it's already interesting but mafia man please stand up fr you out here crawling in his bed smelling it and calling him sweetie while he's mad like

Everyonebegay created a topic of Salty Lust

they want nux to be the father that will step up when the man doesn't even know owen is pregnant. coming back with a chapter AND a court hearing, no one can do it like them lmao

Everyonebegay created a topic of ENNEAD

The thing is that I can't bring myself to hate the pacing of this story or the things Seth has encountered. If you think about it, the reason why all of his hardships happened was because of his sins, and you might think, "Still, he doesn't deserve all of that that happened, especially the r part." I'm not saying he deserves it, but think about all the women and girls who suffered during his reign; they all felt that. If he didn't sort of encourage them to be killed, be slaved, be tortured, etc., they would have been able to at least live freely. So it's so good that Seth is still redeeming himself and understands his sins much better now, which means he's acknowledging what he did, and in these recent chapters, he realized again the depth of the hatred, of the suffering of the sins, and that it's not going to be easy. Though this is all to say that Seth is trying to change, I just hope the relationship between him and Horus gets more deep. Also, I HATE OSIRIS, BUT I'M STARTING TO GET ANNOYED AT BOY LONG HAIRED HERE TOO. WHEN WILL YOU LEAVE?? 

Everyonebegay created a topic of Arthur

OH MY GOSH DON'T TOUCH MY BABY ARTHUR!!! But also, are we about to see Silas go brr brr with rageヾ(☆▽☆)

Everyonebegay created a topic of Jinx

The author about to show up with back stories as if it would really matter with how bad jk attitude is. You mean to tell me he was bullied before or his parents never loved him so he's like that??? Girl, cut the cameras. Dan himself didn't exactly had everything. he had a rough life too, he still do, and he's still the sweetest kindest person!!! I would really like it if this one would be finish with jk trying to win Dan back but Dan become somewhat successful and he doesn't like jk anymore. I want Dan to be loved by someone who treated him right at the first to the end. Let jk face the consequences of his actions, of his behaviour.

Everyonebegay created a topic of Arthur

I just know Silas is going to be mad and possessive once he knows that ugly racist white boy here touched Arthur AND Arthur proceeding to use himself as a bait like?? I bet they're going to argue about the most scariest of them all, FEELINGS!!!

Everyonebegay created a topic of Arthur

Can't really blame the two of them being so addicted with one another like girl, imagine having someone like Silar or Arthur??

Everyonebegay created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

I really like the fact that Naoto did not forgive Hazuki immediately. Just imagine the love of your life pointing out that maybe it was your fault because you trusted other people too much, that it was because of your lack of sense in danger that you got assaulted. That was such a cruel thing to say, especially when you know that it was never the victim's fault; it was because there was an assaulter that that happened. And that comeback from Naoto slayed so hard; it was so sneering. Naoto is stronger than me because I would have punched Hazuki for implying that. 

Everyonebegay created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

As much as I hate the prince, I gotta give it to him for the way he was able to shoot Seth moving and flying. The man was probably gone because he was out getting a bachelor's in hunting dragons and majoring in guns and bullseye.

Everyonebegay created a topic of Arthur

It's so funny (and kind of sweet) how Arthur probably picked up the change of tone in Silas and was anxious about it.

Everyonebegay created a topic of Payback

It's just so nice to see Yohan finally let go of the emotions he has long caged. It's so warming to see him evolve from "I just want to get revenge" to "I know the reason why I'm alive now." because the moment he lost his family, he wasn't alive anymore and only lived and clinged on the idea of revenge because it was the only thing he could think of as a reason to stay alive. But now he can finally make decisions because he is finally living as himself, not as a shadow of his rage and regret.

At this point, I don't even question anything that happens in the yaoi world. It can range from being the most unserious thing you've seen/read to the most problematic case that makes you wonder, "why am I even here?" Then you go in and read another one because that question was stupid and you're too far into this hellhole that even if you do try to climb up, you'd get blinded by the sun and then fall again.