Chapter 19 and 20 are not translated. The second one of chapter 19 is another manga altogether.
And someone started uploading again but only too chapter 12.
I will never understand why they write this sort of female character (red head)...they me drive mental and just make you frustrated with the storyline.60 chapters in and I just get annoyed reading anything she is apart of.
Add on to that, literally noone listens to him, even his mother. They all just do whatever they want with no regard to his thoughts or feelings.
Plus, why can't he say he has powers too? This part just dosnt make sense. I mean he literally goes back to a world where its excepted but he hides it....
Very much enjoyed this!! The learning, the consent, the willingness to communicate and actually doing so made this a 20 out of 10 stars read.
Love this so far (chapter 131) but the ugly joke/thing is wearing thin now. Apart from that fantastic story line!!
Just make it a herem for a frickin 4 year old. Totally disgusted me. It was such a great story up to that point!
No....just no, I can't deal with the sister or anyone else!! His fricking 6!!!! Wtf? They should all just die except the MC