JUST APOLOGIZE. Dude quite getting mad that he keeps telling you to fuck.off YOU DID THAT FIRST HE HAS EVERY REASON TO NOT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU. This could all be solved if you swallow your pride, tell him how you feel and apologize, WASN'T APOLOGIZING THE ONLY REASON YOU CAME BACK?!!! I I have seen MANY stories with the reverse premise where the seme does something and has to apologize and the uke is mad, at leat those stories usually go right to the apologizing (although the uke doesn't want to forgive and the seme, but caves anyway) you apologizes while sick and unconscious, if course he isn't gonna take it seriously if you can't even do it while conscious and aware of the consequences. I can't can't I can't. Have a good day
This looks interesting just wanna know if there is an rAPe/sexual assault between mcs thanks
Nah pretty consensual ngl
Ok cool
The just had their first sex together and it's consensual
No. It's been really nice and realistic so far (aside from the size of those shlongs but that's to be expected)