this can be considered as a major spoiler.
sorry if my grammar is poor
So Isaac was being chased by his stepfather named Cole because Isaac was being treated as a traitor for not doing his mission, abandoned his comrades in the war and he has the files that contains all the corruption his stepfather did, 4 years ago Isaac has a special mission to kill Felix but things happened, he got into his first heat so isaac and felix had sex. The morning comes and Isaac did try to kill Felix but he hesitated tho he left him a wound and a broken arm.
back to the present, Benjamin and Isaac's mom was kidnapped by his stepfather, Isaac doesn't have a choice but to go, and Isaac did go to Cole's mansion alone, Isaac was blackmailed by Cole to drink the juice in the table or else his son and mother will be killed at any moment, Isaac does know that there's something in the juice but his family's life is more important so he drinks it, after Cole gotten the documents that has the evidence he's a fucking corrupt, Cole revealed that the juice Isaac drank has an effect where all of the inhibitors he consumed before coming will be out of effect now, Cole knew Isaac was omega so he did that, Isaac then felt that the juice he drank was taking effect now that he was having a symptoms similar to a heat. Isaac was raped by his stepfather, but Isaac did fought back, he stabbed Cole's face but in the end the mating was taking effect now, they we're in the process of being mates. (I was actually having a hard time reading this part, Isaac doesn't deserved this, and yes his real father was forced to mate with Cole since Cole raped Isaac's father and made him into his mate, Isaac's father died because Cole overly used his body while they're having sex and shits got out of controlled then he died)
but before the mating was complete, of course Felix came, he planted a gps into Isaac when they where in the plane (they did come together but isaac insisted that he will be the only one who going to Cole's mansion) Felix then saw what's happening and he immediately took action, once he gotten Isaac by his side and planst to kill Cole, Cole shouted that if he kills him Isaac will die too, Felix didn't understand and cole said that they were mates now, Felix looks at Isaac's nape and saw the marking is forming but it wasn't complete tho he went furious too why didn't Isaac just said he was an omega when he asked him about that but Isaac doesn't have the strength to answer him since he was struggling earlier to stop cole. Felix left the room with Isaac leaving cole alone, they settled in one of the studies and Felix placed Isaac on the couch.
After that Isaac managed to talk to Felix that what happened to his son Benjamin, Isaac said that Felix needs to save his son(he is referring to Felix here, he reveals that Benjamin is indeed his son), but Felix didn't quite get that, he asked Isaac if Bejamin was his son lol and Isaac then questioned him that he already knew about that Felix answered he have his speculation but he wasn't sure, then isaac revealed that he was the omega in heat he had sex before 4 years ago and Benjamin is indeed his son, again Felix was angry that Isaac was keeping the truth all along but Isaac doesn't have the time for that he plead Felix to rescue his mother and son, Felix give in but before he left the room he declared that both of them will be mates that Isaac will be Felix's omega, that's the only way to stop Cole's marking , to have another alpha pheromones surpass the other alpha pheromones that's getting inside the marking, Isaac agreed to it (he loved Felix from the start so), after Coles Pheromones subsides and the mark he left will not be completed as it keeps disappearing, he left isaac there in the room with his clothes covering him and goes straight to the underground of the mansion where Benjamin and Isaac's mother is confined.
Well of course everybody was safe, after Felix saved Benjamin and isaac's mother he quickly goes to Isaac who's in need now because now his heat has come, they had a lot of sex there and they mated, Felix proposed to Isaac, and they become mates.
I didnt include a lot of details but that's the major things happened in the novel, sorry if it's confusing af and some other parts is inaccurate but it still got the gist of what happened, and what i really wanted to see in the manhwa is Isaac badas moments in the novel, like using the riffle gun and hitting his target precisely isjewhhww
and Felix is so soft for Benjamin i love it, cant wait for it to be shown in the manhwa AAAAAAAAAA
That's it for the Vol 1 of the novel, and they got some extras too.
2020-10-06 00:07 marked