since this got an update for some reason i reread it and it’s still as beautiful as the first time i read it. all i can really say is i know it’s supposed to be a happy ending, but the fact that her trauma affected who she chose to love, and the fact she never got to see her real beauty, only accepting the faux ugliness that her mom put on her. acceptance is good, but not of something that wasn’t even real. of course, im sure she loves the bull (or whatever his name was haha), but she chose him because she thought she couldnt eat him.

literally the best manga i’ve read in ages, and i reread it at least once every couple of months, and it’s still as good as the first time i read it. mikako is one of the best characters i’ve seen in a while, she’s so well written and her psych is so interesting. honestly she reminds me of how i was when i was in middle school and read lolita for the first time— and that line she says in the end, “after all i’m a happy twenty year old and this is what my body wants”. i love it so much her growth was so good, i was genuinely terrified of her not having a happy ending. i reallyyy love the mc too, it was so fun watching her get comfortable with her own femininity
its ok, i do think his character is interesting but have yall ever read something and thought to urself “either a 30 y/o man or a 12 year old girl wrote this”
like, hes edgy and childish and has weird incest stuff going on. thats the whole plot. i literally dont see any future developments for a while (or any major ones at least) besides him harassing women to get back in the womb