1. I am an adult and I can afford it if I want to but a lot of the webtoon apps aint available in my country. Even if they do they dont have official eng translation 2. I follow around 30++ webtoons here and if I dedicate all my money to buy chapters what will I eat? I'm not a child of a conglomerate with an unlimited amount of money on my hand. Oh......

2021-07-09 18:10 marked

the way you worded it out was terrible. let me break it down for you. NOTE: this only implies to mangas. im not sure about webtoons since you can support them on the app webtoon or lenz. 1. yes it’s best to support the authors but not everyone has the money to do so. 2. when a manga gets popular on ANY website, many readers would like to ha......

2021-07-09 18:09 marked
Can someone spoil me what is the secret about 8th princess? Because whenever they talk about her as a princess they stop in the middle of the sentence
2021-06-24 22:27 marked

There are many, but I always forget to take screenshots...

2021-06-24 07:07 marked

which one tho?

2021-06-23 09:12 marked

What in the fuck? Neither of them changed even after two years, then again everyone is different and knowing the Uke, he probably didn’t try to change to make an improvement so it makes sense he’s still like the way he was before the 2 year time skip.

If a person never tries to change, you shouldn’t expect things to change naturally. You are the host and it’s your life, your choices, never wait for someone to come and say: “Damn you seem to be in need of help, want a hand?”. Just a bit of an exaggeration.

And I’m not saying getting help is bad because we all know we need help right? Especially therapy because we can’t do it ourselves and we can’t understand ourselves, other helps, etc.

The seme didn’t change much either, he still loves the Uke. That’s some strong feeling right there. He is still desperate for uke’s love and I wish I could’ve seen a development where he learned to let go. Though I can’t be the one to say because I don’t have the feeling the seme feels.

And if he really had that development to let go and move on, I know many of you want the Uke to chase after the seme but isn’t that just what the seme is doing and you don’t like it but want that to happen with Uke?

I get some of you are frustrated and I agree that I also want Uke to chase after seme but not that “chase”, I want communication and an apology, an explanation for why he did what he did and know if Uke actually loves the seme or not.

I’m proud of the Uke for explaining towards the end though. Fuck I have ehh memory, I think he did explain it towards the end before the one shot story.

And honestly? The seme is too good for the Uke. It’s shitty that the Uke went through that, it still won’t excuse his behavior towards his childhood friend (seme) but what I’m mostly frustrated about currently is how the seme kept going after the Uke.

Honestly the Uke should’ve done something any day before the seme. The seme, once again, is too good. This isn’t my type of fav trope so I am a bit err not good with this I guess, but I still read it regardless.

The Uke should get help (therapy) first maybe? I wonder if he has trauma? I can tell he has some issues, like not communicating and running away, possible sex addiction(?) well maybe not sex addiction, more like wanting someone by his side and having trust issues.

The person I hate the most here is the pedo and mother, and you all should know why. No mother should ever make your child dress the opposite gender using your “affection” or whatever, the Uke obviously looked uncomfortable. All I gotta say for the pedo is you fucked up, and I hope the pedo rot in jail or even better, face a huge misfortune costing his most precious and dominant limb; his dick.

Seme, once again, frustrated me. I guess to me sometimes true love can annoy the shit out of me. We can’t define love (comes in all forms; be it toxic or not toxic) but we can define some things within love.

The main thing I love about the seme is his communication. That is crucial in a relationship.
Seme love the Uke for many years and honestly it felt one sided even after the ending. If you pay attention closely and analyze their behaviors/dialogues/expressions (main importance), you can tell how vague and hollow the “make up and be together” was. It felt like the Uke accepted only because he wanted someone by his side while the seme truly love the Uke no matter what, even after knowing he’s hurt your feelings and made you insecure and never explaining to you why.



I don’t get the hype. This one isn’t all that good but if you compare it to the main story, it’s more fluffy and a bit better. Much less angst too and no problems being dragged on for the plot, I guess this is another reason why I love one shots / short stories.

Something that bothered me is how a person can fall in love quickly after being complimented about your passion but hey! It’s just my opinion, no hard feelings! This is fiction after all but I like to be realistic a lot hehe, I mean then again in reality, people fall in love easily so this isn’t super unrealistic.

Overall the main problem for me was that.

Once again, this is just my opinion, not facts. We all think differently, no need for a debate that’ll never end until the humanity does for all we know Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
2021-06-23 09:08 marked


2021-06-23 08:13 marked
Duke ( Rudiger Winterwald ) = Our ML in this manhwa
Aunt ( Judith Maybaum ) = a side character in the novel, Luca’s blood related aunt
and our FL in this manhwa
Luca = The ML of the NOVEL, our FL, the aunt transmigrated to.
Jonas = Luca’s biological father and the blond “brother” of Duke Rudiger.
Duke = I forgot his name but he’s the current Duke of Winterwald
Duchess Sophie = a loyal maid of Princess Vanessa, The Duke’s Wife and first love.
Princess Vanessa = Jonas’ biological mother, the former king’s daughter
Franz = antagonist of the novel, wants to take over the Winterwalds’ duchy / land

> Luca did really go back in time. The cup that grants wishes mentioned previously is what he used in his past. “ I wish everyone would gain happiness “ but instead it turned back time. The reason that this time Luca brought his Aunt Judith with him is because she secretly gave Luca a portrait of Luca’s biological mother.

> The sole reason that Luca’s aunt is mean to him is because Luca resembles his father. Judith did not hold any grudge against her sister. This is because Judith thinks that the reason her sister died is because of her shitty husband, Jonas. And Luca who looks like Jonas, fueled her abuse. Judith’s hate towards Luca vanished and transferred to Duke Rudiger/ the Winterwalds after Luca was taken away from her. ( This is because she realized I guess that Luca didn’t do anything )

> The reason Duke Rudiger was dead is because of both Judith and Franz. Judith tried to gain help from Franz not knowing that Franz wants to takeover the Winterwalds’ duchy. He was unable to kill Luca since Judith wanted Luca alive in the first place and this is also when Luca knew his aunt had genuinely cared for him secretly.

> The current Duke of the Winterwald ( not Rudiger ) is already aware right from the beginning that Luca is not blood-related. So is Luca’s father, Jonas. The duke does not care who becomes the heir to his duchy.

> Judith is the grand daughter of Greta or Margaret ( the former king’s sister ). Greta eloped with a commoner since he was handsome ( no fr its true ). This is why the former king became overprotective of Vanessa, who was Greta’s sister, because the former king thinks Vanessa will also end up like Greta. And she did “end up” like Greta because the former king was borderline overprotective. Greta eloped with the duke ( The Winterwald’s current Duke ) not because Greta loved him but it was the only way to escape from the King’s clutches since the Duke loved Greta’s maid named Sophie. Sophie is the current duchess of the Winterwald.

> Vanessa was very promiscuous and would sleep around until she got pregnant. Assuming it was one-night-stand, she was not able to know who the father of her child. When she gave birth to Jonas, she regretfully died. And that is why Jonas ended up with the Duke and Rudiger at the same time as “brothers”. In short an illegitimate son.

> The reason why Duchess Sophie doted on Jonas so much and less on Duke Rudiger is because Jonas looks so much like Vanessa. And Sophie who was very loyal to Princess Vanessa is the main reason why she doted on Jonas a lot.

> The duke murdered Jonas. Although, he didn’t care who his heir was, as long as the heir was fit to rule, he didn’t matter if he was blood related or not. But Jonas did not fit that double standard. This is because Jonas was in short an asshole and a spoiled brat. He did not want to be a king in order to lead but for the benefits of it. ( e.g. living lavishly, treasure and other selfish things ) Jonas even wants to genuinely murder and kill Sophie, the duchess and thinks that she is an ‘eyesore’. The duke knew that Jonas would use the cup for his wish to become king.

> If you have any questions feel free to reply to this comment. I’ll try!
2021-06-17 07:40 marked
does anyone else remember that one scene in this BL, i cant remember, but they were yk, doin the dirty, and the top had the bottom pressed up against the wall and said "if you can take my ___ out of you yourself, then ill leave you alone for the night" and when the bottom tried to, his ___ touched the wall so he slid back? i cant remember which BL it was and its killing me
2021-06-17 07:26 marked
I just love how a typo became a person and a joke
2021-06-17 00:36 marked
You can also see the Duke's palace here:


It's in the capital!!!!!(⌒▽⌒) I read it right after reading this one.
2021-06-17 00:32 marked
when is the mc and dokja gonna be super close? the mc's always fucking gone lol.
2021-06-15 04:06 marked
Please recommend some stories similar to this or all about cooking. TIA
2021-06-06 11:34 marked
Does anyone have a BL where the uke is the one wooing the seme? I always see the seme taking the lead in the relationship, but I want one where the uke is the one taking them on dates and buying them things.
2021-06-06 01:12 marked
Heya! Gimme ONE manga/hua/hwa you want me to check out this summer. (Anythings fine)
Then i'll rate it after i have read it or maybe tell u my thoughts about it.

I thought this would be a nice experience <3
2021-06-05 21:41 marked
good underrated bls? ive read too much and now im bored as hell
2021-06-05 21:40 marked
A good alpha and beta pls I’m begging
2021-06-05 21:39 marked
I gave it my best shot. There are so few completed stories in the "fall into another world" or "reincarnation" tropes that when I saw a completed story with good reviews, I jumped on it. How this got those good reviews is just beyond me. This story reads like the cheesiest Wattpad novel I could imagine. Every line and interaction is cringe worthy, the MC is an absolute child, the love interest is grossly immature as well, the "villainess" is just as bad. It's impossible to take anything seriously due to the atrocious dialouge and lack of depth. There are other more developed stories in this trope with mature characters and storyline to spend your time on. This one just ain't it.
2021-06-03 12:49 marked
I only know a few:
Whispering You a love song
I favor the villainess

Pls reccomend wlw MANGAS, not like webtoons/manhwas
2021-06-02 04:57 marked
I kinda wish there was one that was a son and a father. It’s always father daughter or mother son
2021-05-25 10:50 marked

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