I hate when the ML uses excessive force if something happens to the FL. I get it's supposed to show that they care so much that they lose reason, but it's such a major red flag. Its such a turn off for me, and I already didn't think the archduke was that desirable to begin with. I'm only reading for Chloe and the others.

Really creepy how possessive the guy is of his 'wife'. He just met her so it isn't love that makes him jealous, it really just feels like he doesn't want her to be with the other guy because she's his possession. He cares more about her title as his wife than her actual feelings and that is really unromantic.

He's selfish and lacks empathy. He doesn't understand the reason she was upset about being "neglected" by him was that for the last 10 years her life was controlled by her father who sold her to her husband due to his own financial failures.
Money that was supposed to be for her own personal allowance that the husband sent, her father leeched and stole for his own use - by "investing" into his own failed business ventures. While making her father made the FL sacrifice her opportunities either by going to University (she excelled academically) or becoming independent by using her to be a carer for her sick Grandmother so her father didn't have to pay (i.e use her money that he was already stealing) to pay for a carer.
The only person who supported her was the Sensei during that dark time in her life

I really hope they don't remove the birthmark from her face. My dad has the same thing , and it's not ugly, yet strangers always advice and push for him to get surgery. Thankfully he likes his face just the way it is, but I might have a hard time reading if all her problems get resolved or if people only see her as beautiful if the birthmark disappears.
So can someone spoil me if the birthmark ends up being removed.

I really wish the author would stop explaining what they just said with the characters internal thoughts. 'Is she saying I'm the cause of her stress' no shit captain obvious, why waste our time by explaining it, it's tedious. It's like the author is stroking their own ego going 'look how smart I am' and considering it's been 100+ chapters since something interesting and not petty drama, I seriously doubt the author is as intelligent as they thing they are.

So is it going to be that she was the main heroine all along and that's why all the guys are falling for her, and Yeorang is the token female target that also falls for her. I'm not looking forward for all the guys falling for her, I'm just super not into love triangles and harems, I'd rather she be paired up with one guy and focus on building the relationship rather than the plot be focused on who will she choose.

Dude, why did basically made being poor as untrustworthy as if it's a personality trait? Rich people are the ones ruining the world. The 'bad guy' was also the only person with ethnic features and latinx name. I'm sure this was subconscious, or at least I hope.

I really agree: Here we have a bunch of rich entitled European types, and a dark skinned woman with an hispanic name, who comes from a lower class background (he refers to her as having been "unrefined" early on in the story). She is the only nasty, vindictive, and psychopathic character in the story. The author, a British woman of obvious caucasian descent, clearly goes out of her way to make Tracy despicable and irredeemable. Whether this was subconscious or not on the author's part doesn't matter; it still does more than hint at an ingrained prejudice against non-white people. She is also the author that had an ML start to slap his mistress when she told him she was pregnant in the book, "A Question of Pride," which doesn't really make me feel that I share any values with her. Of course, at the same time, the rich, aristocratic, entitled, and superlatively white ML and FL are both as dumb as a box of rocks, so perhaps she's subconsciously telling us that white people are all stupid!

I cringed so hard when he called her unrefined and acted as if she was a doll he created. But yeah, I definitely felt t the underlying bias for caucasians and europeans, but considering Harlequinns' only either fetishises or antagonises minority cultures, I can't say I'm surprised. Also I didn't know this author had another story in which the ML gets too comfortable slapping woman. Disgusting!
Bruh why is one of them wearing a 1950's housewife dress, another a 2000s wedding dress, and the other cosplaying as maleficent. I know historical accuracy isn't a priority for these stories, but they could at least attempt to have some consistency with the outfits.