Sejin deserves to be angry! Sejin needs to feel what he's feeling. He deserves to feel emotions and let them out rather than suppressing and smiling. What Ido did wasn't wrong but he wasn't right either. :)

I completely agree. Even though Sejin is very calm right now- I feel like he’ll crumble literally any second. I think he really needs to let his emotions out but I don’t blame him for not. He’s not really in a stable enough place to rely on anyone and to be honest -I don’t think he ever has. It’s really hard watching him struggle in silence;-; plz baby needs hugs but I don’t think anyone around him deserves to give him one…
Aaaaaaaa finallyyyyyy!!! Slow burn finallyyyyyy burnt!!! Aaaaaa ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ