The whole proposal thingy irks me sm like why would you blame the ml for some things he did not do and continue to disregard his traumas(imagine if an ml continue to force a fl to confess despite her traumas wouldn't it be fucked up) . Maybe the proposal is really necessary to stop the rumors but running away and leaving the ml alone instead of talking about things like what healthy normal couples do but no she's kinda too much in that part.
*Don't get me wrong I absolutely adore the FL from the start on how she's strong and etc. I love the story too its just I really have a problem in this particular arc
Ive been fucked up by many ppl in this lifetime,some of it is really unforgivable but to some ppl who genuinely apologized I usually tell them the same response Heesoo did so rn the scene really did some things in my heart.