So I think it's really safe to say Guwon is a Maggot right ? Or like half-maggot.
Him crouching from the ground, being all cold, people being afraid of him.
I feel he might've been in some kind of experiment trying to turn maggots again into humans. That's why he has lots of human traces, but is clueless to some things that are unfamiliar to him. Amd that's where the stiches comes from !
He probably doesn't even realise that.

Byul !! My baby ! My son ! You have no idea how pround I am !!! You did it !! See ?! You are not dumb ! You just need more time and good basics ! *also Dojin... same Brother...same xDD*
Also.... So-Yi... girl... I swear... Just.. be quiet sometimes... why she feel the need to put Buyl down on every ocasion? And to crash his little moments of happines and acomplishment...
I need the author to put more thoughts into writing femele characters. Don't make them annoying... they can be confident and smart and even bit sharp with their words without them being annoying.
Hope YuBin is better !!

Hmm this chapter was somehow really sweet.... And sad at the same time... Granny is the best I really hope that after this talk Jae is going to start to notice all this small things about Dan ! And notice he is not well and needs a person who would take care of him and help him to stand in his life again !
Okey guys, do you think it was all just a dream ? Becouse I feel it wasn't all just that. I feel a big part of it was real - the black pages wasn't.
But i'm just curious why this blackouts happens to Jinwoo.... maybe it happens when he feels stresed and feels lots of emotions at the same time.... idk...
I would guess it was a dream from the moment guwon suggested them to sleep together, I think if he really did ask it and got on top of him, mc wouldn't be asleep anymore and would remember everything afterwards.
Unleeeesssss Guwon actually asked it but mc was so asleep he just said yes and slept right after, lefting guwon hanging, but also knowing mc is interested.
yep his ahh would def be hurting if it did happen. i think the latter is plausible