Nana x Michiru: I rarely ship yuri ships but this one….THIS ONE RIGHT HERE, is the most understandable ship. Kou x mitsuba THE AUTHOR HATESSS THEM BC EVERY FUCKING MOMENT ENDS IN A TRAGEDY! shi qingxuan x he xuan: Three words: DEPRESSION , revenge, best friends I shipped TF out of these two then the black water arc happens… Valvrave t......
you are only reading surface level stories and then forming a bad faith opinion about the whole genre. there are so many beautifully written, nuanced and varied gl works in existence that capture the lesbian experience. unfortunately people are prioritising spreading misinformation about the genre rather than actually engaging with yuri. READ JW......
A terrified teacher at ghoul school Istg if only this was what school was like I would go to school everyday. I love this manga so much. It recently got an anime but imo reading the manga is 100x better. I saw the first episode and the anime has to cut and edit so much to f......
Read Servamp if u like gayass vampires It's also just like a good story or whatever... I really like the villain cuz he's almost more of a believer in the power of friendship than the mc. All of the characters are very fun tho, and it has some of my favourite depictions of the 7 deadly sins. Particularly Wrath, I looove her. She's a really interes......
Homeless/no home covers a lot of different family scenarios and the two most main characters toxicity but like codependency on one another and it has some supernatural shit in it apparently it got animated but I only saw a trailer of it
also, super feminine guys are not only BL things I know people will say bbbbbbut they are not acting like "women", no they are acting like "women" which is nothing wrong with that, you guys acting like a misogynistic bunch, what wrong with a guy who looks like and acts like "women"? for sure you don't have problem with women who look and act like "......
Infinity Nikki