sisi4962's experience ( All 0 )

sisi4962's answer ( All 1 )

03 09,2020
I don`t really like it either, since the whole abo-system means, that everyones lives is even more predetermined than those of the people in other universes or the real live. I feel strong aversion towards the concept of being defined, or, for that matter, getting defined by others, by your physical apperance and other characteristics you can't cho......   reply
03 09,2020

sisi4962's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did prayed for coronavirus to stop

If your parents are surgeons or in the medical field, or any close family members are frontline essential workers, know that I did pray.

2 minutes
did tried to kill yourself

It was because I thought life was harsh on me, I was very young and how the society works was already eating me up.

2 hours
did tried to kill yourself

but now i live a happy and fufilled life :), friends, mindfullness, spending time with nature, going to the gym, eating well, all helped me!

4 hours