idk how this reached vol 6 there's no character development there's no plot there's nothing it's just a prolonged manga of bulling and sadness and shit that isnt necessary and doesnt make sense and even though i dropped this long ago people till tell me that everything is still the same lol not worth time or read or anything like i dont hate dramas or tragic mangas or anything but this one is just pointless smh

after reading it for years I have to agree there is not much development to talk about.
at least to the two main characters, for side characters I didn't care cause all of them are assholes apart from 2 and even them are boring and I don't care at all for others. nothing get solved. the game of abuse and power keep going, and Karino is still an ass.
Azusa just been abuse and rape most of the time by Karino, maybe the only change he have is learn to accept the rape from Karino or follow what Karino wants.
now don't get me wrong, I still like Azusa, but I wish he leave this school. Azusa have his problems, but I like his character. I think Azusa is the only one in this school of crackheads assholes that I still reading this manga.
anyway I"m talking nonsense but to say it in short, all those chapters it only drag on and on with nothing get solve. we only see more and more abusive assholes in this school that abuse/rape others.
yasss what fun, uh? XD
but I don't mind, I like Azusa so I want to see what will happen to him in the end.

I've read the comments but it's not enough for me to know if it's worth reading or nah?

This is probably one of the best manhwas out there. The plot is amazing and thrilling as well. This is like one of those stories that you have to be patient with at the beginning because it gets better the further you go. Trust me on this. It's a good read
Thank u for the update and the translation and all the hard work