Haruna March 11, 2021 11:18 am

Seriously??? Is Jeanette really that STUPID??? IT'S A MISUNDERSTANDING??? GIRL, ATHY AND CLAUDE COULD BE EXECUTED IF THE BLACK MAGIC CLAIMS WERE TRUE WHICH BTW THEY AREN'T BUT LIKE YOUR DAD IS OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO GET THEM KILLED??? A MISUNDERSTANDING??? WHAT??? IT'S A MISUNDERSTANDING THAT YOUR DAD ACCUSED CLAUDE OF USING BLACK MAGIC AND THAT HE SHOULD RULE INSTEAD??? ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB??? WHERE DID YOUR BRAIN GO??? Istg, and she's mad that Athy isn't telling her the truth? To begin with, Athy and HER dad's conditions is none of your business and you have no right to pry into your uncle's life. Secondly, you're with the guy who's trying to take Athy and Claude down so what makes you think she'll willingly give information that your stupid ass self could easily reveal to the enemy??? Whether accidental or not, there have been numerous times where you should've kept your mout shut but didn't. Seriously, this stupid shit ass girl is giving me a fucking migraine.

Haruna March 7, 2021 11:28 am

I seriously hope Doojoon fires her and Heewon doesn't stop him. I know firing her will make her life hard but that damn bitch deserves it. She could've killed the baby so making her live a miserable life doesn't seem so bad considering how she almost became a murderer... I really do hope Heewon allows Doojoon to do his thing because despite how harsh the punishment would be, that ugly ass woman needs to learn not to take things so lightly. Again, she could've killed a child who did nothing wrong. I'm sure Heewon would know that doing something which could endanger her child is crossing the line and that line is very obvious.

Haruna February 23, 2021 12:29 pm


Haruna February 23, 2021 11:31 am

Cain is a no for me... Yahwi is also a no for me... Join needs to be an independent MAN! Yahwi, I'm sure he has character development along the way but until then he can suck his own dick for all I care... Just get him away from Jooin. Cain, I love how nice he's being to Jooin but why? What's his intention? He has a dual personality and if Jooin didn't resemble this so called person he's always wanted to meet, I have no doubt in my mind that Cain would have treated Jooin like shit. So my question is, is Jooin a replacement for someone in Cain's heart? I can't get rid of that feeling... So he's also a no unless he gets some sort of character development too. And Jooin... Yeah, I hate him and I love him. I hate him for being so blind and hurting himself all this while. I don't get it... I guess love really does make you blind. I love Jooin for giving himself a chance to heal. Now that he knows what he should do, I hope he finds peace with himself. I'm sure he does not feel great whatsoever about hurting himself...

    Hoe February 23, 2021 11:38 am

    "i love how his being nice to jooin but why?" "whats his intentions?" Well maybe bc he likes jooin?? "He has a dual personality and if Jooin didn't resemble this so called person he's always wanted to meet, I have no doubt in my mind that Cain would have treated Jooin like shit." "Is jooin a replacement for someone in cain's heart?" Why are you jumping so many conclusions..

    Haruna February 23, 2021 12:20 pm
    "i love how his being nice to jooin but why?" "whats his intentions?" Well maybe bc he likes jooin?? "He has a dual personality and if Jooin didn't resemble this so called person he's always wanted to meet, I h... Hoe

    I'm not jumping to conclusions. I didn't state anything. I was asking myself and you guys what to think about it bcs believe it or not, Cain approached Jooin bcs he resembled someone he knows. Try to recall that. Because if their relationship started off from that and from the fact that Cain is two faced, it's not a relationship built by trust but with lies and the like. That much is true and that is not me jumping to conclusions but a realistic thought. Now the questions I asked were meant to be connected to this one inevitable fact, tell me how I'm jumping to conclusions? Is it because I haven't heard from Cain's side? Well, we've all seen Yahwi's backstory but most of us feel indifferent to it and who's to say that Cain will be any different? Will we feel better about Cain because he showed a facade to Jooin? That would make us hypocrites unless you are one of those people who feel sorry for Yahwi(if you are, then that's totally fine too).

    nadia2swaggy February 23, 2021 1:50 pm

    oh my let me get my reading glasses

    Hoe February 23, 2021 3:00 pm
    I'm not jumping to conclusions. I didn't state anything. I was asking myself and you guys what to think about it bcs believe it or not, Cain approached Jooin bcs he resembled someone he knows. Try to recall tha... Haruna

    when did cain said jooin resembles someone he knows? If he actually did say that im sorry i dont remember it, rather than two face maybe bc he just likes jooin, he got mad at yahwi bc he hurted jooin, like a tsundere person, "it's not a relationship built by trust but with lies and the like" yea im 100% sure when jooin found out there relationship will go downhill and he'll prob have trust issues, there's really nothing wrong with cain in the raws, his very supportive, he just looks like he likes jooin very much, they have not yet showed his backround soooo and i dont feel bad for yahwi, sorry he's very guilt tripping

    Haruna February 24, 2021 12:43 am
    when did cain said jooin resembles someone he knows? If he actually did say that im sorry i dont remember it, rather than two face maybe bc he just likes jooin, he got mad at yahwi bc he hurted jooin, like a ts... Hoe

    He said that Jooin resembled someone he knew earlier on when they first met. And I bet he is supportive but that's only towards Jooin so I still stand by my words.

Haruna February 18, 2021 10:47 am

Is Yeonwoo blind on one eye? I can't tell if it's just me or if it was unintentional or what but one of Yeonwoo's eyes aren't the same colour blue as his other eye...

Haruna February 14, 2021 1:32 pm

I really don't know what to feel. Lou is just pure shit. I don't know what he's thinking but more than half the time, he's thinking about Ray when looking at Kile sexually. That's super messed up... Also, he's basically assaulting and kidnapping Kile. And Kile, I hope you get out safely and learn the truth whatever it may be.

Haruna February 14, 2021 12:27 pm

Uploader, thank you for the translations! If you read this, I suggest asking the translator to use a different font? I'm not saying it's necessary but it would be nice to have a neater font! But even if you guys don't change it, thank you for not dropping this despite all the hate comments!

    dannyistoogay February 14, 2021 12:47 pm

    i don't think they can because i'm pretty sure they said these are just the official tranlations reposted

    ciel February 14, 2021 1:08 pm

    someone stole these uploads, the translator didn’t upload this.

    Cherub February 14, 2021 1:22 pm
    i don't think they can because i'm pretty sure they said these are just the official tranlations reposted dannyistoogay

    Does that really like look the official translations to you?

    Miyuki February 14, 2021 1:51 pm
    i don't think they can because i'm pretty sure they said these are just the official tranlations reposted dannyistoogay

    it's not the official translation. The official translation is only up to chapter 25 ;-)

    dannyistoogay February 14, 2021 7:01 pm
    Does that really like look the official translations to you? Cherub

    i said i'm pretty sure because it said it was the official translation, sorry, damn no need to be rude

    Cherub February 15, 2021 7:19 am
    i said i'm pretty sure because it said it was the official translation, sorry, damn no need to be rude dannyistoogay

    I’m not being rude, it was a genuine question. Did that really look like an official translation to you

    dannyistoogay February 15, 2021 11:36 am
    I’m not being rude, it was a genuine question. Did that really look like an official translation to you Cherub

    sorry, i'm autistic so i can't pick up on stuff like that, i've learned that questions worded like that are usually agressive

    Cherub February 15, 2021 1:07 pm
    sorry, i'm autistic so i can't pick up on stuff like that, i've learned that questions worded like that are usually agressive dannyistoogay

    I don’t need a reason why you misunderstood, just say you misunderstood. I have autism as well

Haruna February 13, 2021 11:58 am

Me who doesn't see the comments about incest:

Haruna February 10, 2021 10:56 am


Haruna February 9, 2021 1:46 am

I guess I'm the only one who can't understand the translations? I can't make sense of the translations and some words aren't even translated. It's also kind of choppy so it doesn't have a really good flow(?)... if the translator sees this comment, I love that you're working hard and I'm really grateful that you are uploading chapters but maybe look for someone who can fix the rough translations so it makes more sense? Idk if what I said sounds right but yeah. If someone can readjust the words to make it more flowy and easy to understand, I think some people might find it easier to understand (or maybe just me... idk). If you can't find anyone maybe I can try to help with the rough translations but I don't have any experience with such thing and I also have school and tuition and everything so idk.

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