yunmin created a topic of Charlotte's Letter

this story is easily in my top 5 favourite reads ever, the plot twists, relationships and overall characters were amazing - I’m literally SOBBING in bed rn because of the ending as I’m typing this. I wish I could buy physical copies of this and tape it over my bed so I could always look at it.

yunmin created a topic of Majo no Inu

I enjoyed this a lot more than Majo to Neko but BOTH are a must read !!!

yunmin recommended a list
yunmin created a topic of Tamen De Gushi

i’m actually still sad the author never got to finish this story the way they planned to, these shorter art panels are good and all but I miss the dialogues and the plot itself being explored - i really, really!!! hope this can get the continuation it deserves someday

yunmin created a topic of Predator

her sleeping with everyone is so girlboss, she won the idgaf war