BL manga with scenes of thigh sex?? Thankss

You can find it here, check summary under manga

Can someone explain to me Sarazanmai? Im watching it and every episode is a bit confusing to me. For example, the polices Mabu and Reo, what are they doing exactly? I know they are antagonists but i dont understand it very well

each episode gets discussed in a reddit thread, here's current episode (you can search for other episode discussion/analyses as well): https:// http://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/bjzf2n/sarazanmai_episode_4_discussion/
Hii! recommend me BL manga with old men as main characters please. Thank you
quite cute
I know more but just can't remember any
I know that one, it is actually one of my favorite BL :) but im looking for BLs with a relationship between old men in their 50s or so (both of them). Thank you anyway <3 <3
ahh I see. would u like something where they're young but become old men together?
Ff :)
Yes please!
ahh sorry I take so long to respond I haven't been very active recently. here's a cute one!
fluffy beginning, but I was close to tears near the end. hope u enjoy)