It's free up until chapter 3...ah this reminds me so much of semantic error. Really happy this is yaoi because bruh...I can already imagine how hot their reunion sex is gonna be hahaha

Ok so far.... it looks like the first job the uke got after the orphanage was in the prison where the seme was being "tortured" (from the spoilers in the comments) actually I was beginning the seme was a ghost and it was actually his body in the room like something about the uke saying being a ghost-writer made me think "oh he met an actual ghost" but then idk. Other people can see him like the people in the restaurant, unless it was the uke going all fight-club delusional there. This is really interesting...I like the mysterious element and the seme is really weird but cute. Idk why the uke is being a dick to him even after he is helping him GET A ROOF over this head, like be decent and say thank you??? I like this story so far

I dont get why people are mad...dont they understand nakyum literally lied and confirmed to seungho earlier that he HAD run away, unlike the readers, seungho thinks for certain that he was made a joke of...he became vulnerable, told him his feelings, and then got stabbed in the back. I'm very disappointed by the author trampling his character development before he even had a chance to let it grow....and as for nakyum, he's the most pathetic whiny uke character I've ever seen. He's a liar, he's a coward, and he has no brain at all. I'm thoroughly disappointed in this series. It seems to go in circles....even after 60+ chapters thers is no significant chatacter development, and all side-characters have been forgotten. The whole build up of the kidnapping thing fizzled out in just 2 chapters so what was the whole fucking point of even the assassin character???? I dont care much for the smut here because it is like in EVERY chapter and for no reason did Mr. Kim enter that shack...???? He would wait outside and ask seungho and he just barged in???? So damn illogical. Disappointing. And the fans in the comments ars so dumb and pathetic too...seungho is a complicated character, nobody remembers his backstory or the reasons why he acts so impulsively and why he is going out of control this instant???? Fucking stop reading it if you cany put 2 and 2 together

Nakyum is boring af character BUT HE HAS BEEN JUST ABDUCTED AND THREATENED WITH DEATH. Through the whole story he faced only abuse and rape. He is traumatized. He was threatened with death. What do you want from that guy. Even if he ran away on his own would it be even so shocking? He should fall in love because of few scraps of affection of the lord (and the rest was abuse, imprisonment against will and rapes).
Lmfao sad backstory which we don't even know in details (beacuse author prefers rape scenes above plot) is no justification or excuse. He is horrible man and sad backstory doesn't change that.

I'm with you on the abuse and rape part - but that was at the beginning, I'd say after jung inhun called him a whore, all sex after that was pretty consensual - so much so that seungho was suspicious at his behaviour and asked about this change where he wasn't fighting him anymore. It was Nakyum who said he liked him because he liked getting fucked by him. Seungho realized he was having one-sided feelings and tried to distance himself - failing miserably at it. The sex they had before he got "kidnapped" was more than consensual , they both wanted to do it. Nakyum was catching up to his own feelings, whereas Seungho just went full on direct and confessed. People hating on Seungho's chatacter is so illogical - they ignore everything his character has done except the initial rape scenes. He's not a one-dimensional boring character like nakyum. If you wanna hate him, go ahead, but people shouldn't do it so blindly and illogically. Personally I blame the poor writing of the author than the characters but meh.

Also, it wasn't the fact that he RAN AWAY. He has done it a lot of times before but seungho is mad that he thought he did it right after he confessed his feelings and NOT TO MENTION TGE CONSENSUAL SEX THEY HAD WHICH NAKYUM WAS MORE THAN GAME FOR. He realized nakyum liked him because he said he was waiting for him to go back to home with him, as opposed to when he was running away constantly because he considered it a prison of sorts. Seungho wanted to want to be with on his own accord, and finally Nakyum showed that sign to him ACCORDING to him. I dont understand how people can easily Nakyum'@ "trauma" and be all empathetic but disregard that shit completely when it's the same backstory of Seungho. such hypocrites. I dont think people are trying to even understand anything other than "rape" and "trauma" even when it isn't there.

Most of the sex scenes are at least dub-con and other are clear rape scenes. Like this one. He wanted even to gangrape NK but stopped because of JEALOUSY. He has feelings for NK (god knows why) but he hurts him and objectives him over and over again. Let's not start with slamming his head into the ground. Or beating, imprisonment against will in the first place.
I like dark characters but I don't find Seungho so interesting and complicated as many make him be. He is your typical, abusive, rich, elite seme with traumatic past. Nothing refreshing about him tbh. He doesn't respect anyone. He doesn't respect Mr Kim who is one of few who actually cares about him or his younger brother.
And NK is a victim without much choice as a lowborn. He faces mostly abuse through everyone beside him, especially SH now, but even other servants (minus Kim) are against him. He is rather boring, without much personality character.

Why are you looking at this novel through moralistic lens???? you're acting like this manhwa was all fluff and rainbows from the start???? It's ok to hate the character, who said you couldn't? My problem is people acting like Seungho's character is that black and white when it isn't. Nakyum might be "innocent" but he certainly isn't blame-free, at least in this scene. Seungho's reaction is so typical of him but nakyum downright lying and not to mention, he HAS been actively on his OWN will having sex with seungho continuously ever since inhun called him a whore. Their sex has been consensual for a while and readers choose to ignore that because they just wanna water down any sort of plot development beyond the black and white rape scenes in this manhwa

NK literally hurt Seungho's feelings by running away ACCORDING TO seungho. He is lashing out because of that. It might not be justified and is even stupid, but it is UNDERSTANDABLE. People acting like he's doing it out of the fucking blue???? HE asked NK why he ran away, and this IDIOT lied. He was kidnapped for like one night????? Even half a night???? What trauma??? They didn't even beat him up???? Nothing. So please. Him being an idiotiv dumbfuck here infuriates me as much as it does for seungho tbh

*YAWN* this same bs analysis again... you see NK as a victim so easily just because he is a uke but you refuse to see how seungho is a victim, even more so than NK is, but we haven't seen yet. The hypocrisy of Nakyum fans is soooooo hilarious. This boy CHOSE to act like a prostitute on his OWN, when seungho went TOO far with him and caused him to be sick, he didn't touch him until NAKYUM ASKED HIM TO HAVE SEX WITH HIM. Brooooooooo you're so biased I can't even. Please read the story again and tell me how much of a victim nakyum is...he been knew what he is getting into since a while. Also Seungho lashing out here is understandable, at least to me. Even if it's exasperating and humiliating to witness. I can see why he's acting and it's not because he doesn't care nakyum is hurt, but because right now all he can feel is betrayal. Complete and utter betrayal.

My god you are dense. They are both the victims. No one would complain if Seungho would get revenge on his abusers meanwhile he is hurting INNOCENT PEOPLE, who didn't do shit wrong.
Lmfao understand NK is lowborn, he doesn't have much choice. He was imprisoned there and he was broken after Inhun's words and whole abuse. He is also most likely younger than Seungjo by about 01 years.
He was abused and raped by Seungho. My fuckin god you are the one who is biased in your delulu that abuser can do whatever they want because they were hurt which is pure absurd. NK was Imprisoned against his will and then broken by Inhun and Seungho. He was mistreated, he was raped, he was beat.
He knew what he is getting into? He was fuckin forced to live with Seungho.
NK should be nice to Seungho because he gave him scraps of affection when most of it was mistreatment? He even wanted to gangrape him but stopped once again I will repeat because of jealousy. Boho he was hurt by NK. I have tears in my eyes. He treated NK like shit through majority of the story and he was hurt. What a betrayal that the guy who treated like shit doesn't have mutual feelings for him and would want to escape him. He treats someone he is supposed to love like piece of shit. Will he he hurt and mistreat NK every time he will go against his will? Please.
Wake up for real.

He was threaned with death. He didn't say anything because he was scared. Stop portraying it as if it was on a whim because NK is bored. He has been just abducted and the kidnapper describes horrible ways how he would hurt him, kill him. Everyone would be TRAUMATISED freshly after that. You are victim blaming. And he was strangled so like???

Moralistic lenses. How? I find this story poorly written and boring at at this point. I'm calling rapist and abuser what he is. It's not moralistic. It's a fact. He is not one dimensional but I don't find him as intersting as you do. We've seen plenty of Seunghos in BL world.
Once again you are victim blaming. Even if NK escaped for real then what? SH actions are reasonable? No. They are not.

Brooo you're not getting what I'm saying at all. I'm talking about how majority of the readers are watering down the story and characters to rape and whatever. Granted it was initially that way, imprisonment sure. I'm not excusing any of Seungho's behaviour, if you read what I said, I clearly mentioned what he is doing ACCORDING TO HIM is justified. People ignore Seungho's trauma and "victim"hood if you will, and just colour him as a one-dimensional "rapist" which he has been granted. Not defending his character here but just addressing he isn't doing it without reason. THE AUTHOR has shed SOME light on the reasons, and the reasons which might guide you to think he shouldn't "get ahead"of himself clearly ignore what his character is actually about in the first place. Emotions and stuff dont come easy to him, people making it seem like Nakyum is faultless and innocent is so funny maybe at the start he was like that, but I think it's been almost 20+ chapters where he BY HIS OWN accord engaged in sexual activities with Seungho so much so that Seungho was SUSPICIOUS of him for being like that. He has initiated sex too, not out of some victimhood or rape fetish, he LIKES doing it. He was a virgin before so of it might be that is why too. But in their love scene before he was kidnapped, he very much wanted to do it, and after it was done, he himself realized Seungho might have actual feelings for him. How he cleaned him up etc. His standards are low for affection but that's how this story is -two fucked up people finding some sort of happy ending, which at this point I dont care for. The pacing of this story is terrible and the character development the author just crushed so pointlessly is disappointing. I dont care for nakyum or seungho at this point. But I clearly see why he's acting like this even though I dont condone it. People acting fuckibg losing their minds over obvious shit

He did not escape??? He was kidnapped. He said here he doesn't want to leave him even after he was having this done to him. Stockholders syndrome added to the n number fo trauma he has this whole is so stupid. The author really dropped the ball with this kidnapping arc by ending it so anti-climatically. He has raped and abused true af - but he hasn't done just ALL that. Reminding people that seungho isn't a one-dimensional character is apparently justifying his actions ok then

He lied before about him liking seungho because he likes having sex with him (since it's just two naked bodies) that's why seungho is doing this to him now (ACCORDING TO HIM) that's why he said "you were right. We're just two naked bodies and we dont need to be anything more"
People FORGET him initiating their sexual activities after inhun left was making seungho believe he was into it and when he asked why he was being so pro-active he said "because being fucked by you feels good" so he's just gonna give it to him now.
Lying by omission -"I'm sorry" clearly means "I'm sorry for running away" in the context seungho had asked him that question. He didn't give any excuse, just I'm sorry. Who would believe someone was kidnapped just for half a night or even just a few hours??? And then left???? Who would believe such nonsense???? Nakyum admitted it. And seungho will probably regret this later on but whatever.

Also you said every scene in this story was rape? No one. But there were rape scenes. The two last chapters are fresh example. And even in consensual scenes SH was often cruel. When NK was crying that he wants to stop, he doesn't like it, SH continued. Like in for example ch49. You are acting as if NK owned something to Seungho because he didn't scream bloody murder every time they had sex. SH can think whatever he wants, his mind is subjective but we as readers can judge situation objectively. Even if NK escaped after his confession, he has all the right to do so. He is not obligated to feel anything for SH and if SH can lush and hurt someone he supposedly love then....
He was even disrespectful to the man who genuinely cares about him, Mr Kim. Smh

I never said that every scene was rape that's what majority of readers think. I think the there were a couple of times in the first part of the story but once inhun called him a whore, almost all the sex scenes they had since then were consensual, even initiated by nakyum (reasons for them were whatever idc)
This whole recent sex scene is deplorable no doubt but they've had consensual sex sooooo
I'm not going to pretend they weren't just to go with the narrative that everything in this manhwa has been rape and nothing else. Seungho isn't an angel and this ain't a fluffy bl. I find his character quite interesting and this whole kidnapping arc is sooooo disappointing you have no idea. I find him much better to read about than nakyum's whiny dumb character even though I don't condone Seungho's actions. You know why? BECAUSE HE IS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER. I am interested in his back-story and even in this appaling scene, I am interested how this will change him in whichever way. He's gonna pull back for real - no kissing nakyum anymore

You are mixing two things. Both of them are victims. Bravo yes they are. But being a victim doesn't excuse shit. NK is not actively abusing anyone , SH is. His past, experiences shaped him. Yes that's true. Still his choices are his own. And he chose to abuse, rape and imprisone NK. It doesn't change he is abuser and rapist and I'd never ship rapist and abuser with his victim. It's an unbelievable and poorly written aburdic "romance".

Yes they ARE both victims. Most readers don't get that. Apparently reminding them of this fact is defending him they're FICTIONAL characters. Personally I don't think shipping fictional characters have to go through such moral screening tests but suit yourself. I'm more interested in the story than their "romance"if there is any..bad examples of relationships teach us just as much as "good and healthy" relationships. So this story is interesting in that way too.

YES both of them are victims but most people dont remember that. This manhwa isn't aiming for promoting a "healthy" relationship I think. But I think there's just as much to learn from examples of bad and toxic relationship than there is to learn from "good and healthy" relationships which also has been written quite a lot. Unrealistically so. GOOD OR BAD - this is what FICTIONAL stories are about. Shipping fictional people, personally for me, isn't something I do through "moral filtering" - I dont care how fucked up a character is as long as they have reasons for it and they somehow manage to do a character development to either accept or evolve from it. That's why stories like this are interesting. Imperfect characters are interesting - fucked up imperfect characters. Liking them doesn't mean you're condoning them. Personal opinion. This whole shitty situation is sooo disappointing.

Of course it wouldn't be reasonable nothing about this is reasonable. But we have to assume it would be reasonable for seungho because well, all he's feeling rn is utter betrayal and being made a fool of... to us it isn't reasonable, but I think I can see why he's acting so out of control it isn't surprising.

He should say "he's my BOYFRIEND, dad. Not my friend." Just to get another side of his face swollen
I'm surprisingly liking the uke here unlike where in every other yaoi/shounen-ai where the uke is always crying and whining while indulging in the bad behaviour of the seme and pretending to be all innocent.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "if I die in your hands, I'll accept it" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sorry white haired seme, but he's the one for me. If he dies from uke's hands and if he's smiling, I'll fuckinh cry until I choke on my tears