I swear people here dont know how to read, and worst of it all is that many here believe all characters and relationships in fiction must always be good/healthy. If you arent into these type of stories, thats fine and valid. But dont come here brushing it off as "badly written" just because its not your type of story. Moral superiority when consuming fiction is a disease.
The story is actually well developed. At the beginning, both characters were completely unsync, their thoughts and feelings were at different directions. But its a journey, and now theyre finally understanding each other. I think people really dont know that growth isnt linear. Sometimes you take 2 steps ahead and one back. This doesnt excuse or erases ML's abuse, he HIMSELF said it so IDK why some people acting like he isnt acknowledging it (he did, many times and asked MC to leave him). I believe MC is equally damaged, but ofc people focus on only one side lol. Yes, he doesnt hurt others like ML did, but he hurts himself, which is in tune with their dom and sub/maso and sado dynamics.
Would they be better with therapy/leaving each other and go on different paths? Sure, perhaps. But why do some readers want to sanitize a story so bad to fit with their morals when it comes to non existing people? Makes me roll my eyes, its stupid. I do wish them a happy ending because I believe they can get there, but I hate that just because theyre not a healthy dynamic, people are being dramatic on the comments. If its not a story for you, leave, simple as that.
ANYWAY I'm looking forward for the next season. I havent read the novel yet but I will and I'm excited. I like how both MCs are growing, and I love it more because it feels organic and slow, not everything needs to be done in a perfect way and it wouldnt feel as compeling if both suddenly became better tbh. Really loving this so far.

You perfectly summarized what I couldn't, I feel the same way.
It's crazy how much hate this story gets because ppl lack basic reading comprehension or try to equate fictional stories with real life.
Yeah I get you'd call the cops if you saw this happening in RL, but anybody would, this is fiction so we have way more leeway to see how this develops and give into the "what if he stays and they work it out".
Why do people take such offense instead of moving on and dropping something they don't or don't want to get?

For a second I got excited because I thought the original manhua stopped the hiatus but it was the official TL instead, which is nice as well! Tysm uploader <3. Tbh I'm scared about the future of this adaptation, the original artist went on hiatus since early this year and there seems to be no announcements. I just hope everyone involved is ok and that it doesn't get dropped. Even if it isn't the best adaptation, LXC is one of my favorite characters ever and I loved seeing him outside the novel. Crossing fingers that it all goes well.

YAYYY thanks so much for the update , I was getting worried. On the other hand, these comments are terrible omg. People claim that media with such themes are evil and blah blah blah. Now, look at how many are victim blaming MC. Crazy. It's yall that genuinely need help. Not only lacking media literacy but common sense and empathy. MC cannot ask anyone for help. These guys have connections/have more money in comparison to him. Who would take him seriously, the police? Please. Yes, they're bad everywhere but in Korea it's very present how police do nothing. He also cannot escape because he has NO MONEY. If he doesn't comply, they'll still find a way to make him do it, and will be very aggressive/violent. He has no escape, GET THAT IN YALL'S HEAD. MC doesn't take bad deccisions, because he cannot even choose, he has NO AUTONOMY. That's how evil the three guys are. But it's as if some of yall cannot read. Lord, if you guys are going to behave like this just don't read this type of manhwa, since you guys cannot understand it.

EXACLTY what i am saying yet they still defending him saying he was “MANIPULATED” like wtf did you even comprehend while reading this shit, and theyd even brought up “if you were in his situation” like what does that have to do with me LIKE you’re literally showing BIAS. some readers are actually just dumb and only stick on a certain/specific situation.

wait uhm, if he shouldn’t have kissed the guy he liked he wouldn’t have ended in that situation, he was in that situation for a REASON and he made that PROBLEM himself, like idk what are the law in korea but can that “CONNECTION” really make a person someones pet. like he had done nothing wrong why not just unfriend them continue working and stop hangging with them, like is that really hard to do? also are you saying justice cant be serve if you have connection LMAOO what kind of system is that..

do you read the things you've written..? yes you can say he couldve been honest at the beginning but the problem are THOSE GUYS. "why no unfriend them" wtf... as if that'll stop them? if he did things differently, they still wouldve got him because they have MORE POWER (money and connections). do you think he wouldve had a chance? are you insane? its not as easy, plus this guys mental health is very damaged, do you not understand how manipulation works? he also has a low self steem and was abused by his father so it makes sense of his behaviour, hes SCARED AND HAS NO ONE TO HELP HIM. how are you saying he brought it up onto himself wtf... you really have no empathy for victims. youre implying he deserves it just because he wanted to hide that he liked his best friend. THERES NO JUSTIFICATION FOR RAPE. GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD. also talk to a therapist or seek more information on these type of situations because the way youre thinking is actually scary and can be harmful if you practice these beliefs irl.

ppl in the comments r so dumb bc they act surprised after the manhwa itself is telling that ml is literally not well in the head. of course hes not going to treat people nicely, i actually think its realistic that it takes ml this long to realize his feeling and start treating mc better. also go away from here with your 'romantization' fuck ass big words yall dont know what that truly means lol. If you guys dont like it thats totally alright but you know you can stop reading or just go away right? there are warnings from other readers, so if you stick here or just come to leave a comment abt how bad it is that 'its romantizicing' abuse, shut your mouth, you have no media literacy that you need the author to put in big words "THIS IS BAD". dumbasses istg. how old are you? also, if yall are still adults and cant differ fiction from reality thats worrying. dont come here with your bullshit of moral superiority.
ANYWAY im loooving this. i havent read the novel but ive seen spoilers and wow.... i cant wait for the eng translation to catch up. the artstyle is so good too!!! I also have to say that idgaf if some ppl dont like it when ml speaks, i actually love it lmao especially his dirty talk. hes a bastard and he knows it. cant wait for them to be clear about each others feeling, i really love how the story is taking its time, i love a slow plot.

The author really improved the art! I'm proud of them, it looks better than the beginning. It bothered me how much bullying they received online, as if an artist can't improve. Anyway, about the story, it's getting even more intriguing as well. This isn't a romantizacing anything at all! People are so blind... just because you're including themes in a story doesn't mean you're promoting it/supporting it. I like the story so far, I like how it never makes it as if this is romantic. It's almost like horror, but people rather focus on other things. Media literacy is dead I swear. Whatever, I am looking forward to the next chapters. Poor MC, I really hope a happy ending for him.

i really wish the manhua gave the story justice, because the novel is really well done in telling the reason the mc acts the way he does, and while people may think he is stupid or too weak, i actually consider him one of the emotionally strongest mcs ever, because imagine having to run away MULTIPLE times to get away from a guy whos in a powerful position and can easily find you and will never let you go, all while you have ZERO resources? thats why i hate how so many comments are basically victim blaming the mc, its seriously concerning, says a lot about some peoples beliefs and their media literacy. anyway, the manhua is definitely lacking some of the compelling aspects from the novel, so if anyone is brave and dont shy away from these themes, i do rec reading the original source, the writting style is amazing and while some situations might look over the top, theres some realism element on the plot.
I wish mgg comments section would get better. I really do. It gets tiring seeing many people whine about things, when its clearly not for them. Not saying everyone must be comfortable with everything, thats valid, but if you know something isnt for you, then why are you here or keep reading? People are able to see some pics before starting as preview and can read comments as well, so dont come here alluding it came off as surprise or that "i hate that this is xxxxxx", because it also has a warning at the beginning of each chapter, its some of you who decide to read/engage despite that. Some of you hate it, but youre still here lol. Engage with stuff you actually enjoy, it'd be better for you and everyone, and if you dont like some things, you leave or scroll past it. We are adults (or at least I hope so), so behave like it. Not everything will catter to your preferences.
Anyway. I really enjoy the art, very gorgeous. I'm interested on MC and more of his backstory. It's intriguing to see where its going, I wonder if this will have a mindbreak/brainwashed ending or MC would just give up. Conditioning is starting. I hope the development doesnt disappoint and it has a fitting ending (not necessarily HEA, but something that makes sense with the story and how things go).
This. So much this.
Oooh so agree with that. The manhwa even have a trigger warning in every chapter. But they be like yoww i will just pretend i didnt see the warning. Proceed to read and complain at the comment section later lmao. Complaining about the story is okay but complaining about the aspect that you are uncomfortable with is weird ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍