Does this have rape in it?

Bleurgh created a topic of Movies Are Real

After coming back after the update the story is very underwhelming now. In the beginning it was very interesting and new with him being sucked into the acting universe and seeing as real, and him acquiring new skill after each roll really laid down the supernatural affect. I even like him being confused about who he was and his feeling for the actor girl but only I live with her character. After the update it seems that everything is being rushed he just automatically forgets his turmoil of being sucked into real situations from the acting he magically forgets his feelings for the actor girl but still likes her and the actor girl likes him, but not really him she likes a version of him he played when acting and his skills he developed after, her doesn't even know the real him but thats not being brought up, there is no story behind his new power and how he got it, the jealous actor guys is all of a sudden like a brother to him, the company that seemed like they were scheming against him is forgotten, everything went to shit

Bleurgh created a topic of Senza Replica

Does this have rape in it, I just wanna know before starting

I kinda stopped after chapter 97. I just can't stand Kyle, he is annoying as fuck, I would be a little more lenient if he was just a means to end/alot, but damn his arrogance is giving me high blood pressure, he is CONSTANTLY provoking, teasing, and degrading mc, I stopped awhile back because Tara almost got whipped. Trust me I get it, he is a prince she can be too forward and rash in her decisions especially in the beginning, but do you truly believe that this type of behavior isn't traumatizing or leads well into romance (there are many like this where ml is like this only more violent in their actions Kyle is more mental) he disguises his mental games and arrogance as tests when in reality he found a toy he like playing with, he just ends up falling for the toy. And it's hard to take mc serious when he seriously says some dank ass shit but she like "he is so handsome" girl this not the time.

Anyways the MC is going through some serious bullying in the name of "growth" and because he is a prince she can't lose her temper. The power imbalance is off the charts, I don't wanna see such a guy continue to be an ass just for the mc to suck it up and fall for him anyway without any repercussions especially if they are going to end up together, and I don't wanna wait for him to realize he is an ass especially since 97 chapters have gone by and the only that has changed about him is his inner feelings and not his shitty attitude

Now if you like the story I am glad, if you like Kyle I am even more glad, he smart and overall good looking I guess, but for me that isn't enough, he is just an asshole to me, I ain't saying he is evil but he isn't a good person either especially to the mc, he is a good prince in most ways, but other than that he can eat shit

Bleurgh followed a list

Hello, thank you for exploring my list.anyways
I will add-
Op mc 
No Harem
No romance (or a lil bit.either way i will mention if it contains romance) 

20 06,2024

How is she high maintenance, when people can't even decide whether you wanna be a nice person or not? You are the most high maintenance person in this story

Bleurgh created a topic of Janice

But like why was she mad at her mom Instead of her dad that cheated, makes no sense to me, umit seems he gets away with doing whatever


Can't really get into this story the blonde is 15 and the fl 11 it seems he has a crush on her and that shit is weird she isn't even a teenager, sure it's only3 years but development is important and crucial before those year chick probably hasn't even started her period, I was trying to overlook it buts it's just WEIRD. NOw let me be clear although I cannot overlook this doesn't mean others won't be able to and find it ok, if you do I am happy you can enjoy the story, but to me, this shit is not ok, she is too young for a teenager who calls himself an adult and her a child (on multiple occasions) to be crushing on, it's manga so I understand if you don't see it as a problem, I do.

Also he is a big tease, and slight bullying behavior which I personally don't like alot of ml leads has the bully teasing behavior and it's not cute, he even said "I find being sweet, doesn't leave an impression" and I think authors feel to give a ml personality he has to be an asshole, if you can't write a character that has personality without him being a asshole, then you have a bigger problem, honestly he isn't that bad, but the flow just TAKES it which is annoying she doesn't have to put up with his late night writings when she doesn't like it (that record thing was a last ditch effort to make him look good, he could have stopped there but he's still making her do it) if she likes it that fine, but let her do it when she is comfortable not make her at any given moment as punishment that shit is weird

Bleurgh created a topic of Kazoku ni Nattemimasenka?

I didn't really like the first story so I didn't even finish the whole thing, I don't like it when people force me to go out or make me do shit when I clearly said no, the straw was when the kid basically yelled at him saying he had to come, literally would have just walked off, that shit was hella uncomfortable for me, if you like the story that's fine, I am glad, I just don't like people who act like that


2 chapters, 2 CHAPTERS!! and I hate everyone I drew the line at the fairy but then here comes ED! That little bitch, he is a whole ass bully, she would CRY after every talk with him, but her heart skips a beat, cuz he said 1 nice thing and she has the audacity to be like "maybe if I smiled more we would have been better" noooooooo, maybe of he wasn't an ASSHOLE you would have been better, I can't I am done, fuck this I am out

Can someone recommend some actually nice mls that doesn't have the personality of a Chihuahua from hell

Once you have treated your child like shit, negligence, hatred and saying things like "I hope she lives like a dead rat" it doesn't matter whether you try to make up for past mistakes or if you regret your actions the damage has been DEALT. coming from personal experience as a child you don't deserve a shit a parent, he was a grown ass adult treating a child like a piece of shit, she has full right to forgivw ir not forgive him, she spenr her whole life trying not to be killes by him, it was not her job to change for survival, it was his fault her childhood was a lie, and she can never get that back, you can feel bad fir him all you want, i understand but saying she should just forgive him is when she doesn't want to is invalidatinf her trauma and pain, what he feeling is the same feeling he gave to child who knew nothing and was more innocent than a full adult male, he derves nothing, but he can earn it and even then if she feelsit wasnt enough to make up for her trauma then that is just the consequences of his actions

Bleurgh created a topic of Behind The desk

I don't see how hosung and young ended up together, let's be honest young is a manipulative, sociopath, and narcissistic, not saying he doesn't deserve love but the way he just immediately regretted everything was unbelievable and unnatural, people like him don't just "learn their lesson" cuz the ENTIRE story was about him not listening regretting, he KNEW what he was doing he just didn't care, he is what we call a piece of shit. It's like the author didn't want to make his character completely shit but forgot that what he has done and his personality doesn't allow for that, I am not saying he can't change, but that would take time and honestly someone to beat his ass once or twice or something to really realize the consequences of his actions cuz he DIDN'T GET ANY CONSEQUENCES LIKE AT ALL.

HOSUNG is like the ideal side character with unrequited feelings l. He never pushed his feelings onto taesung, he was there to give good advice, he backed him up when needed, and BELIEVED in taesungs relationship, he deserved better than a piece of shit he had to fix up, I felt he needed someone who wasn't trash and that was a good person, but I guess the author wanted to tie up loose ends up just smacked those two together cus they didn't know what else to do with themm if hosung was also a piece of shit I really wouldn't have cared and said the deserve eachother, but like someone he is way to good of a character for someone elses sloppy piece of ahit seconds

The main couple is cool, nothing to say cuz theor story is already done, just the side characters ending up together was like eating a rally good meal but is has a nasty after taste personality

I have officially started an Army called the Kar-bears, (a play on the cartoon for kids care bears and karhans name), I am recruiting people for a special mission to kill his mother, who shall be called baby back bitch, and everyone who has shunned out pressure Bear, who is with me


Bleurgh created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Yeah had to stop at chapter 29-30, that hlwhole ordeal of him literally pushing him to fuck his ass and shit made me anxious, dude was always on the brink of just putting it in like damn, take NO FOR AN ANSWER SHIT, made it look like all he wanted to do was fuck him and then get surprised he started crying because of the pain NO one has fucked him before but instead of trying to wait him out you basically force him to say yes, fuck outta here, made me stressed with all that no and stop and him just not listening.

You can like the same all you want but he has always been pushy whether it be always calling and texting him after the uke avoided him because of the kiss or wanting to fuck him, that is not being considerate he honestly quite selfish, but since he is hot and not an outright piece of shit it gets looked over, shit like this raises my blood pressure, give the uke a goddamn break

Bleurgh created a topic of Afterglow

Soo it's new that the uke admits to being raped cuz he was drunk but was the point in him admitting it if the author wasn't going to take it seriously, you might as well as just brushed it off as drunk sex where people don't care that they had sex while drunk, it probably wouldn't leave such a bitter taste in people's mouths, or just not have it AT ALL but I guess common sense isn't what the author was going for


Kinda irritated, this whole thing would have been solved if she just told faylan who she was, it was actually good timing and I thought that would be the obvious course of action when she jumped in, but I guess common sense isn't what the author was going for, I guess needless chapters of chasing and conflict that can easily be solved is what they are trying to do

Bleurgh asked a question

Looking for a manga about a guy who gets isekaied into a novel or manga(can't remember) as a gangster side character or something, and troes to survive but the author of the book he reincarnated to keeps giving him restrictions and stuff to make it hard to survive, he teams up with a chick who steals, there was a casino arc where he and the girl were on a mission in the beginning I think, please help. Even in the comments of this manga the people are tired of the author in the story


Kinda liked it at first but once eunjoon came in the picture everything went to shit. The mafia bastard want me but can't have him so he forces it, but dude he will never love you like you want him to, I thought you wanted his genuine feelings hence why you stopped with violence cus he would be devoid of emotions, he still will tho. Einjion just wanted to his friend back but he is obsessed with mc just like the Mafia guy. MC is a dumbass like dude I get you like ml and feel I love but as soon you regained your memories and went back to the real world, after KNOWING that the world in the book is not real, you wanting to go back makes zero fucking sense, didn't want to be in the real world with your family in stuff, have you thought about what happens when the book ends, you might just transfer out anyway or if the story keeps going off course will the book continue or just cease to exist, because again IT IS NOT REAL, I would understand if it was an alternate dimension or something but it's literally just a book, what is with this attachment, I would understand if he still didn't remember much of his real life, but he regainrd his memories after he came back and became EVEN more delusional