What Jiho did was wrong but Inwoo could have been more honest with him. He liked the cake his mother used to bake and he told Jiho that he misses the meeting. It's pretty clear that Jiho doesn't have the whole picture here.
He could have just said that our situation isn't like yours with your family and I don't want to contact her.
Also kissing a public figure in public knowing that you live in a place in Korea just to prove a point is also wrong. He knows they are both well known. How can out someone like that knowing what you know.
Like great job Inwoo you really showed him how much you know him. At least he hurt you because of misplaced intentions. You did it on purpose.

People really need to stop engaging with things they hate so much. Why invite so much negativity in your life? I used to do it until I realized I'm only wasting my own time and emotional battery.
Anyway it was so satisfying when he punched that cheater in the face. Worth the disqualification to be honest. If you are gonna be on bedrest anyway why not go out swinging.
Hopefully the story will take a turn now.

That a thug just few chapters back said that he'll take care of the situation himself while having a whole folder with Dan and J spread out on his desk. It's totally possible that this fighter is being pushed by that guy especially if the rumors about him fighting in underground rings are true. Plus the whole minor plot point about match fixing and betting.
This might not be a friendly message. Dan should be careful.

As a bisexual girl I relate so hard. Had a crush on a girl for the first time in my life and at first I didn't even realize it. Like he said, I never ever thought it was a possibility. With girls especially there is already so much closeness and physical affection, it's hard to draw a line between typical girl behavior for yourself and that extra special feeling of a crush developing. To this day I haven't had the same intensity of feelings for another girl but what I felt for her was real.
Sexuality can be so much more complicated than just labels. There are people who have been attracted to one sex their whole life until they are to someone of the same sex. Sometimes it's just one person, sometimes it's the similar kind of person's. Sometimes people love both the sexes but only want to have sex with one. It can be so complicated for some people and so straightforward for others.

Sexuality is complicated. A while back I read a book called “understanding asexuality” and I one of the chapters the author mentioned how love and sex usually go hand in hand but are separate things. So even though it’s rare, you can fall in love with someone that does not match your sexual orientation, you are just not sexually attracted to them. Since I’m asexual, I’ve always thought about love and sex as separate things anyway, but it was a very interesting thought to me when I read that. Since most people think they have to have sex with the person they love, and the majority of the time that’s how it works. If you’re straight you fall for someone of the opposite sex and you’re also sexually attracted to them, but it can happen that you can be straight, fall for someone of the same sex and not be sexually attracted to them.

Don't believe her Etienne. For all you know his brothers were good people and cared about him and never would have hurt him. You and the ML have a great bond despite everyone else thinking you both want to hurt each other. Best not to believe someone like her over her actual victim.
What did she expect that after she killed his family he'll just step aside and let their deaths be in vain by letting her and her family rule and destroy his family's legacy. He probably thought that once he was emperor he could manage her but she turned out to be even more evil and raped him.
My god that small art of him crying while she does it is so sad. Never thought I'd feel so bad for his dad but damn.
Why is everyone in the comment section acting like Inwoo was clear about not wanting to meet his mother from the start????? He literally lied to Jiho about his meeting with her. Not communicating properly is on him. Your partners are not mind readers.