Waterson followed a list

warning !!


- rape / non-con / dub-con
- emotional manipulation
- other tag warnings unlisted

i will mostly only includes R18 stuffs and good art since i am easily turned off with the art i dislike.


edit: links will be directed to batoto or hentai sites

18 days
Waterson followed a list
Waterson followed a list
18 days
Waterson created a topic of Dear Benjamin

They done twinkify my Man Issac (not missing the old art tho cuz artist a pdf file)

Waterson created a topic of Spilled Blood

Certified Lover Boy, Certified Pedophile

Waterson asked a question

ML with glasses and has it on for the entirety of the story. Any genres will do. Ty <3

Waterson asked a question

Looking for BL with rich Uke and poor Seme? Like I wanna switch it up for once.

Waterson created a topic of Thirst: To Fill

I found a completed version on a Vietnamese site, but didn't bother to read the rest so here's the end for those who care...

The two couples stay together.

Also in final chapter thr ML literally checks out another woman so this thing is trash don't read it

Yll want complex female characters but can't even handle MF

Waterson asked a question

A girl who likes a guy, who's her childhood friend, so she writes a confession letter and put it in his coat as a restaurant. But turns out it was his big brother's coat, who's super intimidating and broody with black hair. So he thinks she likes him, they began "dating" but she can't yell him the truth

Waterson followed a list
Waterson asked a question

the MC has a crush on a girl in class. He somehow got her (wrong) number and confessed his love to her. but then turns out it was her twin brother in the same class. Now they're in a relationship

Waterson created a topic of The Bromance Book Club

Does anybody know who's the artist is? I love their art and would love to follow them!

Waterson asked a question

A Manhwa where the FL raise the ML. I can't remember what the ML looks like, but the FL has blue hair, have "ice power", and live in a snowy area and a blue castle. there's was also a nice butler that would play with the ML