I just started it today but I thought mc was supposed to be this like nurturing generally on the good spectrum type of character, why in the world is she bringing up accounting fraud and shell companies????? She’s not even that desperate yet

Sagitter created a topic of One room TA

i don't like how they keep showing specific terminology in this manhwa it reminds me that i have a bio exam next week.... HinDIII was there specifically..... I just did a lab with it......

Sagitter created a topic of Debut or Die


Sagitter created a topic of Solar Eclipse

I totally started zoning out by the end but it wasn’t bad. The story was easy to follow and it had one of the conclusions ever made

if there's any chance the TL is reading this, BA likely means beauty assistant/advisor

I feel like if a real top kpop artist put someone from a small new group on their title track that smaller group would get accused of payola lol

i was really hoping sakura would just be a supporting character...... I guess this is okay too.

Sagitter created a topic of 0 and 1

Thanks TL but you shouldn’t be revealing your age online like that…. consider reuploading this without your age

Sagitter answered question about question
There was that question about cutting up pubes and eating them or something similarly strange as that which gained a lot of attention. I think right before comments got closed down in 2020 or 2019 there was a lot of stuff like that, or strange crossfandom fanfiction.
Sagitter did

318 people did   /   683 want to do

Sagitter created a topic of Boss In My House

Imagine the last thing you hear is your killer bragging about his happy family like take me out faster I beg you

reminded about how i've managed to wash my airpods and ruin them.. twice.

Sagitter answered question about question
most are my faves rn, some are ones that i just think need more attention 1. My Guildmate Next Door 2. Mietemasu yo! Aizawa-san 3. Mikadono Sanshimai wa Angai, Choroi 4. Medalist 5. Monster Guild: The Dark Lord’s (No-Good) Comeback! 6. Tomodachi Toshite Daisuki (sadly axed.. but ended very well regardless) 7. Duty After School (sorry I don't rea......
Sagitter created a topic of Oshi no Ko

i just caught back up but when did aqua regain that fuck ass cut

Sagitter created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Poor guy. please breathe a little ji9star I don’t want you to pass out lololol

the redrawer tried their best but the dicks are still so fucking funny

Sagitter answered question about question
try increasing the number in the url after newtoki
Sagitter answered question about video games
You get used to it lol, each failure doesn't hurt as much as the last. I also rotate through three gachas currently (Azure Lane, Nikke, and NU:Carnival) to get me that dopamine hit often LOL. Helps that Azure Lane is super generous with rolling materials so after a year or so of playing, getting every new character is very easy. If you really li......