We finally started online classes here And if anything I have learned...it shows how people in my class are bunch of idiots who will leach on you to get the easier way to pass in life. I'm just saying this because this is the type of people on my class.. no offence to anyone I just want to let things out lol Honestly I'm not the best on her stud......
I just want to say that this is inappropriate. As a person who suffers from weight issues, it is not very pleasant to see this topic posted on a website like this. I do not think it should be here. Sometimes people are born with issues like this. Diabetes can run through their families, like mine for example. But I am trying so hard to change my li......
frankly, no. YES, you should see a psychiatrist. i’m just gonna leave it at that.
Isn't your brother the one who would have childhood trauma in this situation?
I am going to guess you are female because for guys it's pretty straightforward. Girl I've got you! I've been doing it for 5 years now and I come just about every time so you can assume I'm an expert. "HOW TO MASTURBATE FOR SHY/INEXPERIENCED GIRLS" WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGERY When I first started out I did not start with finger penetration. If you ......
Yes I believe in God. At first I thought having religion is a must thing to do, identity that we need to have, that we pray hard so that wishes could be granted, you know? That kind of things But interestingly enough this is change when I attend faith discussion days ago. And I think this is quite important for people who are suffering psychologi......
My most hated yaoi definitely 'Koi No Tsumeato', i'm so angry that i wasted my time on it, i despise with all my heart. My most hated non yaoi is Sword Art Online. I just despise it. I don't understand how it is popular when I've seen way better. But my opinion.
My non-yaoi anime that I hated... It has to be Blood-c... GOD I HATE IT SO MUCH!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 Yaoi anime I hated. I guess is Enzai... (Most likely I spelled it incorrect) It just made me feel wrong for watching it. Non yaoi manga... I don't think I have one all the mangas that I do find that aren't yaoi related I often enjoyed since they......
I really don't like Okane Ga Nai or Kirepara. Kirepara is more of a missed potential thing, since it could have been good if it wasn't so rushed and I just can't get over the high school kid being a famous author. Non yaoi I really don't have an immediate answer for, since I rarely watch anime nowadays unless a series catches my eye. I'm gonna ha......
A chocolate bottom by oryu. Help me find the name of the BL