It's a long story, i got into yaoi a few years ago, started reading in a website that has manga in general so there weren't that many yaoi ones, i was unsatisfied so i started looking for other stories on Instagram, found my suha, really liked the story, so i googled it to find a website to read it on, that's how I discovered mangago, then i found killing stalking on most popular, didn't read it at first, but i found an anituber that i liked talking about it, so i gave it a try.
How did you first hear about it?
Someone on Roblox told me lmao
Memes is all
saw it on lezhin
tik tok it didnt cause me much mental damage as doki doki did tho
It's a long story, i got into yaoi a few years ago, started reading in a website that has manga in general so there weren't that many yaoi ones, i was unsatisfied so i started looking for other stories on Instagram, found my suha, really liked the story, so i googled it to find a website to read it on, that's how I discovered mangago, then i found killing stalking on most popular, didn't read it at first, but i found an anituber that i liked talking about it, so i gave it a try.
oh hell :,))