you just negated the first thing you said youmeamyou
I meant right now he has no character development, but from reading spoilers it's is a really long long way away like nearing the end of the whol Novel he does.
I meant right now he has no character development, but from reading spoilers it's is a really long long way away like nearing the end of the whol Novel he does. Kawaiineko❤namjoon
yes, i read the whole novel. i just hate it when people are quick to say he has no character development when he does, coz his development is the most satisfying for me especially after reading Riftan's POV
i completely get it. I got a halo from royal high. it was my dream item, I grinded for like an entire year, to get enough diamonds for it. only to get my account hacked the next week I haven't
what are the flowers called?
They look like Jonquils
Asking the real question
Lol frfr I was thinkin it but wasn't gonna ask, iydknyk