Bleurgh October 11, 2023 4:15 pm

I cannot believe they mentioned the father just casually pulling out a sword and threatening a literal CHILD, and that would OBVIOUSLY cause some serious damage, that shit ain't cute you are just a psychopath who has an unhealthy obsession. I am so happy

Bleurgh October 6, 2023 9:56 am

Damn that truck ran his ass over like it was trying to isekai him. Truck-kun making guest appearances in non isekai related genres, noice.

    yuu October 6, 2023 11:36 am

    The son deserved a second life somewhere peaceful just like any other isekai MC lol

    Bleurgh October 6, 2023 2:04 pm
    The son deserved a second life somewhere peaceful just like any other isekai MC lol yuu

    Yup agreed, we can rest peacefully knowing he will have a isekai cheat skill

    - 3 - November 1, 2023 1:45 am

    Let’s pray

Bleurgh September 27, 2023 9:39 pm

Kinda wanted the sister to apologize, I get why she was mad I would be too, I have a younger brother and if he had said something like that to my boyfriend I would be beyond pissed but it's sorta like she used a gun for a fist fight, she was angry I get that but that doesn't mean she doesn't need to apologize, her brother is a sub and she used glare which incapacitated him and even worsening his trauma against doms, yes the brother is also a wrong party he started it and pushed his insecurities onto someone innocent but I just felt she should have said sorry at the very least, her brother fainted she took it too far

Bleurgh July 8, 2021 3:59 am

I hate read the story, I felt no connection to wards no one except Ian, innocent people died for no reason no retribution came to anyone, that truly deserved it like "vichid" no one truly changed, Ryan didn't seem to love Noah, but they were made to love one another because the author wanted them to be together. They had sex a few times and now they are in love. They met when they were kids but that's about it. Ryan went years with his arrogance and pride and having hurt so many people and probably killed even more to not have an ounce of repentance, the same for Noah, he at one point murdered and found no fault with it, and the only voice of reason Ian, who was tormented and tried to runaway could not leave and had to succumb to this man, it wasn't love it was acknowledgment that he could not leave and that vichid brought out the worst in him, I see nothing but selfishness, ignorance, possessiveness, and arrogance painted as pure love, when In reality these feelings would be much more warped and nothing close to these "happy endings" it's most likely would have ended up with Ryan chasing noah cuz of his possessiveness and Noah running from Ryan scared of the monster he had become when he murdered that man, (seeing as how the author wrote him to be the type of person who feels guilty alot, which I guess they forgot about) vichid still raping and torturing Ian, and Ian killing himself because of vichid, and the twins would have the same outcome, these wasn't about love, this was about people whe need to become better people, and using love as excuse for their evil behavior, and still no effort to become better only strive for their needles selfishness which hey ended up great for them, and yet in reality it would have ended so great, made me cry how sad this story is and how the people in it doesn't deserve love, when other continue to suffer because of it, or when what they are not experiencing can not be considered love, since this portrayal of love is so convuluted, evwn more so as a historical manga, where historically people have gone through similar situations only to have it turn up even worse.

    Samy July 9, 2021 7:12 pm

    agreed but see it as guilty pleasure. All characters were pretty shitty.I didn't enjoy it that much either, only some of the sex scenes i guess.

Bleurgh June 15, 2021 4:10 am

All the men in this story are fucking hot garbage, my mom pooped on herself earlier today in the car and I would rather experience that again just to see these men suffer.

First in the shit men list Bisoo: he called the MC an object, raped her constantly WITH his brother, has the audacity to be surprised when she didn't want him touching her, I am in awe that someone actually loved him (chitara) even after his worse than shit behavior, and just because they are married that doesn't mean that she can't be raped and inviting your brother along for the ride without consent is just ugh, plus he admitted himself she was a hostage and killed her brother in front if her eyes and refuses to let her even die by her own wishes cuz he is a selfish prick, you ignored the so called tradition you follow like a sad puppy and killed her brother and you say it's cuz you are mad fuck outtta here, I am flabbergasted as to why the author thought having chitara love him would make his seem more real cuz ain't no way in hell any woman would let that happen (i know the brother had his way with her too) especially culturally when women have to go through things like this it almost becomes an obsession and/or a way to cope, cuz even if she lived him she hated him it was like she was trying to be true to her feelings but was scared to hate him and waste those years loving him, it seemed she needed to escape as well, he has hurt all of his brides and for what?

Second on the wheel of unfortunate men that should have been aborted is bisoos brother: do I even need to explain he is a rapist asshole who probably has tried to suck his own dick before

Third in line for the shit show is soryeo: not only did you almost kill your brother because you saw an opportunity you dragged the MC into it andalmist killed her despite you thinking she should be treated better, don't tell me it was an accident cuz after she interrupted you still attacked and you didn't even like remorseful when they both fell, it looked like you just pissed yourself after holding in your pee for too long and realized that although it felt good you have to clean your self up, you look relieved and way too calm asshole

And last but not fucking least as the saddest excuse of a tsundere whose head is so far stuck up his ass he think eating his own shit is normal. Bro pick a struggle either like her or hate or, you say you don't like her one minute then do the complete opposite the next, you degrade, take advantage of and, verbally abuse, etc. Then expect a pat on the back for doing the Bare minimum of kindness, he is not a tsundere he is an asshole, he is not cold but nice he is a dumbass with a hero complex and a shot sense of kindness.

That's enough of me ranting have a nice day ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    idk June 15, 2021 9:59 am

    Couldn’t have said it better!!

    MRS.BAGFACE June 15, 2021 3:32 pm

    I completely agree, but your mom pooped herself in the car??

    Bleurgh June 15, 2021 4:07 pm
    I completely agree, but your mom pooped herself in the car?? MRS.BAGFACE

    Ahhhh uh let's just ignore that statement (yes she did) we don't need to get into that

    J-azure June 22, 2021 1:33 pm

    omg hahaha your username makes this rant even funnier

    SadeReader June 22, 2021 4:46 pm

    Omg, how could you say that all the men in this manhwa are hot garbage?ತ_ತ

    I'll have you know that Hyo is not only amazing, but he's also adorable

    Bleurgh June 22, 2021 5:19 pm
    Omg, how could you say that all the men in this manhwa are hot garbage?ತ_ತI'll have you know that Hyo is not only amazing, but he's also adorable SadeReader

    Who is hyo? My memory is shot

    SadeReader June 22, 2021 5:24 pm
    Who is hyo? My memory is shot Bleurgh

    Tiger boy( ≧Д≦)

    Bleurgh June 22, 2021 5:32 pm
    Tiger boy( ≧Д≦) SadeReader

    Ohhhhh I see, let me edit my comment cuz you are absolutely correct

    All of the men are hot garbage except the beautiful ball of adorableness called hyo

    SadeReader June 22, 2021 5:50 pm
    Ohhhhh I see, let me edit my comment cuz you are absolutely correct All of the men are hot garbage except the beautiful ball of adorableness called hyo Bleurgh

    Thank you very much(◡ ω ◡)

    Bleurgh June 22, 2021 5:55 pm
    Thank you very much(◡ ω ◡) SadeReader

    Hahah you are adorable too

    SadeReader June 22, 2021 7:09 pm
    Hahah you are adorable too Bleurgh

    Oh stop it, you make me blush (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

Bleurgh May 27, 2021 9:09 am

After a while I started to dislike Henry, Sam, and mostly everyone except Seth, let me explain before you guys pull it the torches and pitchforks.

So first I understand why Henry was I love with Sam and why he mistook Seth for Sam, I thought this would be a story where he got over his first love and started a new one, since the premise of the character was first loves and stiff is overrated, bit I was also ok with Henry ending up with Sam and the. In being like maybe firsts is special because it's the first or some shit like that but then shit turned sour real fast.

The problem with Sam will be first. You married a woman just cuz she asks, you are not a child are you a dumbass you don't do that that careless and insulting and damaging considering your best friends parents went through a divorce because of unmutual feelings. Then you are an obsessed creep to your best friend, you text, call, annoy, move in, pry, etc. more than an actual lover would do, it's like if you don't hear from him as soon as he is your text or something You will die in a ditch somewhere, that is all types of crazy. Then you have the gall to be like "you knew I liked you why didn't you say anything' bitch the fuxk? People have telling you, you guys looked like a couple for the longest and even when the silver guy said you like him you were STILL in fucking lala land with you head stick so far up your ass ya didn't get it, you didn't even notice your own feelings why was it his job to tell you? How selfish can you be? Then you say if you said not to marry her you wouldn't have married her, if you had those feelings you shouldn't have even been with her in the first place you are taking advantage of someone because your delerious ass can't come to terms with the fucking OBVIOUS, now you are throwing a hissy fit cuz the guy you like is pushing you away, when you haven't even had a decent conversation about feelings, when this shit happened, and what to do, you just expect an ok and let's fuck? Boy bye.

Now Henry, hey dude, fuck outtta here with your insensitive backwards ass thinking.of anyone could be more delusional it's you. You felt so strongly that you had gotten over Sam in the beginning but you think of him at every single moment, but we will get to that later, after so much shit about firsts being overrated, you didn't even realize your whole life revolves around your first love, so much so you drag an innocent boy into your shit cuz he reminded you of him, if you were so sure you had given up on Sam the second you saw Sam in Seth you should've have realized that you you still loved him, but the thing is why are you STILL in love with this psychopath he is obsssesd with you to the point it's hella scary, (see reasons stated above) Even his sister's has said it on multiple occasions and the people around you are also put off a little about it that ain't love that man thinks he owns you, I say this because HE SAID IT ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION about how you are his, and that you should know everything, and that you will always come to him whatever happens, that may sound cute for like two seconds, but then it gets real creepy because it's as if no matter how shitty or what he does you won't be able to escape because he owns you, that is a very dangerous thought process, but you are so I love with this warped image of him you can't even see that, and even after forgetting you are with Seth you have the fucking AUDACITY to be like 'it was genuine' it was as genuine as fake ass weave I used to wear, the only thing that was genuine was your willingness to knowingly hurt someone who loved you despite thinking and loving someone else and you kept leading him on and reassuring him that, that wasn't the case and for what? You keep running with your tail between you legs and dragging other with you, do it on your own asshole.

All The friends, MIND YALL GODDAMN BUSINESS, is his love life a game to you guys, do you think just cuz you think people are always together they should stay that way, do you think lying scheming and setting people up is helping, no you are not helping you are portraying a situation that is convenient for them and you to satisfy your own beliefs and assumptions not taking into account the hard ache, trauma, and WILLINGNESS of your so-called friends, would you be able to take the blame of your friend breaks down, Henry's mom died and you guys are still talking about some fantasy relationship you want happen but you can't at least fucking give that up for a second and grieve with your friend while he is on pain, fuuuuuuuuck off

Seth, I know I said I didn't dislike Seth but he has done one dumb thing, he decided to pursue his love with Henry, but I cannot be mad at him because he was a victim of love just like Henry, but unlike Henry, Seth didn't love someone else and decide to lead him around like a goddamn puppy cuz of pity and his unresolved feelings for someone else, Seth went I to that relationship thinking he had a chance that he could be the one for Henry which I don't blame him for, Henry is an adult but acts like a kid in front of Sam, that isn't a good thing,kids are irrational and experience so many feelings and moods, children are cute but there is no child that can survive am adult relationship, chil like qualities are fine but reverting back is not good its destructive for more than one reason, leave the past in the past, if you cannot grow to love yourself as an adult and act like that in a relationship what the point in even being in a relationship where you are are not growing and being eachother in the present, to me Seth is the present and Sam is the past it looks like Henry chose the past cuz he can't deal with the present, the past where he thinks his happiness lies but he won't even try to build happiness for himself in the present creating this rift between him and Seth, Seth deserves someone wo will not decieve him, who will love him for him, and person who can let go of the past to create better means of a future and present not someone like Henry who has so many issues and unresolved feelings inside he thinks Sam is the only thing that is good for him when Sam is not good for anyone, he hasn't changed a bit, he is still dense, he is still obssesed, he still selfish, and so is Henry, he never moved on, he thought if he waited time would let him, so he never even tried to move on he is still stuck believing some imagineray image of sam, Henry is still a child, he is still blindly in love with someone who is flawed to the point where it isn't healthy.

After writing this out I feel the o ly person I like truly was Sam's sister, its like she knew her brother was obsessed and possess I e and how irrational he was and she also knew, Henry was in love with some outsourced image of Sam, which he ignored and went on tangent about something else, like dude listen geez, in the end she never hinged they should be together or that she agreed with how her brother acted it's as if she was put there by the author as a voice of logic and reason, which is not a theme of this manga it's filled with illogical reactions, thoughtlessness, deceiving, and dragged out emotions that should have been resolved way before chapter 70, it was needlessly long to the point Henry and Sam seemed even more illogical, there feelings and thoughts were avoided on PURPOSE and it was not needed, I feel a story about Sam would be ten times better, but all of this is just my opinion and nothing else.

    Bunbun May 27, 2021 9:27 am

    I just want to say that Wow (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Bleurgh May 27, 2021 9:50 am
    I just want to say that Wow (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Bunbun

    Sorry that was alot hahaha

Bleurgh April 29, 2021 11:12 am

Uh I don't know how to feel about this story, uh the characters were very realistic in sense but everything seemed kinda jumbled to me, like I get why the guy like hakdo, but I never really saw where hakdonfell in love completely it seemed he just had a small crush, the out of nowhere they are all lovey dovey and I am just like uh ok so this is happening, then the brother comes out and understandably is hella confused but the guy is just like "so what you don't have to understand I saw you and my sister in law have sex' and I was like uhm that is something you understand something you may want to forget or even disgusted by but it's not like you were completely in the dark have an inner turmoil about who your brother was and how your life and his life was going to be lived, and how hurt he is and how you know nothing about his pain and hard ship, that was really sad, it seemed as if he gave up on his brother without even trying to talk to him about literally anything, you can't distance yourself from your family cuz they don't understand, that's when you come together to at least come to an agreement compromise or the effing page and after they understand and whether they accept or not can be decided you didn't even give the guy a chance. I also feel that the hakdo likes the guy for sure, but the way he expressed just at some random point felt out of place yeah love is unpredictable and can happen at any point, it didn't feel like that here it felt like he had no inner turmoil, or realization, or moment in time where he thought I like him too just like I did doochi, it just felt like his feelings were put there for the author to just love the other guy, and the other guy also felt the same in some ways, it feels like their relationship isn't built on mutual understanding or life or any other realistic things, it feels like it's trying to hard to be realistic and because of that everything seems out of place and fragile like in any second the relationship would end on the most horrible and pathetic way, it feels ominous like the happiness and the relationship is the prelude to an even sadder and harder relationship leaving both parties mentally damaged especially after the unresolved feelings on the brothers half the also feel unresolved it feels empty but that's just my opinion.

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