Red River doesn't have the falling for your enemy trope, but it is an otome isekai. I remember liking the story but it's been a long time since I finished it.
I also recall this shoujo anime from a long time ago where the female mc falls for the antagonist. It was aired when otome isekai was at peak popularity and I recall the mc having some special powers. Idk if she was a priestess or what. If I find it, I'll share.
pls help me find a manga, probably shoujo, where the boyfriend quits smoking because the cigarette smoke makes his girlfriend cough— if im remembering correctly he uses like hard candies to fight the withdrawals (not the main plot of the manga like a tiny two-chapter story arc).
does anyone have some story recs like basara where the main characters fall in love while being unaware that they’re mortal enemies
Ahhh I love Basara!!
Saver is similar. I like Basara more, but Saver is still pretty good.
Red River doesn't have the falling for your enemy trope, but it is an otome isekai. I remember liking the story but it's been a long time since I finished it.
I also recall this shoujo anime from a long time ago where the female mc falls for the antagonist. It was aired when otome isekai was at peak popularity and I recall the mc having some special powers. Idk if she was a priestess or what. If I find it, I'll share.