minhyeok is hot and very pretty, but can we acknowledge the fact that he’s violent during sex and will most likely try to force the mc to do something by the looks of the chapter and the previous one (example—constantly hurting his tan lover with the cigarettes, being kinda crude towards him, imagining the mc’s face during sex). it’s always the pretty boys lmao
https://tkor.lol/%EA%B1%B7%EC%A7%80-%EC%95%8A%EB%8A%94-%EB%8B%A4%EB%A6%AC here you go, sweetheart
i don’t know if anyone else felt chills when S was frozen in practical fear when he looked back at his hyung pinned down. like even T (the mafia leader) was like “i’m the one with the knife yet you’re frozen at the sight of his face?” imagine how traumatized S must be to get beat by your first love, the person who was just your first everything.
Jiseong doesn't deserve his fingers cut off, you will see in the flash back that they genuinely love each other.
MC actually loves the hyung (refer to chapter 2) but decided to push him since the hyungs father discovered their relationship without telling the hyung the reason. I think the hyung became obsessive because of the MC's action.
caius is so fucking sweet man DAMN