Bro reading this made my eyes flood my coworkers asking if im ok. Also her dads just trynna make up excuses like geez if that was her younger sister going missing for even a minute they’d be freaking out and dispatching their army to look for her. It took them MONTHS TO EVEN NOTICE KARINA WAS GONE UGGHHHH FRICKIN HATE HER FAMILY

Bitchhhhh how is SHE the cruel one excuse you but who was the one that openly showed off the fact that he was seeing another woman like bitch STFU you have the AUDACITY to say she’s cruel at least she had the decency to properly end the relationship before actually being with another man AFTER being divorced yall just went ahead and be with each other even tho Sovieshu was still married

Okay so the character that i suspect to be the ML is gonna show up at around chapter 9 or 10 i think he’s one of the 4 people that wield the power thingie he has black hair and he also remembers her from one of her 7 lives idk which one but he knows her from one of them. They only talk for a little tho there isn’t spark yet. Also her sisters a bitch not gonna lie when she found out her sister was gaining more attention SHE started to be nice to her just so she gets spoiled like BITCH. I swear i hate her family they treat her like shit
Oml i love the ghostsss they snitch i love it ahahahaha