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Dabbles June 14, 2020 7:48 pm

A lot of these comments say that Uenoyama deserves better and I dont totally disagree. However, I feel like Ueno has been running away from Yuki's existance (at least until this most recent chapter (34), this might have changed something) and that doesnt help the situation.
There are alot of comments that say Mafuyu should just get over Yuki and move on, but I honestly think he is trying to as best he can, while still respecting & treasuring the memory of a person who had been a part of his life for a very long time.
This is definitely a heartbreaking story and the relationships arent always very healthy and they lack communication. But I love the characters and I want to see them grow together and be happy. I just dont think forgetting the past is the way to do that.

Waiting for the next chapter is hard

    KEIIIIIII June 15, 2020 4:27 pm

    I agree with you!! I also see some comments of people who's kind of doubting mafuyu's love for uenoyama + saying that he's only using him as a substitue for yuki in which i don't really agree. Like, i think mafuyu loves uenoyama but there's still some part of him that misses yuki and i think that's normal because he's still, in a way, in the process of moving forward.

    Dabbles June 15, 2020 5:11 pm
    I agree with you!! I also see some comments of people who's kind of doubting mafuyu's love for uenoyama + saying that he's only using him as a substitue for yuki in which i don't really agree. Like, i think maf... KEIIIIIII

    Thanks for replying! It really feels great to hear someone else feels the same!

    reyrey2810 June 28, 2020 12:21 pm

    oh my god, i agree! so many people in the comments just keep on saying mafuyu doesn't actually love uenoyama and how he should just move on and realize he's hurting ueno but i just think how painful both of them would feel. yuki played such an important role in mafuyu's life and you can't just forget a person in a whim! and for ueno, i agree he does deserve better but you all can't just tell them to break up. it's the whole point of this story!

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