i KNOW y’all ain’t defending the ML rn...

he has a sad past guys and he's just bad at communication it's not his fault
bro he's a violent, emotionally neglectful and abusive man, who basically bought violet for her title, and then tells her that if she wants to leave him she'll have to pay him that money back as if she was the one being paid to get married to him. When she talks about committing suicides, he says "you haven't suffered as much as me fuck off", basically. When she tries to talk to him with absolute desperation he glares at her like she's trash. His only way of expressing his "love" is by making more money for her, which by the way, I have yet to see anyone point out that that itself is selfish of him. Not once did Violet ask for more money. He selfishly assumed that it would make her happy and completely ignores her individuality as a person. There are people in the real world who have suffered through much worse than him and they grow up to be amazing, kind people. Having a sad past is not an excuse, just an indication that you can be redeemed. And while I think he can obviously reform himself into a better person, that dosen't mean he's deserving of violet's forgiveness, and I don't think she shoulde ver forgive him
what chapter is this in the novel if anyone knows!! :)
Chapter 69