Ziquex January 20, 2025 11:10 am

Why they speed running the story

Ziquex August 18, 2024 2:56 am

Pls let it be poly

    Sachyan August 18, 2024 6:31 pm

    My thoughts EXACTLY SISTER (gender neutral)

Ziquex July 22, 2021 6:18 pm

I'm not sure why but I dont think this manga is fit for romance genre in the first place. I'm not that attach to the romance aspect of it nor am in love with the male partners characterization. I feel like it should focus more on her trying to reform the fashion industry and go back to her original gender identity. The protagonist also doesn't seem to click with any of the male lover interest.

    dazai July 22, 2021 7:03 pm

    it's not exactly she didn't click with any of the ml's I think she's avoiding these feeling and she's aware of the consequences like risking her identity, and her identity is the only thing she has if she wants to continue working in the fashion industry, but im not sure tho

    Nope July 22, 2021 11:16 pm
    it's not exactly she didn't click with any of the ml's I think she's avoiding these feeling and she's aware of the consequences like risking her identity, and her identity is the only thing she has if she wants... dazai

    I agree with you. It’s also hard to define what “clicking” means. She and the duke have a really nice relationship and have built trust (but not fully trust) very early on. They both have very lowkey personalities that enjoy playing support roles and are quite a good match in the fact that while they both have their own passions and life goals it doesn’t clash and it instead is what they admire about the other. They have better chemistry then a lot of popular stories’ characters. It’s just that they don’t act very “lovey-dovey” and a realistic and wise in their moves.
    Yuri and Lester have much less chemistry. Work wise they are amazing colleagues but further then that Yuri being uncomfortable is already enough to tell that it’s not compatible.

    I like that the story is more focused on her growing into her passion and making something great out of it, but the romance is there to support it, spice it up, and of course keep the popularity of the story high enough for it to be interesting to a max of people and be able to keep publishing at the proper pace.

    Ziquex July 23, 2021 1:08 am
    I agree with you. It’s also hard to define what “clicking” means. She and the duke have a really nice relationship and have built trust (but not fully trust) very early on. They both have very lowkey pers... Nope

    I personally don't see the chemistry and everytime i read this manga, I always tend to get bored on the romance side of it that most of the time I skim through it halfway on the interaction. I guess its just preference but those scene certainly doesn't add spice or popularity for my own interest. Guess it works on others.

    Nope July 23, 2021 3:40 am
    I personally don't see the chemistry and everytime i read this manga, I always tend to get bored on the romance side of it that most of the time I skim through it halfway on the interaction. I guess its just pr... Ziquex

    Yeah I think it’s just a preference thing then!

Ziquex July 21, 2021 1:17 pm

I wish there was more calm novels. Like not really for plot wise but just there to make you feel good, kind of novels.

Ziquex June 30, 2021 2:18 am

I'm surprised there is not enough topic on this. Really intriguing like Black Mirror

    SolracXV July 1, 2021 6:33 pm

    This work has us on our toes that's why (≧∀≦)

Ziquex June 20, 2021 5:51 pm

I hate Helena. Honestly she has not done anything but that's it, she hasn't done anything and as a character she's uninteresting. All she has done is cry and beat herself. It would have been a better character if she tried to correct the crown prince on his assumption of events yet failing to do so since the crown prince's hatred to the protagonist blinds him and despite elena seeing his poor personality, she would do the bare minimum and look the other way around due to her blindness in love. Since she originally grew up in that world, her knowledge would be the same as the king, poly is legal. The Helena that they're portraying right now is someone naive which can be possible due to being sheltered but base on the dress incident and her position in the kingdom, she has to have enough knowledge to throw away the naively character and instead highlight her kind but hypocrisy personality. Her lack of action against the protagonist doesn't justify for people not to hate her, actually it should even fury people more due to being a bystander despite knowing the events that's happening is wrong while the men who hurt the protagonist think its right.

    Itz_Gertrude June 20, 2021 5:53 pm

    I HIGHLY doubt that she truly loves the cp

    Lolikiano June 20, 2021 6:05 pm

    Crown prince doesn't love her hes just intrigued by her and likes that she has no power and he feels superior that's why he hates the FL hes doing all this because of her like she pointed out in the latest chapters. She has no power or influence over him and cant stop him she understands this perfectly and for her who is a fallen Nobel basically a commoner sacrificing her safety for a pampered brat who got everything since birth (from her point of view) is rather stupid if you ask me. I like her character because it shows us second POV of their situation

    Ziquex June 20, 2021 6:06 pm
    I HIGHLY doubt that she truly loves the cp Itz_Gertrude

    Also a possibility bust considering how close they are, there should be at least another form of love for her to be blinded.

    maychan June 20, 2021 6:11 pm

    correct him?!! how?!! why the fuck you think he cares what she thinks or feel?! are you blind to how he uses his power to order her around without giving a damn or just living in denial for victim-blaming?!
    I don't really care you missing the point that she is still a victim in a position she can't do anything against asshole crown prince!
    and she actually much more interesting than some boring nice character out there that I know, she has a character, she has things she wants to do and she tries and works even as a servant it is still a job! so fuck off

    EunJae June 20, 2021 6:51 pm

    Helena DOESN'T actually LIKE or LOVE the cp. That bish ( CP) is just going around abusing authority as well as his mother (the Queen). If you've read Chap. 24, there is an explanation for why she doesn't refuse meeting with the Queen or the Crown Prince rather than doing her job. She is ignored by her fellow maids because she happens to be the CP's "childhood friend" and a fallen noble. And what? correct the crown prince on his behavior? No, that guy has no symptoms of changing his behavior, he thinks he is great just because he has the authority in his hands and is gonna be the next king. And you think a bish who scolds the head maid just because of giving HELENA maid work and not meeting him is gonna have a personality development? I think no. AND THAT GUY IS NOT A FUCKING CHILD. He should know what's wrong and right and not act based on his feelings. HELENA IS NOT THE LEAST BIT NAIVE she just pretends so (again in chap 24). She cannot do anything because she doesn't have the power neither status and girl is just tryna survive amidst all of this. AND HELENA WAS NEVER A SHELTERED CHILD. Her mother tried to kill her several and has even canned her. GIRL JUST WANTED TO BE ACCEPTED AS SHE IS. She could neither make friends because of that CP bish (Chap. 25 page 5 look how happy she seemed when she got invited to tea party with her friends), and neither was her mother nice to her. And just when she finally made friends they turned out to be infatuated with her cuz "SHE IS SO DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHER GIRLS WHO FLAUNTS THEIR MONEY AND STATUS LIKE ERIS" (GGOOODD I JUST HATE GUYS WHO THINK LIKE THIS). Just like Eris, she was also suffering. And there is no way on earth she is hypocrite. BRUH SHE GENUINELY APOLOGIZED FOR WEARING THE SAME CLOTHES AS ERIS AND I think this was a scheme by the CP to humiliate Eris cuz there is no way on how Helena would know what Eris was going to wear. And Helena had to wear those clothes because she couldn't refuse CP. And the world she is living in is where women are reduced to just objects, they can't express what they are feeling, and their duty should be to serve men and sit still and look pretty.
    Moreover even if she defends the MC against the guys it's most definitely gonna backfire, cuz they gonna think that the MC is blackmailing her or smthg and they will do worse things to her.

    Bbfujoghurl June 20, 2021 7:00 pm

    Sadly, that's the real situations of women back then. That is why this is closer to reality in regards with how women get treated before. I also think that is how the author wants to appeal to the public. Maybe, show how it was before. Both Eris and Helena are women who are treated as a doll. Stay there, sit there, give me son, be pretty. Notice how Eris could speak up to the crown prince but can't to the emperor. She just bowed her head when the emperor told her not to be jealous. That's outright disrespect for Eris. But she remained silent. That's it is for Helena. But because she's in the lowest class, well she could only bow her head and either apologize or just shut up to everyone.

    Lolikiano June 20, 2021 7:02 pm
    Helena DOESN'T actually LIKE or LOVE the cp. That bish ( CP) is just going around abusing authority as well as his mother (the Queen). If you've read Chap. 24, there is an explanation for why she doesn't refuse... EunJae

    I 100% agree you basically summed up everything that was needed to be said

    EunJae June 20, 2021 8:04 pm
    Also a possibility bust considering how close they are, there should be at least another form of love for her to be blinded. Ziquex

    Nope I don't think she likes him the least bit even as a person. If you see, most if the time Helena just goes along with the cp's whimsicals. She neither has a say nor does the cp asks her opinion. I think she just finds the cp as a guy with authority but no personality.

    Ziquex June 21, 2021 9:01 am
    correct him?!! how?!! why the fuck you think he cares what she thinks or feel?! are you blind to how he uses his power to order her around without giving a damn or just living in denial for victim-blaming?! I d... maychan

    From what I read, her "things she wants to do" isn't highlighted enough. Yes, she might be a victim, but again it doesn't justify her being blind. She has enough authority to change things the way it is since she can't have her job in the first place without skills. All I'm seeing as a character is someone naive and a pushover which doesn't suit her job at all. If she also wants to do her job, she won't be acting that close to the prince despite his pushing. She has a boring character and doesn't add anything to the story as of now.

    Ziquex June 21, 2021 9:13 am
    Helena DOESN'T actually LIKE or LOVE the cp. That bish ( CP) is just going around abusing authority as well as his mother (the Queen). If you've read Chap. 24, there is an explanation for why she doesn't refuse... EunJae

    Yes correct him, but like I said failing to do so. I dont get how every reply after this thinks that I think she would be successful on doing so. I'm complaining of the lack of character she has. I'm suggesting this changes in order to highlight the different mindset the protagonist has. Like I said the blonde girl is not adding anything in the story despite being talked about a lot. This still could have been a story without her since the prince is acting like that. Defending the protagonist that leads to backfiring is exactly why she should do it, BECAUSE IT ADDS STORY. I'm not criticizing the characters as humans, I'm criticizing them as characters thats suppose to add a story in the book. Despite all her "struggle" she isn't the main so all of that does not affect the story as much. Her wearing the clothes is like what I said to her being blind, she can still do that for all I care, I DIDNT COMPLAIN ABOUT THAT SCENE, In fact it's a good scene but it would be better if that "oppression" of woman is shown because it would highlight the difference of this world vs the protagonist world. Like I said, I'm not complaining her as a person, I'm complaining about her as a character in the book.

    Ziquex June 21, 2021 9:16 am
    Nope I don't think she likes him the least bit even as a person. If you see, most if the time Helena just goes along with the cp's whimsicals. She neither has a say nor does the cp asks her opinion. I think she... EunJae

    Again her feeling that doesn't add anything to her character. It leads to more reason on why she's useless in this story.

    Ziquex June 21, 2021 9:26 am
    Sadly, that's the real situations of women back then. That is why this is closer to reality in regards with how women get treated before. I also think that is how the author wants to appeal to the public. Maybe... Bbfujoghurl

    That's a nice interpretation!

    Bbfujoghurl June 21, 2021 10:54 am
    Yes correct him, but like I said failing to do so. I dont get how every reply after this thinks that I think she would be successful on doing so. I'm complaining of the lack of character she has. I'm suggesting... Ziquex

    I think, her characters is a good contrast to the Eris. With how the story is progressing, I think the author wants to emphasize what women can do. It's women power fighting shitty men and society.

    Helena, a women born and raised from that timeline. A woman, who despite being a fallen noble have "capable connection" but with real lowest class situation. I think her behavior now suits her background and situation. Her character is supposed to be helpless like how shitty the male leads are.

    Eris, a woman who transmigrated from modern world, clearly knows what her rights are supposed to be, "despite" being a woman in that era. She's bound to be different to Helena in that part because she came from the modern world. She saw with her own eyes that woman can do fantastic even without men. She's born where women have rights and everyone acknowledges those rights. Plus, she's an independent working woman in her world. Of course, she won't take shit from bastards who only knows how to whine like a useless thing they are. (Those 3 are undeniably useless pricks)

    It kinda makes sense why Helena can't speak up as you expect her to be because I bet she never saw a woman (or anyone) speaking up to anyone with higher authority than them. Thou, based on the spoiler, she'll soon get better after being more involved with Eris (in a way different than how it is now).

    Environment is always a big factor to one's behavior and character. That's why I think, the characters of 2 women are well-written. The magic, witches and transmigration are not real but the characters behavior are closer to reality during those era. (I'm not saying all woman are helpless during those time, she's just one of those)

    The author didn't want the 2 main females hating each other. She/he wants them to realize helping each other and hating mls together would be a greater help. (Yes, let's all hate those 3)

    All of that is what makes this story different from any transmigration story. The helpless og fl. The shitty mls (except anakin), and a determined fl. All of it adds to the story.

    Bbfujoghurl June 21, 2021 10:54 am
    That's a nice interpretation! Ziquex

    Thank you

    Bbfujoghurl June 21, 2021 10:56 am
    I think, her characters is a good contrast to the Eris. With how the story is progressing, I think the author wants to emphasize what women can do. It's women power fighting shitty men and society. Helena, a wo... Bbfujoghurl

    Sorry. A lot of typo error.

    maychan June 21, 2021 11:24 am
    From what I read, her "things she wants to do" isn't highlighted enough. Yes, she might be a victim, but again it doesn't justify her being blind. She has enough authority to change things the way it is since s... Ziquex

    again I don't think they need to be "highlighted" just for you! it is enough since she isn't the main character. blind about what?!!! about she has no power in this and she can't say no to anything cause he is a prince with power?!! ok ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I think you the one who blind to the society she is in.
    dude what authority?!!! what the fuck are you talking about?!!! she has zero authority here!! she is a fucking commoner! if she go against the fucking prince they can kill her for treason!
    SHE CAN'T CHANGE SHIT!!! again the prince doesn't give a damn about what she thinks or feel, she is just a tool to him to feel good and that's it!
    the fact you even dare to say she can change something in a situation she can't change anything and have zero control or power over is called VICTIM BLAMING!
    she didn't act close to the prince, THE PRINCE was the one who forces her to be with him at all the time without asking her!!
    you do the same as people blaming rape victims that their boss rapes them - they could have to do something different if they didn't want to be rape or be fired. and this case dies for treason. how dare they stay there cause they want to work!!
    STOP VICTIM BLAMING!! it disgusting!

    Ziquex June 21, 2021 1:43 pm
    again I don't think they need to be "highlighted" just for you! it is enough since she isn't the main character. blind about what?!!! about she has no power in this and she can't say no to anything cause he is ... maychan

    I'm not forcing them to change just for me. I'm not even blaming her for her actions. I'm simply saying, again as A CHARACTER SHE IS BORING. how the hell did that message didnt show up. I'm simply making a criticism on how I interpreted where the story is going. There was a reply above voicing their interpretation on how this two characters contrast each other as woman in this society, they respectfully commented their interpretation that contrast mine without being rude. I even replied that it was a nice interpretation. It really hurts that your assuming me as someone that blames a victim even going to the extent as comparing it to rape. I dont know how my words is getting so twisted when I repeated several times that IM NOT BLAMING HER AS A HUMAN BUT AS AN IMPORTANT CHARACTER IN A BOOK. I didnt even glorify that the prince's action is justified. She has authority because she is close to the prince, they have been childhood friends for a long time yet she can't see how much he adores her and how she could use that to voice her opinion. Though if she does she's it she stays silent due to her place in society but again that doesn't justify how she's a bystander and in my eyes, a boring character. Its exactly why I'm saying she's naive because as someone who got a job in the palace, you gotta have at least enough intelligence to notice that yet she's not getting it or is silence about it. Which from the chapters we've seen so far, doesn't create the storyline im picturing this story would go to. I can completely see that the prince is shit, I dont get why you think I'm siding with him.

    Ziquex June 21, 2021 1:45 pm
    I think, her characters is a good contrast to the Eris. With how the story is progressing, I think the author wants to emphasize what women can do. It's women power fighting shitty men and society. Helena, a wo... Bbfujoghurl

    thanks for being the few who's responding respectfully despite our differences in our interpretation. I thought I had enough English vocabulary in order to voice my opinion but it seems like a lot of people are missing my criticism.

    maychan June 21, 2021 2:00 pm
    I'm not forcing them to change just for me. I'm not even blaming her for her actions. I'm simply saying, again as A CHARACTER SHE IS BORING. how the hell did that message didnt show up. I'm simply making a crit... Ziquex

    here what you said in your comment - "Yes, she might be a victim, but again it doesn't justify her being blind. She has enough authority to change things the way it is since she can't have her job in the first place without skills. All I'm seeing as a character is someone naive and a pushover which doesn't suit her job"

    and here what I said in my comment - "about she has no power in this and she can't say no to anything cause he is a prince with power?!! ok ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I think you the one who blind to the society she is in. dude what authority?!!! what the fuck are you talking about?!!! she has zero authority here!! she is a fucking commoner! if she go against the fucking prince they can kill her for treason! SHE CAN'T CHANGE SHIT!!! again the prince doesn't give a damn about what she thinks or feel, she is just a tool to him to feel good and that's it!"

    you said she can change things and that she has enough authority while ignoring the fact she is a commoner! commenters have no power in this society and he is the fucking crown prince! and she does not need to prove anything to be important in this story! she add enough to the story as a character by giving a variety of different women that act differently to things and there is nothing wrong with that.

    the fact is you ignore that the prince uses her as a tool, does not give a damn about her feelings as a human being, and uses his power to control her KNOWING he can is already too much for me to say anything! I really don't get how you think she can, by any means, change or do anything to change this man that uses her as a tool and won't listen to a thing she said, despite the story prove to us time and time again he DOES NOT give a damn about her and only think about himself! it just feels like you support him in a way cause you say she can change him, despite she CAN'T! she in a position she can't even say no to things she does not want to do when he order her around.

    Ziquex June 21, 2021 2:38 pm
    here what you said in your comment - "Yes, she might be a victim, but again it doesn't justify her being blind. She has enough authority to change things the way it is since she can't have her job in the first ... maychan

    Dude wth are you on about. I didnt ignore that prince's power on her. IM NOT ASKING HER TO CHANGE THE PRINCE, I'm asking her to DO SOMETHING, I even said about her FAILING TO DO SO and making things worse. ?@?#&×??? Like I said from what (I) read she is not adding anything to the story. from what (I) interpreted she is not interesting enough as a important character. How the hell are you twisting my words. I have said so many times that (I) judge the people in this book as CHARACTERS not HUMANS. I have said I get how the prince has the power and how he's shit. But again that doesn't justify her being a boring character in (MY) interpretation of how the story is going. Yes she has enough authority like I said and I quote myself "She has authority because she is close to the prince, they have been childhood friends for a long time yet she can't see how much he adores her and how she could use that to voice her opinion. Though if she does she's it she stays silent due to her place in society but again that doesn't justify how she's a bystander and in my eyes, a boring character. Its exactly why I'm saying she's naive because as someone who got a job in the palace, you gotta have at least enough intelligence to notice that yet she's not getting it or is silence about it. Which from the chapters we've seen so far, doesn't create the storyline im picturing this story would go to" dude did you even read my reply. Did you even address how you assumed I'm victim blaming and even going as far as comparing it to blaming those who get rape. I dont know why you're trying to make is seem like my words are targeted to make the blonde girl the bad guy when I'm clearly not doing it. She is a bystander, the prince is a manipulator, fucking characters has flaws and unfortunately hers is not good enough for me to think her character is useful. Yes you can have your opinion that she adds things to the story, I'm not restricting you to do but that doesn't give you a right to bring my opinion down as well as assuming that I'm someone who doesn't have morals and victim blaming. Your coming of really as if you're opinion on how the story goes is the only thing correct. The things I have been replying to people is to explain how I think certain things should be change, how the words you twisted isn't what i implied and my reasoning for it and by the way you guys are replying (insulting me, bringing my opinion down) I've been fucking respectful.

    maychan June 21, 2021 2:59 pm
    Dude wth are you on about. I didnt ignore that prince's power on her. IM NOT ASKING HER TO CHANGE THE PRINCE, I'm asking her to DO SOMETHING, I even said about her FAILING TO DO SO and making things worse. ?@?#... Ziquex

    "She has authority because she is close to the prince" you said she is close and I say she is not! a tool does not count as being close. a tool is just a tool and here is where you keep trying to justify yourself.
    and I don't really mind if you think she is boring or not, it is your taste and you can think what you want about her character. what really annoys me is you keep saying she has the power to change anything or do anything in a society control by the prince and the king you can't do anything without their permission and their will!! even the FL in the same boat as her and do the same as her and yet you blame her for doing nothing against the king now, do you!?
    while the story himself shows us - Helena CAN'T do anything in her situation even if she is suffering and want it to stop! she just can't cause no matter what she will do the prince will keep trying to control her and order her around!
    and no matter what skills she has, the prince will come and ruin all her chances to get into anything or do anything! this is why she is a victim! if you can't admit when you are wrong, then it is your problem! not the story or character problem!
    as for her being naive, I don't expect a girl that grows up like her to be Independent and strong out of nowhere. life DON'T WORK this way! and why would she cares about the crown prince she feels nothing for? he does not want anything to do with politics or him in the first place, so why should she care?

    maychan June 21, 2021 3:03 pm
    "She has authority because she is close to the prince" you said she is close and I say she is not! a tool does not count as being close. a tool is just a tool and here is where you keep trying to justify yourse... maychan

    * and yet you don't blame FL

    Ziquex June 21, 2021 3:38 pm
    "She has authority because she is close to the prince" you said she is close and I say she is not! a tool does not count as being close. a tool is just a tool and here is where you keep trying to justify yourse... maychan

    I've explained why she has power and why does my message still not going through, "she's close to him yet she can't see how much he adores her and how she could use that to voice her opinion." Yes he probably won't listen which I have addressed and even said she probably won't succeed. I said it many time SHE WILL FAIL TO DO SO, I'm implying that she can change because on how the prince is so in love by her it will give her the impression that she can, she has enough knowledge to turn that into manipulation. There are many cases where girls in this society have done it despite not being a noble. That's what I wanted her to do because in my case, that's more compelling. How hard is it to miss me saying FAILING TO SO, NOT SUCCEEDING in her attempt to change him. If she is being oppress by her title as a commoner, she would more likely act as not getting close to the prince despite his intend to do so because she has the mindset of a commoner but no she is acting naive. I've also said that I know she's a victim but like I said it doesn't justify her actions to being a bystander. Voicing out her opinion or in this case the act of changing doesn't just come from being independent or strong, they're building Helena as someone "kind" she would do it out of being "kind". I also don't get that I'm wrong part. I know she's the victim, I know the reason, I know her place in society and all im doing is criticizing her character which means I won't considering most of her past events since that's part of they built her character which I'm not satisfied with. They can still keep the prince's abuse for all I care but I want her to voice out. Right now she doesn't have the authority to change him because her character is more portrayed as naive and oppressed while I suggest a character that's kind and still be oppressed. How hard is that to understand w!&@;#>×[, you keep bringing in points of how I think she can actually change him without looking at the part of me saying she won't succeed and say that what I think Helena can change him period, where the hell did my rest of my opinion go? Did I just address the point you were trying to point out from the start?

    Ziquex June 21, 2021 3:48 pm
    * and yet you don't blame FL maychan

    By FL you mean protagonist, I dont blame her because she's not acting naive, she's doing things that I think will progress the story in my interpretation of how the story is gonna progress. All my reasons for hating Helena all comes down to her being a compelling enough of an important character so you can't exactly ignore my opinion about it since I'm building my criticism around it. Also I won't be replying anymore since despite my efforts on trying to explain my criticism several times, you seem to keep trying to place me as someone wrong and keep twisting my words. I dont have enough mental power to keep repeating words you missed and keep feeling unwanted due to your accusations of me being victim blamer and correcting my own interpretation that can't be corrected since its my own. Now before I have the urge to kill myself due to feeling like my words are silent and that I dont matter, I'll leave it at that since its all I have to say.

    maychan June 21, 2021 3:51 pm
    I've explained why she has power and why does my message still not going through, "she's close to him yet she can't see how much he adores her and how she could use that to voice her opinion." Yes he probably w... Ziquex

    so you basically saying she will fail but she does have power? how is that critic even work?! if she has power, then she has power! if she fails and can die cause she said something she should not how is that her heaving power, and can do anything if she is doomed to fail from the start?!
    in other words, you mostly just contradicting yourself about everything while keep claiming she can "do" something. and when I ask what you say "oh but she will fail anyway so.." how is that even critic at this point or make sense?!
    from one side you want her to "change because on how the prince is so in love by her it will give her the impression that she can, she has enough knowledge to turn that into manipulation."
    but from the other side you say she should stay kind cause she is a kind character.
    "she doesn't have the authority to change him because her character is more portrayed as naive and oppressed while I suggest a character that's kind and still be oppressed. " I'm not even going to talk about how you contradicting yourself on this one. if you are oppressed it does not make you kind or naive! it just makes you a victim that it isn't her fault at all! and should not be from the start.
    then you say " I want her to voice out" but she can't!! that the point - she is oppressed by the prince, his bitch mother, and her own fucking mother!! Literally she has no friends or family to support her like FL does!

    Bbfujoghurl June 21, 2021 5:45 pm
    thanks for being the few who's responding respectfully despite our differences in our interpretation. I thought I had enough English vocabulary in order to voice my opinion but it seems like a lot of people are... Ziquex

    Thank you, too. It's fine having different interpretations and opinion. It's normal. We don't have same minds and lives.There's no need to disrespect someone who doesn't agree with ours. I believe in healthy argument. Voice out without disrespecting anyone guys. It's okay to prove your point but insulting just makes everything you said blurry. It would just trigger negative feelings.

Ziquex June 18, 2021 9:56 pm

So frustrating, they don't even think her situation. If the blonde girl is the one promoted then most likely the funds for everything would go down and things like quality would be deteriorate.

    jo5y June 19, 2021 1:47 pm

    Yeah that's true but it's not really thier problem and not thier place to interfere with her problem. And the white hair dude cant just get married because she doesnt want her sister to be promoted. Please understand the other side too

    Ziquex June 20, 2021 5:15 pm
    Yeah that's true but it's not really thier problem and not thier place to interfere with her problem. And the white hair dude cant just get married because she doesnt want her sister to be promoted. Please unde... jo5y

    it is their problem because they're the church, they would want to keep the economy growing and most of their stuff are produce by the protagonist's family. Its easy to get info that the blonde girl is incompetent so they should be supporting the protagonist.

    jo5y June 20, 2021 6:57 pm
    it is their problem because they're the church, they would want to keep the economy growing and most of their stuff are produce by the protagonist's family. Its easy to get info that the blonde girl is incompet... Ziquex

    Hmmm... honey no.....its not thier problem. I assure you they can find another family to lietch of off. If the blonde girl become heir it wont affect them in anyway. They would still be getting the support and the blonde girl knows better than to not support them. Just becuase they are the " cruch " and are supposed to be good doesnt mean they have to care. For them it doesnt affect them in anyway so therefore isnt any of thier busniess

    Ziquex June 21, 2021 8:57 am
    Hmmm... honey no.....its not thier problem. I assure you they can find another family to lietch of off. If the blonde girl become heir it wont affect them in anyway. They would still be getting the support and ... jo5y

    If there was another family, there would have done it by now. Considering their reaction to her showing up just show how much of an important figure their family is. The blonde girl have hurt people in the past for nothing, she would do the same thing despite them having some kind of title since its her personality. It does affect the church.

    jo5y June 21, 2021 10:08 am
    If there was another family, there would have done it by now. Considering their reaction to her showing up just show how much of an important figure their family is. The blonde girl have hurt people in the past... Ziquex

    Ofc they would be shocked if she just showed up. Why would she from a great family want to join the cruch. Who wouldnt be shocked. And who would they get another family support if this one is already going well for them and there isnt any problems yet. If she doesnt hurt people then the cruch would just cut ties with her and look for any families support. It's not that hard. They will help if they want to but it's not a MUST for them

    Ziquex June 21, 2021 1:21 pm
    Ofc they would be shocked if she just showed up. Why would she from a great family want to join the cruch. Who wouldnt be shocked. And who would they get another family support if this one is already going well... jo5y

    Yes they were shocked but that's not the reaction I was pointing out. Its the fact they easily got peer pressured into letting her in despite not having an appointment. They have also highlighted that she is an "evil" girl even the old lady said its a blessing since they have a chance to purify her. This just means that their family doesn't really go well with the church but despite that, the church is still getting support from them and dare not to offend them as much. The other girl who's 'punishing' the protagonist is only able to act because they're in their territory and they can sense that the protagonist needs something from them.

    jo5y June 22, 2021 6:18 am
    Yes they were shocked but that's not the reaction I was pointing out. Its the fact they easily got peer pressured into letting her in despite not having an appointment. They have also highlighted that she is an... Ziquex

    Hmhp u really think its thier problem? Fine then go ahead. U gave good reasons but it's still not enough for them to just give away anyone so she could be their remember alot of pwople want to find love then marry not everyone would marry a high class person because not everyone is hanbury for money. U said is frustrating that they arent considering her? Maybe I didnt read or I skipped but if I remember the only person she told was to the holy night. And even if he feels sorry towards her he cant just marry her cause like I said not everyone is hungry for power

    Ziquex June 22, 2021 6:36 am
    Hmhp u really think its thier problem? Fine then go ahead. U gave good reasons but it's still not enough for them to just give away anyone so she could be their remember alot of pwople want to find love then ma... jo5y

    But the setting is literally a time where people marry for money so I'm going off in that mindset. They literally get married young to people they don't know. Yes she only told the holy knight but then they have to have some kind of thinking of why the protagonist is going in this route. Their treating her right of the bat as someone who doesn't deserve to voice her situation. I'm not asking the knight to marry her, I said they didn't thing of her situation. Which they didn't, considering they're a church, assuming that someone has evil intentions right off that bat shows how lacking they are. As a church they should be helping people and being open minded in situations, they should care because that's what their belief is suppose to be.

    jo5y June 22, 2021 9:05 am
    But the setting is literally a time where people marry for money so I'm going off in that mindset. They literally get married young to people they don't know. Yes she only told the holy knight but then they hav... Ziquex

    I was thinking why couldn't she go else where to find a husband and that person could also have a good status then I rialeased if she married someone from the church who is a I guess u can say a disciple of GOD then it would secure her position. Ur right but if they dont want to help her there eis nothing she can do

Ziquex June 18, 2021 5:39 am

I really like this. I can't go to a therapist because people around me are thinking its temporary for me to feel depressed. Despite being one of the few people who are open quick on mental health, I haven't been diagnosed so I have this feeling of being an alien since I can't put a label on my illness. By my self diagnosed, I think I have OCD which leads to me having depression.

Ziquex June 16, 2021 7:54 am

I think in gonna drop this. I made a comment a while ago about the perspective reverting back to a child and thought it won't go this extreme but I jinxed myself and here we are. Another manga ruined. I wish if author wants them to act like a child then get children isekai not full on adults. You can even isekai innocent teenager but noooooo.

    potato June 16, 2021 10:15 am

    If it helps I always think of it as the bodies fault. You know when we’re younger our brains are no where near developed as when we’re older especially adults. Same thing with teenagers. So I feel like it’s realistic. At least I like to reason it like that.

    Ziquex June 18, 2021 4:55 am
    If it helps I always think of it as the bodies fault. You know when we’re younger our brains are no where near developed as when we’re older especially adults. Same thing with teenagers. So I feel like it�... potato

    I'm a film student so most of the times my mind goes to plot, the only exception is when its gay because I'm gay and for the love of God, there is not enough gay medium so I let it go. But isekai is popular yet no one seems to get it right.

Ziquex June 13, 2021 7:57 pm

I wish they address why adult reincarnation to a child acts like a child. There's this novel called Life, Once Again and it explains well that his perspective is slowing reverting back to the age he reincarnated. Cause most of the time I just look at the characters and think wth are they acting like that despite being experienced.

    Miku June 14, 2021 2:28 am

    THATS WHAT I FEEL TOO!!! A particularly popular one I hate is Daughter of the Emperor, she should be mentally like 40 or something and she still acts like a spoiled 11 year old. They just act so childish for being so aware since the day they were born.

    TwistedCupid June 14, 2021 2:44 am
    THATS WHAT I FEEL TOO!!! A particularly popular one I hate is Daughter of the Emperor, she should be mentally like 40 or something and she still acts like a spoiled 11 year old. They just act so childish for be... Miku

    Well I wonder why some 40-year-olds act like they're teenagers irl

    Ziquex June 14, 2021 2:59 am
    Well I wonder why some 40-year-olds act like they're teenagers irl TwistedCupid

    Most people that are like that have been like that since where in reincarnation story, they suddenly change their perspective. Its not the same

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