55 Foolishness is looking to be genetic in these brothers. Uke has a cliche personality, he’s stupid, timid and stubborn. He doesn’t know what’s in his best interest
ML is just 16 yet shouldering all responsibilities and breaking his back just to keep them safe. At least that’s how started out, soon after he also turned into a fool who has no political wits and jumps right into fire pits whilst already being on thin glass.
Do they realise you do not get to make demands with no power? Their actions are simply unreasonable.
And just what makes seme think it’s a good idea to flaunt his relationship with his blood brother? Worms for brain.
It had potential, but it’s very cliche with low effort writing, nonetheless it’s a decent read
Chasing Game
It’s healthy grown up romance, a peaceful read. Moka’s so freaking cute
Og has 95 chapters, too bad they won’t translate it
Under Your Wings/In or Out
Reading his makes me somewhat uncomfortable because there is an ongoing theme of relationships that are iffy and questionable, and women are commonly used as baby incubators then thrown away by author so that the males can finally set off on their true love BL journey.
There are too many unnecessary side couples that are fed far too many chapters.
I’ve decided to drop it at ch.55, I simply can no longer ignore how uncomfortable it makes me feel like.
A Single Strike of Shimmering Frost