Welp, im dropping this until he gets with jensen, no reason to read the "sudden ex reappeared" cliche arc anyway.
Cliché, and also incredibly unnecessary.
It just sucks because I was actually enjoying the story up until the confession. Like; "Aaaaaand you ruined it. Fan-f*cking-tastic." *slow clap* *facepalm* *flips table*
There seems to be a theme here with manhwa writers making a great story and then suddenly ruining it with unnecessary drama. Do they not have the creativity to come up with an interesting plot that's not driven by ridiculous misunderstandings and overused clichés?
Same thing happened with "A guy like you". All was well until the author decided to throw in an "Ex"-like character, which not only dragged on for dozens of chapters, but caused the majority of readers to despise the MC.
.......on what planet is this considered a good idea?
This kid is horrible, not only did he lie to the guy putting both of them in risk now he's manipulating him in a relationship, fuck this shit, this is no better than those rapey yaoi.
But I thought that the doctor actually said that he has to make him fall in love with the main character or was that in my mind? Or was it another story that I read...idk but I’m pretty sure it was in the story
The doc said to either get away from the person or do simple stuff like holding hands and hugs, what's he's doing is both sick and manipulative.
Oh I have a bad memory so I didn’t know if I was right lmao