Igris_theDarkKnight created a topic of Lucia

Bruh really just laughed and added another zero (O_o)/ this is why I delude myself into fantasy and turn my back away from reality when it comes to partners. Ain't no way anyone can love me like the duke loves his duchess help

Bruh I can't get pass chap 5... asdfauyevak... it's so... mid? Idk??? But anyways Ig the premise of it was interesting, won't be reading this tho. Good luck to everyone ig


Wait what's that red thingy at the end? A bomb??? Tracker??

It's probably just me but the story telling feels lacking somehow? The story itself is understandable but there are times where I'm just, 'wait that's all?' Or 'this is missing something but I don't know what.'. It feels like a missing page but not really because it doesn't exactly stop the story nor leave gaps. It just feels like something should be there but it's not??????

Igris_theDarkKnight created a topic of Moonquake

Am I seeing things or does this have the same artist as the Mermaid and the Sushi shop owner? Ngl the mermaid seggs was wild but anyways

Bruh I keep focusing on those GoD given Gifts help Every time they do a little bending motion my eyes just trail downwards and like "DAMN"

Anybody got spoilers for this particular part and so forth? Like I know Izek will stay by Ruby's side always but I just wanna know some of the shit that'll go down

Igris_theDarkKnight created a topic of Foul's Start

So he died? And some mermaid spirit saved him huh? Is he gonna die?! And is this gonna be a BA?!!!!

This is why I'll never have kids. I don't think I will feel/have felt this sort of happiness that I am feeling for Yiho. That and I also don't want to bring any of my child here on earth. They deserve better

But it sure is the damn solution.

Can someone tell me if the saint is someone I should watch out for?

Here I thought she was cool... so not cool.

Igris_theDarkKnight created a topic of Be My Baby

Have a baby by me,
baby be a millionaire
Have a baby by me,
baby be a millionaire
Have a baby by me,
baby be a millionaire
Be a millionaire, be a, be a millionaire

Basically but like they're already millionaires hahah
( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

Igris_theDarkKnight created a topic of Jinx

I just want Dan happy ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Igris_theDarkKnight created a topic of Colorize

Uh oh. Korea and their ceazy sasaengs

Now I know why I never had an inkling of dislike for hestia <3 She was always so adorable yet mysterious. I almost thought she had diff motives

I can feel my blood boiling.