Yuyugo987 February 22, 2024 11:13 am

they continued the story under new artist due to the OG artist's health, albeit it isn't that far along yet. the first few chapters are side stories but chapter 3 continues where we got left off here https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/the_most_heretical_last_boss_queen_who_will_become_the_source_of_tragedy_will_devote_herself_for_the_sake_of_the_people_comic_anthology/

    Rabbit Lover! June 27, 2024 7:30 pm

    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Thanks, I had been waiting for an update, but this helps more

Yuyugo987 February 16, 2024 7:10 pm

i'm sure there are more spoiler down below but incase anyone wanted more details, i used a translating software so take it with a grain a salt lol.

now the big question, why does sion think parvel betrayed him?
this is a bit iffy...but before sion dies in his previous life, parvel actually found him in time and kills sienna under the rubble (for breaking his promise to give up his own stigmata in return for leaving him and sion alone but sienna obv didn't keep that promise and kidnapped sion to rip his stigmata from him). parvel is happy to be reunited but sion is distraught and crying. sion learned that, the death of all the villagers that took him in as a child was due to him living with them. many people's lives ended because of him and this killed sion inside (survivors guilt).

parvel knew that this was killing sion from the inside, so he told sion to only blame parvel and suffer no more for all the bad things that happened so that sion would live on hating only parvel and not himself. and thus, sion died and parvel followed shortly after(he couldn't live without sion who he loved). and their second timeline began.


as many have assumed, this is parvel's second timeline. he came to the second timeline when he was a child and witness the blue lightning where he got his own stigmata as a child. in this timeline, because he knew of the future, he purposely hide his stigmata from the moment he got it. he needed the freedom to easily travel around to look for sion rather than being stuck at OG sienna's side being his servant.

he looked for years for sion, the village he lived at, and wherever there might be a glimpse of him. however, years had passed and he was around the age where they last met but there was no evidence that 'sion' ever existed.

in the previous life, sion was adopted by this village that later got wiped out, but that village continued to survive but there was no sion. he was getting more and more agitated, wondering if he'd never be able to find sion again. this is when the scene in ch. 47 happen where OG sienna tries to come onto parvel but he get hella pissed and tell sienna he wants him dead more than anything. (this happened the day before the coronation)

parvel is annoyed what happened the last time with sienna bc he's been trying to keep his hatred lowkey until he finds sion and replace sienna with sion as holy king. but since he had no success in finding sion, he snapped at OG sienna (the cause of sion's suffering) too early but knows if he acts nice then OG sienna will probably let it his previous behavior go.

just as he's having these thoughts he goes to the coronation room (ready to convince sienna to continue to hold the coronation bc he needs sienna to lose credibility on the day of eclipse so he loses support from the people) but the moment his eyes lie on sienna, he gets a flashback to when he told sion before dying together that no matter what form, he will always recognize sion. and this is the end to parvel's side.

hella long but incase anyone wanted to know haha

    Classy February 16, 2024 11:51 pm

    omgomgomgg so parvel really in love with sion!! i really hope mx know that ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    wooga February 17, 2024 2:32 am

    It’s so beautiful thank you for sharing this

    jamme82736 February 17, 2024 8:43 am

    Wait, so it took ml more than ch.47 to notice that mc soul was into the old og sienna body? Is this story frustrating, does it have angst?

    BelBelBlaze February 17, 2024 4:16 pm
    Wait, so it took ml more than ch.47 to notice that mc soul was into the old og sienna body? Is this story frustrating, does it have angst? jamme82736

    Ch 47 contains a flashback that show the scene of sienna coming onto parvel. Think Parvel knew from before the coronation.
    The story does have angst tho imo haha
    Worth the read!

    yadi (^¬^)/ February 22, 2024 7:28 am

    You have one thing wrong in your spoiler




    Parvel has lived multiple times always going back to the moment he got his stigma

Yuyugo987 August 9, 2020 2:31 am

maybe i'm giving him too much hope but i feel yahwi needs to be looked at with a grain of salt.

yahwi said he follows the teachings of his grandfather very closely: how you can't show affection, fear, or any emotion which could be the reason why he seems uncaring to jooin.

i'm def gonna get roasted for this but i don't think he's not that much of an asshole. sure his text messages are short and concise, after each date they have sex and they depart without talking but i don't really view that as being as asshole.

everyone has their own way of texting, if they hv a problem with it then they need to talk abt it, and jooin didn't reach out to talk or confirm their relationship.

obviously i'm not blaming jooin for not communicating, cuz that's the responsibility for the both of them together, but if one person sees it as a problem and the other doesn't even know it's even a problem then it'll never get resolved.

they both ain't perfect men, that for sure, aka they need to REAALLY communicate if they want anything to work at all (esp. yahwi)

what i'm trying to say is, just drop yahwi, he fucking hot but ain't worth all the trouble LOL

    elleeven August 9, 2020 12:39 pm

    Haha that last line tho I still love Yahwi’s look but uhm he need to get his act together because literally almost everyone are rooting for Cain HAHAHA

    Yuyugo987 August 10, 2020 2:22 am
    Haha that last line tho I still love Yahwi’s look but uhm he need to get his act together because literally almost everyone are rooting for Cain HAHAHA elleeven

    we going to need that CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT to swoon people's hearts back for Yahwi lololol

    Yuyugo987 August 10, 2020 2:26 am
    we going to need that CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT to swoon people's hearts back for Yahwi lololol Yuyugo987

    i'm looking forward to it all HAHA ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    elleeven August 10, 2020 3:04 pm
    we going to need that CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT to swoon people's hearts back for Yahwi lololol Yuyugo987

    I know there will be— because if there’s none. OMG I’ll probably be depressed questioning why hahahaha I I feel like he’ll realize it too late when Cain is ready to steal his man lol

    Yuyugo987 August 11, 2020 2:11 am
    I know there will be— because if there’s none. OMG I’ll probably be depressed questioning why hahahaha I I feel like he’ll realize it too late when Cain is ready to steal his man lol elleeven

    I'd feel the same honestly lol if that happens I'm not going to be so ready for the heartbreak and angst between Yahwi and Jooin LOL but maybe all the drama will lead to them building a stronger relationship hMMM

    elleeven August 12, 2020 4:44 pm
    I'd feel the same honestly lol if that happens I'm not going to be so ready for the heartbreak and angst between Yahwi and Jooin LOL but maybe all the drama will lead to them building a stronger relationship hM... Yuyugo987

    Same I’m not really into angst too, I mean my heart is not ready for that ever HAHAHA well I hope this won’t have the same flow as A Guy Like You. I think I prefer this over that, so far now. I thought so too! But even tho Jooin has feelings for Yahwi, I wish they would improve themselves before getting back again, right?

    Yuyugo987 August 14, 2020 10:00 pm
    Same I’m not really into angst too, I mean my heart is not ready for that ever HAHAHA well I hope this won’t have the same flow as A Guy Like You. I think I prefer this over that, so far now. I thought so t... elleeven

    A Guy Like You was such an emotional roller coaster of a ride lmaoo, it was misunderstandings after misunderstandings. It was a fun read but I was honestly facepalming at the the character half the time LOL

    I agree with Jooin and Yahwi improving themselves before trying to build a deeper relationship otherwise they might continue to cause insecurities and problems for each other; which might lead to them separating for good(yikes). We better ready ourselves for the angst cuz it's gonna get real spicy when Cain gets thrown into the amidst of everything HAHA

    elleeven August 15, 2020 5:04 pm
    A Guy Like You was such an emotional roller coaster of a ride lmaoo, it was misunderstandings after misunderstandings. It was a fun read but I was honestly facepalming at the the character half the time LOLI ag... Yuyugo987

    omg i have to say that I didn’t finish reading that. I stopped halfway because I didn’t really feel the story at all. I stopped when the uke got kidnapped and y’know the drama went in. It kinda makes me confused hahahaha But did the uke and seme ended up together in the end? Because if yes, then it’s okay. I wouldn’t continue reading it hahahaha Well maybe some other time haha

    Right? I think they should’ve learn to improve themselves first because they would eventually cause more and more misunderstandings in the future. Well since I’ve read some updates already, let’s prepare for some drama HAHAHAHHA Also I want to see Cain making an appearance where the three of them are together lmao I wonder what would they look like HAHAHAHHA

Yuyugo987 August 4, 2020 6:21 am

legit glad the manga has hiragana for kanji cuz my kanji level is poor af lmao, but i was reading the last chapter and this is what happened (warning: I feel my heart crack)
so takeuchi tells macchan if he can wait to give him an answer until he's ready, take really wants to grow into a better person for both macchan and umeko. macchan says he'll wait and he'll always be take's listener (umeko said the same about always being there)

they head back to umeko and tell her that's they're "daijoubu" lol (they said they're fine now)

then they're in their last year of highschool and graduation is here, the glasses guy ask umeko if she'll be lonely cuz they're all graduating and she replies back with "i'm really happy."

okay here's the big tea ya'll --------------------------------------

[shoujo winds blowing on the highschool roof top]

take confesses, he says "i like you. i look forward to every encounter we have, and every goodbye hurts. i still want to say "good morning" by your side. before I sleep i want to hear your voice. more than anyone else, I really like you.

then macchan replies with how much he's seen take grow through the years, take began to interact with other students and by watching how much take was growing, he felt a bit lonely. the take recently has been "cool" ("kakkoi" kinda of a hard thing to translate well into english) and thanks takeuchi for liking him, but they can't be anything more.

"now and in the future, you're my best friend, but my feeling towards you are nothing more. "


next macchan cries and take ask why he's the one crying lol (same)

macchan says the first day he reached out to take, he was super nervous. he says that after losing his mom he wanted to be with his family, but because he didn't want to lose his friends he wasn't able say no (i guess when they invited him to go eat or play). but when he saw take being able to clearly say "no" when he didn't want to do something, that seemed cool to macchan.

despite the fear of being ignored or making take annoyed, he gathered up all his courage to talk to take that day.

macchan: "recently you've been really cool, but for me, ever since the beginning, you've always been cool" (bruuhhhhh)

macchan thanks take for coming to see him that time(when they went to visit macchan mom's grave), and apologizes because he was unable to say this earlier.

he says that both take and umeko are precious to him.

take then thanks macchan for waiting for him, listening to his selfish wishes, and finally thanks him for calling out to him that day.

take : [those words "from the beginning I always looked up to you" are worth more than anything else to me.]

"i'll work hard so that you won't regret calling out to me that day, so macchan, for the rest of our lives lets be friends."

macchan says "of course, i'm the one that should be saying that"


they talk for a bit more on the rooftop but i'm kinda lazy to translate lol lemme know if you're interested cuz this post is getting super long. BYE

    nunu August 4, 2020 5:46 pm

    I am really thankful for your spoiler .May i know what happened Umeko ??? They ended that way ??? It didn't show their adult life ??

    Yuyugo987 August 5, 2020 1:36 am
    I am really thankful for your spoiler .May i know what happened Umeko ??? They ended that way ??? It didn't show their adult life ?? nunu

    thank you <3 ! and sadly it didn't show their adult life Dx

    on the rooftop take and macchan were talking about how nice it was to have childhood friends because they'll always be there & listen to you (like umeko).

    Then take says he and umeko have been together for around 10 years, and macchan has an ephiphany and says that if the three of them continue to be friends for 10 years then macchan will be count as childhood friends too lol

    right before leaving the rooftop take as for a favor of macchan.

    around the end of the chapter, they meet up with Umeko and the rest of their friends. take tells umeko that he confessed and was rejected, but he isn't really sad about it, rather he's satisfied he got it off his chest.

    take everything was thank to "haruko" (aka Umeko's first name) and then there is a flashback to their childhood where take tell's umeko that her first name "haruko" (which means sunny child) didn't fit her bc she wasn't the most bright and outgoing person when they were younger.

    then right before the ending they start calling each other by their first names (this was the favor take asked macchan for)

    then there is a monologue from i think all three of them about how they'll continue to work hard through all the struggle so that they can all laugh together and to become a brighter person.

    "from now on, please be kind to me, my(watashi), my(ore), childhood friend"

    watashi = umeko
    ore = take and macchan

    then that was the ending lmao i'm guessing it means that even ten years in the future they're all still good friends lol

    nunu August 5, 2020 2:48 am
    thank you <3 ! and sadly it didn't show their adult life Dx on the rooftop take and macchan were talking about how nice it was to have childhood friends because they'll always be there & listen to you (l... Yuyugo987

    Thank You for your spoiler (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Yuyugo987 August 5, 2020 8:57 am
    Thank You for your spoiler (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ nunu

    no problemo ╰(^∀^)╯☆

    nadanshi August 5, 2020 9:44 am

    how many chapters will this have?

    Yuyugo987 August 9, 2020 6:18 am
    how many chapters will this have? nadanshi

    sorry late reply Dx there's a total of 14 chapters

Yuyugo987 August 4, 2020 1:46 am

I'm super happy that Jimmy and Henry got together officially and they're relationship is so good but deep down i'm legit really sad that Taylor is no longer together with jimmy ;00

like their sweet relationship was lasted for a few days before the purple hair drama happened and everything just went down to the shit and i'm internally crying lmaooo like years of love and their relationship was ruined overnight and now it'll never be the same

(i understand that henry stuck with jimmy thru thick and thin and that's boyfriend material but it's rough seeing taylor and jimmy drift away despite being so close and in love before all the drama) but as Guzma always says, "that's life" LMAO

Yuyugo987 May 29, 2020 8:08 am

I love the story and the ending so much. It showed how each chose to live their own life and the path they thought to be the 'right' path to themselves; even if it wasn't the desired outcome.

They're all satisfied with the path they chose.

I'm kinda happy with the author's decision of not showing the two falling in love, it made it more heartfelt because falling in love is the same for everyone. Their love story is no different than anyone else, no matter gay or hetero or etc., they fell in love, like everyone else. (but that's just my two cents on the author's decision haha)

A beautiful story with great characters. I honestly loved everyone, each one brought something special and another viewpoint into the story. there was never a "villain," just people with a differing perspectives that acted on their own beliefs and morals that they believed to be the 'right'.

Yusph September 24, 2019 2:00 am

a hypothesis.

my sixth sense is also saying that maybe from Vol. 3 Ch. 1, when there is a flashback with Shiratori talking to Utou, maybe Shiratori "thought" he loved the other guy but it turned out that he simply saw him as family, not as a bonded pair; hence when Utou says, "isn't that just family. ? You're weird."

Perhaps shiratori was saved by the other guy in the past and mistook his gratitude as love? and when Utou pointed that out to him he "lost" the idea of his bonded pair being his lover and just family instead.

hmmMMM I have a feeling Shiratori does like Utou but couldn't be with him because he was a beta??? HMMMM

(also in chapter 2 when the Utou's friend/coworker, the omega mc in the other story, was talking abt not liking shiratori because shiratori lowkey didn't like that they were working together-->>PERHAPS JEALOUSY???)

idk lol can't wait till the next update to read all the tea//sipsip

    windywindy September 24, 2019 6:41 am

    i'm liking this theory sdfjksdfjoa

    BloodyRose September 24, 2019 9:48 am

    if this theory is proven to be true, I will be all for it alnjdsnjds. So interesting.

Yusph June 5, 2019 12:10 am

At the end, the two are admitting that they used the idea of "trying it out with men" to stay with each other. The seme wanted to see whether the uke really liked him or if the uke only wanted him for sex. The seme admits that he used the idea of just trying it out with men just so that he could be close to the uke.

The seme admits that it was a stupid excuse to touch the uke, in which the uke replied that it isn't because he too was thinking the same thing: pretending to be sex friends so he could get close with the guy he liked.

In the end of the chapter the uke says that he was "only ever looking forward," meaning that he never really thought about what the seme felt in the situation and accepted that they could only be sex friends; closing himself off from the idea of even being in a relationship with the seme.

From how the ending of chap 3 was, I think they're gonna get together. I hope!!

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