This story has me utterly confused right now. In the beginning I could follow it quite well, but ever since Sid made his move, and the introduction of the doctor and side kick at the apartment I've been lost on what is actually going on. The drawing style, while good, is so frenetic it feels disjointed when I try to view the panels and match the dialogue with the sequencing... Perhaps my eyes are just old... I admit they're not what they used to be. Because I really like the MC couple and the earlier chapters I won't immediately drop this, but if I continue to be left in the dark or feel compelled to skip panels (because yeah, that's been happening), I'll just have to concede defeat and let it go. Here's to hoping that whatever Sid's got up his sleeve doesn't kill the vibe of the story, and that Cain and his lil nugget come out on top again.

This story line could have taken so many beautiful paths but yet we get stuck with this insipid shit that makes no sense. First, the batshit crazy father that sells his son, then the son who was raised as an Alpha all of a sudden becoming "ok" with being an Omega, and the thought of being purchased and fucked by some random Alpha to "get back at his father". Okaaay ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ then we have the Beta trainer of said Omega who's only thought is how much money he's going to get for this next human trafficking victim. (Did we forget he's a human trafficker? Seems the uke already has... sheesh (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜) but now he wants to play at having feelings, which at best are jealousy and possessiveness that will be thinly veiled as love. And the uke who now believes he too could love his trainer because of another couple who literally grew up together and have known nothing else but the lives they live now. Sure... why not? ( ̄へ ̄)Now we have the "best friend" Alpha who has been nothing but supportive of the Omega since their early childhood. I believe he knew his friend was an Omega or if not still felt an attraction to him. Despite him being driven out of his home, sold to a brothel, and being paraded around to men for sale, bestie still came through when he needed help and showed up to get his boo and take him home. What I don't like is him leaving him behind to wait for him to be "trained", but I know he's most likely acting gentlemanly because of his status. He knows the trainer has eyes for his future lover. Hopefully the story will get better and we can see this lil nugget get out of that shithole. Given the time period I'm almost certain he'll still have a certain amount of discrimination in the Alpha household, but it's better than being sold to some old pervert, or having to work in the brothel with God only knows what's crawling over the men there. I'll give it a few more chapters to turn around or I'll sadly be dropping it. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

The plot was a good one, which is why I read it. All of the characters were likable and the art was done well. The only thing about this and stories like it is how the author makes the seme looking guy the uke. I get some folks go for that, but I just can't seem to get into, and it always leaves me conflicted because I can never like the story as much as I want to. Still a 4-5 star story for me but geez I cringed through every sex scene.

Whoever started with the dumb stereotype doesn't matter to me. I'm a straight hetero female that likes to read yaoi, as well as other types of FICTION stories. Not sure if you're trying to educate me or just belittle my comment, but either way I give zero fucks. I like what I like and you like what you like. I don't come on this site to be politically correct or apply any of these FICTIONAL works to my personal life or belief systems. I can only assume you're male and gay and took offense to your sexual orientation or my lack of "education" about it. Long story short, I'll never know what it's like to be a gay man or be in a gay relationship, and I would never pretend to. We all have preferences and just like I like a manly man to push me down, the same applies here. Disagree if you'd like, makes no difference to me.

I was just waiting on someone to say that, LOL! And if that is true, what's your point? We are ALL reading something for the enjoyment of it. It's not your place or anyone else's to tell me what I can enjoy or how I should enjoy it. I like all kinds of roles, plays, and dynamics between characters, both straight and gay. Are only gay men and women allowed to find yaoi interesting, sexy, uplifting, sad, touching, etc? Does it have to be fetishizing just because I'm straight? And if I were a lesbian then what? What I'm really laughing at is how you and those who dislike my honest yet unpopular opinion try to tell me how to view gay relationships, how to feel about a fictional story, or why I should read BL... but then want to tell people who shit on gay people for being gay that it should be their choice to live, feel, love, and think how they want to... Hypocrite much??? Everything's cool so long as I agree with the crowd 100% right? Like I told the last guy, disagree if you like that's your choice. It's a fucking book, y'all get triggered over the dumbest shit in these comments ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

This fluffy little nugget Puppy-kun is a Daddy's/Mommy's dream of a baby boy and a cute puppy to boot! I get most don't know, or don't want to know about this kind of play and can see it as one sided or manipulative. Trust me, if you're into it, you're into it. No one can force you to like it. I do like the way that this shy little pup was able to stand up for himself and ask for what he wanted. I'm equally impressed with the seme's honesty, although it almost came too late. I like the flow of this story and the characters are drawn super cute! It's the perfect balance of fluff and smut and I look forward to seeing how their play and relationship will develop.

I keep seeing people comment that MD is taking revenge, their relationship is no longer consensual, or how their relationship isn't healthy anymore... blah, blah, blah. At the end of the day MD never took away Chanwoo's choice. Yes, it is fucked up that Seung-ha or whatever his name is used him to get back with MD, but let's just admit that Chanwoo wasn't at that club to meet the love of his life. He makes pretty fucked up life choices when it comes to partners and he's hella impulsive, which is one of the reasons I believe MD wanted to date/protect him. From MD's point of view, he's never mixed his play partners with his romantic relationships. Chanwoo was the only exception, that we know of at this point. Yes, it stung to be rejected romantically, but if MD is a Dominant worth his salt, which he appears to be so far, I don't believe he would be petty enough to "take revenge". That's not what one does who has mastered the discipline of BDSM. Chanwoo has the choice to leave. Why doesn't he? Well one, he's embarrassed and angry that he was tricked and used by someone he developed feelings for (which he totally didn't deserve). Two, he now has to compete with said guy for the object of his masochistic affections, i.e. MD; who he never thought he might actually end up losing. Three, if he leaves he knows that his relationship with MD which is solely based on their D/s dynamic (which is what he wanted) would be severed and he would be left alone. I believe Chanwoo is young and doesn't realize the stability and love MD can offer. The best of both worlds is what MD offered him and he was duped by a guy professing his affection based on a live stream of him being with another guy... also, let's not forget that MD is a sadist. Stop expecting him to act like a Daddy Dom, when he's not. I don't believe he has any intention of choosing the other guy, but Chanwoo's brat like behavior (i.e. disobeying his Master's orders) has to be corrected. I get some don't understand the dynamic and it can seem twisted, but for those living a high protocol lifestyle, you know that you either play by Master's rules or you don't play with Master. Don't expect MD to change, I hope he doesn't. All of the choices that Chanwoo has made up to this point led him to where he is right now. If he just wants to have kinky sex, or play out some scenes then fine, he can do that with another Dominant too. If he wants MD, he needs to show him that he wants him more and is a better fit for him than the other guy. Truth be told I like a little brat like behavior from time to time, and the blindly obedient sub would probably bore me... but what can I say... this isn't about me LOL.
End of long ass rant... feel free to disagree, I don't mind
So, this is just fiction right? Right! However, some of us if not most of us have been in a similar situation of having to choose between the hot guy that makes us melt but isn't actually emotionally mature enough to treat us the way we deserve; and the hot guy who would definitely treat us right, is emotionally mature enough, but feels more like a good friend.
I don't know why the "bad" boy is more appealing. Perhaps it's the emotional rollercoaster, the really high highs that makes the low moments worth going through. Not to say it's right, but sometimes the heart (or loins) wants what it wants. I get why some of the commenters here don't like Yahwi, and I also understand why some don't want Jooin to end up with Cain.
To me both MLs have qualities I like in a man, and qualities that I could live without. Who's better for Jooin, I really can't say. In both scenarios, I can see how each couple would do just fine with one another. Each of the MLs have potential to be a good boyfriend but because we've only seen Yahwi with Jooin, and he has spectacularly managed to drive the uke away and possibly into the arms of Cain, I think most readers feel Cain is the better fit. I want to see what's hiding behind those eyes he doesn't show to Jooin before I make up my mind about him and his intentions.
They both have history with the uke, which makes it even harder to pick. I've thought about the possibility of a threesome couple since the cover pic alludes to that possibility as well. Not opposed to it, but it'll be interesting to see how the author writes that into the story line if it happens. It's equally plausible that neither of them will end up with Jooin, if he can't come to a decision of who to choose, or if he decides to choose himself and stay single.
As it stands now Jooin cares about Cain, I just don't think it's at the same level as his feelings for Yahwi. To be fair, I think he has a better emotional connection with Cain (although it's not as romantic as Cain would like), but if he's to choose Cain in the end, he's going to have one hellavu time getting over is physical connection and feelings with Yahwi. If Yahwi continues to put Jooin's feeling before his own, and genuinely makes an effort to support him and fulfill his wishes, Cain may not have a chance.
I have to admit that I like Yahwi, a lot. He's the epitome of a person who is discovering what bonding with another human being is like. He's had no role model of what a loving, give and take relationship is supposed to look like. He needs a Jooin type person in his life, even if Jooin doesn't necessarily need him. Jooin is good for him, and his character development and growth. Loving someone means loving them as they are, and being there to support them as they try to become a better person. If you see the potential and that they are making the effort, it's worth it to give it a shot. I like that Yahwi's trying (in his own way) to make amends so that he doesn't lose Jooin. I know how it feels to lose someone because I realized too late how much they meant to me so I'm willing to give Yahwi the benefit of the doubt.
Sorry for the book, but I tend to write long comments.( ̄∇ ̄")