Bleurgh February 12, 2025 8:28 am

Sheesh you made Kanye get stronger

Bleurgh January 29, 2025 10:14 pm

I dropped this awhile ago cuz the ml constantly had the upper hand and the mc even tho strong just had to go along with him, is this still happening or does the mc get the upper hand at some point?

    Bez January 29, 2025 10:56 pm

    There are scenes later on where mc has the upper hand but the manhwa is missing parts of the novel so who knows

Bleurgh January 17, 2025 9:42 pm

He might just send you 100 BILLION. His excuse will be "oh I am dyslexic"

Bleurgh January 10, 2025 12:04 pm

Does this have romance, saw this in my feed and it looked interesting in the summary but do no tag but sometimes they never put romance in the tags do I was just curious

    blonk January 12, 2025 8:25 pm

    So far there isn't any but idk if that will change. I think it's still fairly early in the story

    Bleurgh January 13, 2025 4:25 am
    So far there isn't any but idk if that will change. I think it's still fairly early in the story blonk

    Thanks for the reply love

    Riah January 21, 2025 5:16 pm

    If it does let’s hope it’s not harem. I’d crash out

Bleurgh December 21, 2024 6:22 pm

MC you better get your child his Christmas present (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Bleurgh November 10, 2024 4:36 pm

Hey guys just let your papa act cool sometimes, we know it's a little subpar (and hella cute) but just let it happen

Bleurgh October 13, 2024 5:24 pm

Forget keto diet the hottest diet around is the torture diet

Bleurgh October 10, 2024 6:22 pm

How dare the try and separate Encrid from his wild ass children, I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT

    Ani789 October 11, 2024 4:06 pm

    His wild ass children that's so accurate lmaooo

Bleurgh October 8, 2024 1:10 am

JUST APOLOGIZE. Dude quite getting mad that he keeps telling you to YOU DID THAT FIRST HE HAS EVERY REASON TO NOT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU. This could all be solved if you swallow your pride, tell him how you feel and apologize, WASN'T APOLOGIZING THE ONLY REASON YOU CAME BACK?!!! I I have seen MANY stories with the reverse premise where the seme does something and has to apologize and the uke is mad, at leat those stories usually go right to the apologizing (although the uke doesn't want to forgive and the seme, but caves anyway) you apologizes while sick and unconscious, if course he isn't gonna take it seriously if you can't even do it while conscious and aware of the consequences. I can't can't I can't. Have a good day

Bleurgh September 21, 2024 8:58 pm

Is it like a japanese thing to just trust kid's other than your child. I have read so many stories where the mom is just inviting kids over to their house after their child is like "I don't know them or I don't like them, or tells them straight up I don't want them here, and the mom is like hypnotized by the word friend or classmate. Like whaaaat. That didn't happen here, but I assume he didn't tell her in the end cuz she wouldn't believe him, which also happens or maybe he just wants to protect her, but what confuses me is that if I have never talked about or said anything about a classmate or friend who "cares" enough to come to my house looking for me, there is no way in hell my mom is inviting them in or talking leisurely, grabbing her phone and asking questions and whatnot, she would ask them to leave so she can figure it out. You know your kid was bullied and you don't even know who did it, but all of a sudden he has friends in real life who care about enough to know where he lives and check up on him, that sounds HELLA SUS.

    your nanny September 21, 2024 10:31 pm

    It's because their families (Okaya and Glasses-Kun) were already acquaintances. Not to mention, that his mom just wants to believe that her son is doing better.

    Bleurgh September 22, 2024 12:06 am
    It's because their families (Okaya and Glasses-Kun) were already acquaintances. Not to mention, that his mom just wants to believe that her son is doing better. your nanny

    Ohhh ok, still odd cuz I am pretty they never came over. I know she wants what's best for him, I never said she didn't, he awareness is lacking is what I am saying

    Haruhi September 22, 2024 12:53 am

    I get tired everytime I see that kind of thing in mangas too ngl

    Hari September 22, 2024 4:04 am
    I get tired everytime I see that kind of thing in mangas too ngl Haruhi

    In Asian the sense of growing a child need a village is still quite believed u know. Kinda different with how western growing their child I suppose, believing only family (which kinda make a sense when crime is quite a lot).

    Haruhi September 22, 2024 8:00 am
    In Asian the sense of growing a child need a village is still quite believed u know. Kinda different with how western growing their child I suppose, believing only family (which kinda make a sense when crime is... Hari

    I'm Asian so I know man, I don't completely understand what you just typed but I think I get the main idea...

    your nanny September 22, 2024 11:40 pm
    In Asian the sense of growing a child need a village is still quite believed u know. Kinda different with how western growing their child I suppose, believing only family (which kinda make a sense when crime is... Hari

    Yeah, reputation matters a lot in most eastern countries

    Hari September 24, 2024 10:38 am
    I'm Asian so I know man, I don't completely understand what you just typed but I think I get the main idea... Haruhi

    Sorry for my English. And I apparently answering urs instead Bleurgh. But for ur answer. Even if tiring it's make a sense, right? I mean from Asian point of view. It's like normal thing so we won't question that kind of plot because it's still prevalent here as culture(?)

    Haruhi September 24, 2024 4:31 pm
    Sorry for my English. And I apparently answering urs instead Bleurgh. But for ur answer. Even if tiring it's make a sense, right? I mean from Asian point of view. It's like normal thing so we won't question tha... Hari

    I guess base on my own life and others, we barely share anything with our parents that involves our social life. But at the same time, as bleurgh stated that if your child has been bullied and you don't even know of bullies, won't a parent be suspicious when some random teens decides to visit your home who you clearly don't know about but they clearly want to see your kid for reasons?. Ik in our culture it's natural for the parent to know about their kid through other people like the child's friends, but the kid was literally bullied and has no known friends at all. So the mom letting in the bullies was really dumb, and the fact she believed that her son decides to travel the country by some weird ass reasons is bizarre as well.

    Hari September 24, 2024 11:16 pm
    I guess base on my own life and others, we barely share anything with our parents that involves our social life. But at the same time, as bleurgh stated that if your child has been bullied and you don't even kn... Haruhi

    If this village is likes village where I grow up before, it's make a sense because 1st u don't really know ur child well in the school and probably these children of the neighbors is worried but nothing close with my child on school, because maybe they just curious about my child well being but they don't close to him. We all have that one neighborhood kids that's on the same school as us but not close at all. U know if u questioning the child that's mean u questioning their parents? If she's already know the parents character she surely can trust their upbringing toward their children. That's like... not how u be a good neighbor here? If someone ask u wellbeing u just slam then with suspicious?

    And moreover. Like what crazy bully comes to ur house and asking for the well-being of ur bully? And Ive been bullied too in the past. Except u are psiko like this child I doubt even the mother would know

    Hari September 24, 2024 11:46 pm
    I guess base on my own life and others, we barely share anything with our parents that involves our social life. But at the same time, as bleurgh stated that if your child has been bullied and you don't even kn... Haruhi

    And for traveling thing, honestly, that's not really bizzare because I know this one kids that choose to run from his house for watching soccer ball. And his parents more lack for him because he is male. He get in the truck with the other grown up and teens at the magrib and then back sore(? Noon but kinda before night?).

    Haruhi September 25, 2024 5:59 am
    And for traveling thing, honestly, that's not really bizzare because I know this one kids that choose to run from his house for watching soccer ball. And his parents more lack for him because he is male. He get... Hari

    Again, idk what's happening with your grammar I guess you can say that, I'm a girl after all, even my mom doesn't worry where my brother goes, BUT it's because she knows where my brother is going and it's because the places he goes to are near, literally travelling the whole ass country ain't some casual thing for an 18 year old to do unless they had prior experience with someone. The character in the manga literally never had any prior experience or even knowledge, same goes with the mom as well. So basically it's really bullshit how clueless the mom is, it's like she doesn't have a brain, if someone explain something to her like how potatoes are actually mammals (which is obviously a lie) she'll believe it because the person's way of speaking is convincing

    Hari September 25, 2024 2:42 pm
    Again, idk what's happening with your grammar I guess you can say that, I'm a girl after all, even my mom doesn't worry where my brother goes, BUT it's because she knows where my brother is going and it's becau... Haruhi

    U'll be surprise how much leeway parents Asian can give to their precious male child. Moreover in this case it's single parent? Sure it's kinda sound bullshit about letting ur bullied kid going around to fight his depression (?) after being bullied but goddamn did I know some parent that can letting their children do some crazy thing eventho they don't know what they do because they believe it's benefit their child ToT I don't know, man. I know some crazy stories so letting ur son run away from home than killing himself inside his house kinda make a sense to me.

    And again sorry for my English T^T

    Haruhi September 25, 2024 3:09 pm
    U'll be surprise how much leeway parents Asian can give to their precious male child. Moreover in this case it's single parent? Sure it's kinda sound bullshit about letting ur bullied kid going around to fight ... Hari

    Letting your son run away rather than killing himself? Wouldn't he just kill himself when he's running away?

    Haruhi September 25, 2024 3:10 pm
    Letting your son run away rather than killing himself? Wouldn't he just kill himself when he's running away? Haruhi

    If I was bullied and decide to run away, I'll surely kill myself after ngl

    Hari September 26, 2024 4:11 am
    If I was bullied and decide to run away, I'll surely kill myself after ngl Haruhi

    I was bullied and if I run away at that time it would for building myself a life better. Like, I know it's impossible. But not all bullied children thinking to killing themselves. Some thinking to run away from those bullies and life somewhere where u don't get bullied. Imagining a life thats being nice to u.

    I'm just glad I have a good mother. So I still have an anchor to push myself well till now.

    Hari September 26, 2024 4:14 am
    Letting your son run away rather than killing himself? Wouldn't he just kill himself when he's running away? Haruhi

    His mother is true a guible. Even the MC said it too. But I think if she putting hope that the reason her son running is not for killing himself or doing harm but to healing himself why not. Moreover he promise her to updating after that. Except if after no update in the future she doesn't searching for him then I would agree with u.

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