Aigoo the authors snippets in every last chapter are so funny..but i want to see the wedding..we miss out tne most important part
Now shit i want a dr han in my life now..
Damn Woo Woon Supremacy..goosebumb baby..
This is so cute..
Im so happy commentas are back now im crying..i cant even expr3ss how happy iam..nways i wish that Jake and Shin deserve a happy ending together..
Oh my god thank you Neko sama for uploading thos..i thought im not gonna read it again..i miss my babies.. ╥﹏╥
Ah i cant wait to see the masacre next chapter.. And Ahjuicy hair is so hot..(▰˘◡˘▰) babies..!!!i want to see more of them please Nakamura Sensei..they are so adorable together... ╥﹏╥
Ajuicy...give me season 2 pleaseeee????
The hell with all the twist.. I wish this gonna be a happy ending..
Aigoo the authors snippets in every last chapter are so funny..but i want to see the wedding..we miss out tne most important part