Apple26's experience ( All 0 )

Apple26's answer ( All 3 )

about penpals
Apple26 23 09,2019
Hi, so im new on this and i dont have any friends irl who are fujoshis, im also shy and awkward, so i hope to be friends on line. I actually created a line just for the sake of having internet line id is turtlep26... and if anyone wants to talk to someone from the south pacific, add me please :)...   1 reply
23 09,2019
about penpals
Hello hello! If you want, my email is [email protected] or line id: TurtleP26...... would be happy to be friends! Im from the South Pacific btw. :D   reply
25 01,2019
about penpals
Apple26 25 01,2019
Hi! Im new here and currently a closet fujoshi. I would be happy to be friends with ya if thats okay. My email is [email protected] and line is TurtleP26. :)   reply
25 01,2019

Apple26's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did coping with ocd

surprisingly the meds are working

4 hours
did ending friendships

she brought up an issue and when the rest of us tried to communicate more she left the server and essentially wrote us off lol

4 hours
did ending friendships

we were friends only in school and they badmouthed me lol school ended and i cut them off forever

7 hours