pingpongpoo did ( All 1 )

masturbated to yaoi

pingpongpoo's experience ( All 0 )

pingpongpoo's answer ( All 3 )

yea im always the spectator in my dreams, ive never seen the guys before but they always appear in b&w manga form doing lewd stuff in my dreams. sometimes i wake up and see flashes of the characters on my walls n stuff (cos my eyesight isnt very good n i always make out shapes to be human) but i think all of this prob stems from my paranoia of bein......   reply
01 10,2019
probably..12....? i lurked around on fictionpress a lot and read a couple of mxm fics...... i also started liking kpop at 13 yrs old n theyre super ghei so i read a lot of ship fics in that time. BUT THEN AT LIKE... 17 YRS OLD?? i watched Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi Yokozawa Takafumi No Baai on YT for... no reason..... i just saw the thumbnail n i was like......   reply
02 01,2019
Opportunist Seme :C at first i was offended then i was like.. (¬‿¬) ok mAYbe im a little opportunistic n would luv to take advantage of a clueless/innocent person ok ok ok im not.. evil i promise   1 reply
01 01,2019

pingpongpoo's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did how to stop being an idiot

Healing isn't just about what makes you happy or whatever, its also about facing the harsh reality sometimes and not let it drown you.

31 minutes
did feel empty

Like do they only concern cus this and that, will they stop caring once i felt better or is just meh meh. No. They do care and damn ily them

34 minutes
did perspective on life

Thing i learned today, just bec ur happy doesnt mean ppl stop caring about you. Suddenly my suicidal thoughts disappeared.

37 minutes