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PleaseHelpMeFindThis July 9, 2021 10:36 am

What happened to the new chapters?

PleaseHelpMeFindThis July 6, 2021 2:11 am


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PleaseHelpMeFindThis February 24, 2019 2:51 pm

Im trying to remeber the name of a manga which name i lost when My phone broke. Its about a boy whos afraid of fire because his family died in one. Theres an angel and a devil who i think turns into a cat. I only read one chapter (or maybe there was only one chapter i canf remeber) but i appreciate if anyone has a slightlest clue what I'm saying. Im desperate ti find it

PleaseHelpMeFindThis January 12, 2019 1:31 pm

Hi guys im looking for a yaoi manga whos name i forgotten. I remeber the main character is Jouichirou and that he is trumatized by the death of Doug and his new lover? Is called Takashi. I know thats really vague but i really hope someone knows what I'm talking about

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