No Keiichi... No... DON'T KEIICHI ; A ; http://www.77mh.com/201505/312013.html?page=11

At the end of ch3 whats with the shock look

I'm curious as well. Apparently Shingo got a whiff of something. Hopefully it's just the liquor he's smelling. Worst case scenario- he smelt the other dude on Keiichi.

Dude! I'm fucking crying here!! If keiichi damn cheated on shingo he be damned!! Uuggghhh!! I'm cutting keiichi's dick off if he cheated! I hate cheaters

Im praying that the auther made it kind of look like he cheated and then it turns out that he didnt cheat cause if he did cheat id be fucking pissed like how can he do that. They have been through alot and for him to do something like this is bs. Ahh shit im crying.

Don't worry fellow fujoshi, we, all of us who's reading this wonderful yaoi manga is (kind of) crying about it also :(. Hopefully that bastard (the one who's about to kiss Keiichi) is only black mailing him or something like that :/. It depends on how we see it, I guess? but this is only my opinion, I hope you're okay :).

I think on the last page Shingo bit Keiichi on the lip, so that is why Keiichi is suprised ;p maybe xD

To be gair it looked more like He was seriously going to give the other guy a piece of his mind and not his ass. I've seen it a lot in yaoi where they are being blackmailed and it looks like they're about to cheat and then everyones crying about it and then it's descovered that the other guy kissed him but he pushed him off. Either beat him up or gave him a piece of his mind. But yes Shingo did seem to smell something on him. Probably the other man. If they had had sex Shingo would have smelt it the minute he walked through the door even if he had had a shower. Especially if he smelt him on his lips.... I think the most they kissed. But it's still upsetting to see :( I hope Shingo trusts him... Like I do and if he betrays it I will seriously drop this manga. They can't do all lovey dovery and then BAM!! He sleeps with another man. Nu'uh... And to be fair you would thing Shingo would be the one to cheat.... If any of them... Then again Shingo seems to have matured a lot so maybe not.
*sits at the corner of the room* .... *starts crying* ....my kokoro.... ; A ;