Ive read it again from the start.. And still im getting more and more angry to yuri.. I mean i know yuri maybe has bad memories with the new ugly guy.. But why is he comparing jaerim to him.. If yuri really love jaerim he shouldnt compared jaerim with the new ugly guy.. He should face his problem and talk about it with jaerim not leaving jaerim alone.. And now the new guy show up.. And i thought that guy is a good guy who will save jaerim but bow i have a bad feeling like the new handsome guy show up and will make everthing worse than it already has.. Now who will save jaerim if its not yuri.. Sooo yuri you better get your ass fixed up and get up from your hole and just make everthing right.. Its only 12 more chaps.. Like i dont know if this story gonna end with happy ending orrrre *sigh* ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
Any fluffy yaoi manga or shounen ai manga about school boy, childhood friend or whatever i dont care please just help me find some fluff manga.. I feel down after reading out of control manga..
Is there any yaoi or shounen ai manga which the seme is the servant of the uke and the uke is the young master.. Then one day the uke need to marry a girl and leave the seme.. Pleaseee recommend some to me.. Or any manga which the seme get hurt.. Thank you in advance..(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
P.s. This time i remember to sign in to my account (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Spoiler MAYBE..
Actually idk id jaerim got rape or not by the new guy.. I cant tell just by looking the preview from the next chap 79-80..
I saw jaerim cry and the guy kiss him.. And it seems like jaerim accept the kiss.. And the next chap jaerim cry again.. And the last chap i saw a couple holding hands.. I can tell if its must be jaerim hand andddd i dont know if the whose holding jaerim hand is yuri or the new guy..
But the extra looks yummy..
This should be considered murder. I feel dead after reading this.
New hot guy has all muy support as long as he really ended up being honestly in love with Jaerim. But they wont be end game because in the extra after the final chapter there is Jaerim with yuri
I know whose hand Jaermin is holding . But yeah the new guy is cute (:
Really ?? I really want jaweim end up with yuriiii..
Whoooo ????? ┗( T﹏T )┛
Despite the shit Yuri is doing to Jaerim, I really hope that they both still end up together. I hope that Yuri will save Jaerim from being raped(?) by that blue-haired guy. In the end, they will finally open up to one another and fix most of their problems. That new glasses guy though? I hope he leaves. I'm sorry but I don't like him as well. idk I just- I STILL WANT YURI AND JAERIM TO BE TOGETHER. D;
Jaermin is Holding Yuris hand at the End of it all . They End up back together and all have a happy end . You can see everyone happy also the Side characters . Only the new guy get's ignored by Jaermin x'D
Realllyyyyy ?? Finallyyyyyyy.. Its a happy endssssss.. I dont care about a new guy.. He seems fishy and looks like a bad guy to me wahahahahaha..
Yeah It's true . I mean I can't read Korean but Jaermin and Yuri kiss , hold hand and are lovey doey around each other (: