ebbyemmy's feed

ebbyemmy created a topic of Family, Now and Forever

Lotta people bitter in the comments about how Naguru treats Herapi and I don't really get it? There were a couple times where it felt like he was being mean, but always in a teasing way (like when he chose Towa's flower over Herapi's) but he clearly loves him??? They just have a different way of expressing love but he told the landlady that he's his family, he loved how sweet Herapi is, he went for the ride with him when they borrowed the bike, he took him to his secret spot, he told him things he didn't tell others. There's so much love there. I get if you were unsatisfied with the reciprocation but you can't say that it isn't there just because it's done differently.
As for unanswered questions, it did bug me a bit but y'know sometimes you don't need all the details to appreciate the present. Sure we don't know who Towa's biological family is, but we know who his family is now. I do think they could have expanded upon the kids on the island just to flesh out his character better, I just assume that he took care of the kids from his community but it would've been ideal to just provide a little more info like "they're his siblings" "they're orphans" etc. Since he wanted a family so badly, I guess that implies he didn't have one.
Also people saying "he only got with Herapi because he wanted a family!" ? Okay? He wanted love and a place to belong so he got with Herapi who he loves and feels he belongs with lol
Sorry I ranted I just love this story a lot and even though it's not perfect, I think to say the love isn't fully reciprocated just isn't true