If Yuna and MC get together in the end, I will really hate it as much I hated the ending of Unrippened Expression. Yuna I don't really like her, sorry to her fans. Sophie is a gem and she kind of relates to the MC. More potential storywise. I am a Bi guy and this is one of the few straight stories that are manhwa hentai that I liked. And FUCK!!! Don't u dare take down mangago like what happened to Kissmanga. I cannot. I just can't!!!
I know this is so messed up and both of them are at fault. But I am so hurted right now. This is one of my Fav Yaoi manhwa. Can you please give them some happiness just a little bit? So depressing, this roller coaster of emotions. Let them be happy for a bit Yaoi Gods. Sorry I need to say that eventhough they don't deserve it since they are both horrible and hurted each other to a tremendous degree, i. e., Rape, Abduction, Torture, etc. I am sorry, I just loved the series.
Nu bayan! Pa hard to get naman.