I don't know why everyone standards are so high. I thought the translation was fine, everything was completely understandable.
That's not the point though, the thing was that we already had a talented group of people who were doing really great translations for this series and they DID NOT drop this series. But because of this ducking mishap, this series will be most likely dropped by the original group and we'll be stuck with this person who is most likely only doing this as a passing interest and would just leave once they get bored. And admit it, it sucks, we're dealing with someone who can't post correct order of pages and there are missing pages and you expecting us to suck it up??
I'm really sad that she killed herself over a misunderstanding and has to be reincarnated to realise how much her father loves her.
I can't imagine how the father felt after she died. He probably blamed himself a lot for being too tsundere and not even consoling her before leaving her alone that day. And maybe, this is just a theory, the father was the one who turned back time? Floyens have powers, right? It's either her or her dad that caused the reset. (≧∀≦)
I wonder if everything will actually go how it went in her first live, especially since we‘re continuously told that Ariadne won‘t be able to change anything without sacrifice. Now that Alfonso went to Gallico and decided to go against their orders, I‘m scared that he will die…
Spoilers (possible)
Froms what I've understood from previous comments, he won't die because he is the MC. But he will suffer a bit like the FL
I see, thank you!