dark, obsessive side- yandere- and characters who come across cold but are either a. extremely awkward or b. extremely sweet to those they love, but cold around others- tsundere) omg and the art is so pretty w such handsome characters… this was made for me (no i am NOT delusional at ALL)
woooow who woulda thought the great joo jaekyung would be sucking dick like this?
with that said, jaekyung you sorry bitch, he gave consent for sex but he’s setting clear boundaries and you can’t even listen to THOSE. there has been NO self reflection. below bare minimum would have been to respect the fact that dan doesn’t want to kiss, that he doesn’t want to see you, and you couldn’t even respect that!!! working up from the fucking negatives.
CUTE IS RIGHTTT CUTIE BOYYY… minus your package is also right. black hair boy my ideal type but his dick would terrify me <3
i’m so confused w this secondary gender.. like.. i understand a/b/o, esper(?)&guide, but this..? i don’t understand.
AWE WHAT DA HELL??? i missed the past couple chapters, i come back and they’re BROKEN UP???? IM SORRY????? actually unacceptable this is SICK.
little spoiler:p
there is very little drama resulting from jinhyeong meeting with his ex. the boys really love each other. jinhyeong i think wanted closure from his past relationship; for both himself, and for his ex. he’s a responsible partner to uyun. have some faith!! the author really created the perfect characters in a time where all the popular manhwas are filled with mc’s incapable of communicating with their partners. this was absolutely a conflict that could have been used as a way for the author to extend the story in a relatively easy way, but they instead used it to show just how much jinhyeong has grown. i would truly be so happy to read many, many more chapters of these characters just existing with one another, and that speaks to just how well written they are, and how entertaining their dynamic is without any unnecessary conflict.
my sweet boys. jinhyeong, you’ve worked hard~ i really love their characters. they both have so much depth to them. they’ve both worked hard, and i’m happy jinhyeong made sure to reassure uyun of his love. communication is the best thing in a relationship. i really love them TT
Mitsu when Nana continues reaching out to him: God, when is he gonna stop???
Mitsu when Nana stops reaching out, after being avoided & ignored for over a week: Oh so what?? He’s tired of me now??? You’re the one that stopped reaching out first..
just TALK to one another, ffs
oh i did NAWT expect this!!! the little shit.. but i’m so excited. black haired boy, akashi (?), is such a cutie. my favorite type is dark hair, dark eyes, quiet cuties
i totally understand the frustrations, absolutely, but she’s a teenage girl who has a crush on someone; someone that she was, until recently, in a relationship with. obviously she’s going to want to continue pursuing byul if she still likes him. as a teenager, i probably would have too, if i felt there was at all a chance. i think she’s too pushy, and needs to respect byul’s boundaries, but she is being pretty.. normal? if she takes things further if & when byul sets boundaries then that absolutely isn’t okay. sometimes, and this isn’t just exclusive to the comments on this manhwa, people are absolutely vile towards woman/girls in bl manhwas. at times its justified and other times it’s gross and borderline misogynistic. commenting “push her down the stairs” about a teenage girl trying to get her ex back is WEIRD.
would like to add: if BYUL kisses her, if HE decides to go along with what she wants and get back together with her, then, as annoying as it will be, that is HIS decision and i really hope the comments won’t be filled with hate towards HER. you can dislike her, her character is there to move the story forward & add conflict between ml & mc, but the immediate jump to wishing her harm or straight up hating any girl in a bl manhwa will always rub me the wrong way.
jinhyeong is so silly i love him so much… but if he closes himself off again because of a misunderstanding HE will be the one dragged by his hair.. i will be dragging him STRAIGHT to uyun & his ass is being held there until they talk shit through!!! leave your ex in the past bae!!!
semi spoiler, because i can’t remember, but i think things are cleared up pretty quickly.. at the very least, the two don’t seem to really take anything out on one another (they stay pretty cutesy, even when dealing w feelings that come w jinhyeong seeing his ex again)
the embarrassment is actually painful wtf brother stop jorkin it for a MINUTE. i’m doing laps right now my god.
poor puppy, he’s been abandoned too many times Jiyoung handled this conversation so well, such good puppies.
i love how they’re equally obsessed with one another. so cute girl ain’t getting between them bro- no way.
i want him hit by a car tbh. it seems the author is not going to give him any real redemption arc. i believe, with the way things are going, that he will continue the way he is & wear dan down; i think the only difference is that he “will realize he was in love with dan the whole time.” this will either happen when dan tries to leave again, or when jk feels like he’s done using him & they separate. he’ll realize his weird feelings won’t just go away.. there may be one emotional fight, and then… happy couple!!!!!!! no questions!!!!! just sooo happy and soooo not toxic!!!!! tbh, i have read manhwas with ml’s that are much, much “worse” than jaekyung. maybe it’s bc jk is more realistic than a serial rapist, billionaire mob boss & that makes me hate him so much; the fact that this man exists, and he is everywhere- it’s easier to hate what you know. whatever it is, i can’t fucking stand him. least he’s hot, i guess. bj alex woulda never put me through all dis
YOOO this has so much promise omg. if anyone knows if there’s a novel or not, please let me know!!!
YESS DAN MY BABY!!! stand firm baby!!
jaekyung, your only good trait is that you are so hot.. sososo hot.. but brother that only counts for so much! fuck off!!!!!!! homie is like this because of YOU.