Jgno98 February 21, 2025 1:20 pm

I fucking hate that author is stuck up on making Minwoo the bad guy. And Norman is a dense dumbass so ig he does deserve the disgusting creep that is Seungtaek. I hate his wet ass dog attitude and he's so manipulative but seems like author loves this shitty couple so wtv.
The main couple story is amazing and funny and they even have a great relationship so I don't get why author decided to ruin the manhwa with putting Normie and Seungfuck together. Y'all defending the creep and rooting for him have no common sense lmao

    lolpop8999 February 21, 2025 1:26 pm

    Wait how is Norman manipulative? I get that he’s dense, but manipulative?… are we reading the same story? Sungtaek might be weird but he doesn’t have any bad intentions, he’s liked Normie for a long time and is genuine. the author isn’t making Minwoo the bad guy he’s setting him up to have his own love story.

    slop February 21, 2025 6:32 pm
    Wait how is Norman manipulative? I get that he’s dense, but manipulative?… are we reading the same story? Sungtaek might be weird but he doesn’t have any bad intentions, he’s liked Normie for a long tim... lolpop8999

    this is how i feel too. plus, like, minwoo isnt the saint people keep acting like he is does no one remember how he slandered jaehyun ? and tried to steal away soyung ?? i like minwoo too, dont get me wrong, but hes not an angel

    Yo another fudanshi here February 21, 2025 9:03 pm
    this is how i feel too. plus, like, minwoo isnt the saint people keep acting like he is does no one remember how he slandered jaehyun ? and tried to steal away soyung ?? i like minwoo too, dont get me wrong, b... slop


    lolpop8999 February 21, 2025 11:06 pm
    this is how i feel too. plus, like, minwoo isnt the saint people keep acting like he is does no one remember how he slandered jaehyun ? and tried to steal away soyung ?? i like minwoo too, dont get me wrong, b... slop

    Right like Minwoo had always been shady. He’s not a bad person he’s just not the amazing guy they keep acting like he is lmaooooo

    Jgno98 February 22, 2025 3:29 am
    Wait how is Norman manipulative? I get that he’s dense, but manipulative?… are we reading the same story? Sungtaek might be weird but he doesn’t have any bad intentions, he’s liked Normie for a long tim... lolpop8999

    My bad I wasn't talking about Norman, I meant Seungtaek was the manipulative one. It's his attitude that is manipulative. No matter how good his intentions are, people can be manipulative even when they don't mean to. He's always with that expression like he's about to cry, pushing and pulling, and giving mixed signals. I don't remember well what he told Normie lmao but he basically made him believe that he didn't want anything romantic with him but then gets all sad when Norman doesn't give him attention

    Jgno98 February 22, 2025 3:33 am
    Wait how is Norman manipulative? I get that he’s dense, but manipulative?… are we reading the same story? Sungtaek might be weird but he doesn’t have any bad intentions, he’s liked Normie for a long tim... lolpop8999

    Also the thing about Minwoo, I feel like author went the wrong way about it. Seems like they didn't want to make him and Norman end up together and "set him up for his own love story," but went through all the trouble to try and make readers hate Minwoo to have an excuse to separate them. Idk it was frustrating to see him try hard to be a better person and then do the most deranged shit lmao

    slop February 22, 2025 7:12 am
    My bad I wasn't talking about Norman, I meant Seungtaek was the manipulative one. It's his attitude that is manipulative. No matter how good his intentions are, people can be manipulative even when they don't m... Jgno98

    minwoo is manipulative too and in the worst way. he'll lie through his teeth but sungtaek is the problem ?? what. the only reason why he said that was bc he was afraid of being rejected, nothin wrong with that

    lolpop8999 February 22, 2025 9:36 am
    minwoo is manipulative too and in the worst way. he'll lie through his teeth but sungtaek is the problem ?? what. the only reason why he said that was bc he was afraid of being rejected, nothin wrong with that slop


Jgno98 January 31, 2025 6:09 pm

Ugh I was having the time of my life reading the last three chapters and then Norman and that bitch ass creep appeared

Jgno98 January 31, 2025 6:08 pm

I need author to think deeply about the success of this manhwa and make them switch. Imagine that!!! They both have the potential to be vers and while Suyong has gotten used to bottoming, I think he'd be a great top lol just one time is all I'm asking for

Jgno98 January 26, 2025 1:41 am

Can someone explain to me what he means by "it's probably because... I wasn't able to touch him back then" is he referring to gunjoon I don't remember the previous chapters lmao

    Yuyuu January 26, 2025 1:42 am

    Yesss please, I'm also confused

    Todayless January 26, 2025 1:43 am

    i think he met gunjoon in the past and wanted to touch him but couldn't –– we can see that from gunjoon's hairstyle that is longer than his current one.

    Jgno98 January 26, 2025 1:46 am
    i think he met gunjoon in the past and wanted to touch him but couldn't –– we can see that from gunjoon's hairstyle that is longer than his current one. Todayless

    Thanks hehe I just didn't remember that hairstyle and panicked for a moment thinking he was referring to another person like??? What about gunjoon but realized he had the same moles. I have the memory span of a fish

Jgno98 December 15, 2024 11:18 pm

Can someone please remind me who Chuljin was and like what did he do?? I don't even remember him talking with Sungtaek lmao why were they even talking and why do they all know each other

    huimang-o December 19, 2024 4:27 pm

    The author always leaves holes in the story to solve later so, kind of a spoil and a long explanation, but

    Chuljin met Minwoo, Suyong and Jaehyun in highschool, somehow he messed up with them (not sure how he messed up with Jaehyun, but he’s the reason Minwoo hates Jae) so now only Suyong still thinks good of him (in a way, since they fought about Jae being in a relationship with Suyong).
    At the beginning of the series, Sungtaek tells Norman that he downloaded an app out of curiosity (kind of like Grinder) and this J person he matched with and got close to, told him stuff about Minwoo making up stuff about Jaehyun being a thief. Minwoo looks it and it turns out to be Chuljin. Later, when Norman is living with him he says that he was his first love, cries and gets drunk.
    Also someone else from the Weightligting Department says smth about J being Chuljin, and Minwoo sleeping around, I think it’s the dude that Norman threw his drink to.
    So, Chuljin is an actor and a celebrity, that’s why he is not in college, and his personality is kinda fucked up because he tries to meddle in everyone’s business, kind of like a superiority complex, idk.
    At the end, he likes Minwoo and is trying to get him back, doesn’t like Jaehyun, he also appreciates Suyong and that’s why he tells him not to get close with Jae, he has business with Sungtaek because he met him online, and later he gets kind of close to Norman only to his own interests.

    huimang-o December 19, 2024 4:29 pm

    Oh, he also met Norman in hs but they were not close, more like a friend of a friend situation

Jgno98 December 15, 2024 10:26 pm

I hate how the author is so stuck on trying to make Minwoo a bad guy. But I prefer him a 62834548363835 times before that disgusting creep Sungtaek. He's always a fucking coward. If you're gonna be a pervert at least be honest about it lmao
Regarding Minwoo. His character is so contradicting like he's clearly trying to change and then author pushes him 666 steps back by making him do shitty stuff? Like I know people don't change that easily but don't present a character that really wants to do better and then do it poorly just because you have a weird obsession with your stupid-ass love triangle. I'll kms if Norman actually ends up with Sungtaek

Jgno98 November 5, 2024 2:11 pm

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one thinking this. I fucking hate his creepy ass and his wet dog attitude and inferiority complex like he wasn't being an animal in bed with Normie the night before. I liked him when he first appeared because he seemed sweet but he's shown his true colors since his very first scene alone (basically fucking his bed because Normie came on it the night before) that fucker cannot control himself???

Also I cannot believe how fucking dumb Normie is. You really mean to tell me that you don't know what these characters feel for you? After they've confessed to him as well. Why's he so dense?? He keeps assuming things (like the other two had a thing for each other) when they clearly came onto him

His relationship with Seungtaek is so awkward and annoying. I feel like he has better chemistry with Minwoo, but he's just the lesser evil. Even though he's low-key better at listening to Normie, he's still an asshole. But I would prefer his ass over that mf creep. At least Minwoo is straightforward with his sexual intentions unlike mf Seungtaek who cannot control his impulses. I hate those damn crazy eyes

Jgno98 October 19, 2024 10:20 pm

Please don't ever draw nipples again why are they so damn long

Jgno98 October 13, 2024 4:15 pm

He was imposing on him in the office even after Mr Ahn said they shouldn't do that there. Mr Kang just gives two fucks about what the office and the company means to Mr Ahn.

And I really fucking hate when authors draw scenes with the bottom crying their eyes out for the top to STOP and give ZERO indication that they were enjoying it in reality. At least ONE fucking panel of them clearly enjoying that rough shit. Now you're gonna tell me NEXT chapter that he loved it??? Cut the crap and don't try to romanticize rape.

And that dumbass Mr Ahn? Are you that dense? This mf manhwa is so cliché ofc he was gonna lose his damn phone so that Mr Kang would be unable to contact him while he ran to the guy that made them fight in the first place

    pennyinheaven October 14, 2024 3:13 am

    He was imposing on him in the office even after Mr Ahn said they shouldn't do that there. Mr Kang just gives two fucks about what the office and the company means to Mr Ahn.
    - Ahn wanted to do it in the office in the earlier chapters, Kang actually stopped him on that idea but ate his own words when they just did it there.

    ZERO indication that they were enjoying it in reality - he actually did enjoy it. It's character consistency. Ahn is very vocal when he doesn't like something, it will never be that soft "stop" but a very understandable one that Kang won't miss it. Their previous argument already established that by Ahn confronting Kang about the "letting go" speech Kang had.

    lose his damn phone - Ahn IS clumsy. That was established in the original series. It may be cliche but it wasn't added for the sole purpose of adding more fuel to the fire - the guy is really clumsy so it actually makes sense he'd fumble on this one since he's panicked.

    Perikoala October 15, 2024 4:20 am

    Are you new to Korean dramas? I suggest not to read/watch them if you don't like clichés. MC loves rough sex and some people show pain expressions during sex and pretty much enjoying it even if they say no & stop. You can see his pleasure face in some of the panels.

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