He honey always
Mommy I’m scared
Duke’s thigh gap is killing meeeeee
That’s why anywhere I am I make my own coffee
Andrew can’t even wrap his hand around his own dick and putting in that tiny ass is some sport omo
Bro just seduce him and live as a consort or sth oml. Every word you say next chapter is going to abuse readers’ eyes.
Bro got rope ready for like every second of the day just in case….
Everyone all with their guard up with the duke lmao. Maybe he is just green flag hahahah calm down everyone.
Ong ikr. In the story he's literally the greenest flag. Like I get he's lying n shit but hey he's a green forest apart from that. Why eb gotta label each male lead red flag when leads like bjorn and Matthias exist
Haaaaaah. What a plot
I was scared the ahjuicy was going to be on the receiving end
He honey always