Colorless July 18, 2021 12:05 pm

I do not know much about how Chinese people accept LGBT population, but from what I've heard it is a total taboo in dramas and movies. So, of course, they couldn't really portrait in drama everything from the novel and had to change few things, both in the way of telling the story and about characters so that it could be accepted by a wider audience. I have watched drama, read the novel, watched anime, and now I'm reading this. Every adaptation did its justice in its own way. And for the drama, I think it did an amazing job at portraying their love in a subtle way and with few hints. The actors did amazing, especially Wang Yibo, who played LZ, who had so little lines, but did amazing job at showing how deep his love is towards WY only through his eyes and expression. But both Xian Zhan and Wang Yibo made their characters alive in a human way and showed their (characters) love towards each other silently but at the same time almost screaming. I watched this with my mother and sister, both of them didn't know that it should be BL story, but already after few episodes, they realised it thanks to their actions and the way they looked at each other. So I wouldn't say it was misleading and especially not deceiving. They did some changes because it was a drama, not many people who watched even knew there was a novel, and some never even saw such a story, so they did what they had to do to please a wider audience. And they did an amazing job. I am usually very critical of dramas, and I hate poor production. But the actors did such a beautiful job that even with a low budget and some things done very poorly, I can say that this is one of my most favourite dramas, series, stories, ever.

    Luniewashi July 18, 2021 12:43 pm

    CQL changed a lot of things. I am not attacking it but I won't call it a romance drama but instead an endless pining one. MDZS and CQL are different, a lot of things was there that aren't in canon(i am not saying the romance since its expected but the plot in sunshot campaign) The CQL's crime was too low and Wei Ying was portrayed as a goodie two shoes, unlike the novel who showed him as a monster. (wy is good) JWY to WQ too, its completely the opposite. A lot os scenes we're changes just to fall in the CD standards. I won't call CQL the same as MDZS because of this.

Colorless December 27, 2017 12:28 pm

Definitely the best way to wake up <3

Just how can they be so cuteee~~?!
⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Colorless December 2, 2017 2:24 pm

I accidentally read here "middle schooler" instead of "middle blocker" and I was so confused like.. how can he be in middle school when he's playing for HS ... are these commentators idiots?! .... and then I realized that I was the idiot one...

sorry Hina-chan ! :"D

anyway, nice play ! I knew that being the ballboy would pay off :D <3
みんな~ ばんばって ~!<3

Colorless November 12, 2017 4:45 pm

It pains my heart when I think that I won't be able to read this until some angel look's upon us and kindly blesses us with what our soul's desire - continuation of King's Maker... </3

I'm currently holding a deep disappointment in myself for not being able to pay for K'sM and that way give my thanks to writer and artist for giving us an opportunity to read this master peace.. :( <3
I will try to find a job as soon as I can (in year or 2 ╥﹏╥) so that I can give my thanks (If I'm still able to :) both to K'sM writers and for other great manga's and comic's that I had pleasure reading <3

PS: I'm kind of influenced by Wolfgang's way of speaking in the end.. ( ̄∇ ̄") but for my mother language is not English it is probably really weird and messy... but I beg of You to kindly look away my mistakes and let me do what I hold so dear - a high level of formal speech - which I do not have an opportunity of using in my mother language for it does not exist in such a high level of formality and respect as in English or even Japanese language ..

PSS: I like super enjoyed writing this ! <3 <3 :D.. hardly made myself stop :"D

Colorless November 11, 2017 11:52 pm

I just need more of Midocchi and Saka-chan ~~~!!! they are sooooooo cuteee~~!! <3 and Midocchi is mega sexy I love him! <3 :D
I shipped them from anime and I'm soo glad that I'm not the only weirdo that likes Midocchi :D <3

Colorless November 10, 2017 1:05 pm

Is that Armin? :O is that sexy longhair dude that little shit Armin?!!??! OMG !!
and Eren! God ! Eren became prettier than Mikasa!! xDDD
and how's Mikasa that old? o.O

I want to see how Levi changed ! :D and rest :D <3 <3 <3

I was so confused until now..and even thought of dropping this because it didn't make any sense and was starting to become so boring and stupid... but now everything is clear... and I'm loving the plot now...

can't wait for the next ch ! <3 :D

    Zeke jaeger November 10, 2017 3:35 pm

    Where the hell you saw an Armin? What page and what panel?

    Colorless November 10, 2017 4:04 pm

    it's probably that tall long haired dude that's talking on stage...
    and the japanese old woman that came was probably mikasa in disguise... I just thought that when I saw page 10 and 11
    I'm probably wrong... but I just can't get that thought out of my head xDD

    Colorless November 10, 2017 4:10 pm

    and Eren knew what's going to be said on stage... meaning he's comrade with stage guy... and the only person who's smart enough and qualified to do something like that in enemy's territory is Armin...
    they probably like 2 or 3 years ago came on mainland.. with plan and all... because they could obtain a lot of information's from people on ships that never came back...

    Zeke jaeger November 10, 2017 4:40 pm
    it's probably that tall long haired dude that's talking on stage... and the japanese old woman that came was probably mikasa in disguise... I just thought that when I saw page 10 and 11 Colorless

    I hope you are kidding me, " that tall long haired dude " is bill...the warhammer Titan. :-l
    Where the hell were you when he appeared? He ain't Armin what bullshit is that...please read the manga for god's sake and stop assuming things.
    Also that woman belong to a clan, ( I don't recall the name of the clan) but that woman ain't mikasa.

    Colorless November 10, 2017 6:21 pm

    jeasus u don't have to talk to me like that...

    as far as I remember Armin also became titan...

    and I did read everything (probably) but like how the hell can I remember everything when the plot is in mess.. and new ch comes out once in a month... and even when it does come not everybody has all time of the world to read manga... some of us are busy ... so of course I can't remember everything.. !!

    if u think I'm wrong u could just nicely say that..

    and I'm sorry but how the hell do u expect of me not to assume things??! first of all this whole new ch has left us with nothing but few hint's that only left us to assume what will happen and how the things came to that...

    and maybe I'm wrong about Armin and Mikasa... but like it's obvious that they are on the same side as Eren... I'm probably going in the right direction with my *assuming* but if I'm wrong about Armin and Mikasa that only because of confusing plot and lack of time to read everything slowly form my side...

    I really don't understand why the people here have to be so disrespectful towards others...

    Zeke jaeger November 10, 2017 7:34 pm
    jeasus u don't have to talk to me like that... as far as I remember Armin also became titan... and I did read everything (probably) but like how the hell can I remember everything when the plot is in mess.. and... Colorless

    Woah woah calm down Lmao didnt mean to offend you sorry son, ;-) don't take anything to heart

Colorless August 5, 2017 11:10 am

My eyes got teary.... ( T﹏T )/
my fav ch now ! <3 ╥﹏╥
I'm going to die until next one !!!!!! >△<//

    Picha 88 August 5, 2017 11:26 am

    Please dont.... Dont die yet....

    Colorless August 5, 2017 11:35 am
    Please dont.... Dont die yet.... Picha 88

    I will do my best !
    I still have to see the next ch ! :"D

    Picha 88 August 5, 2017 12:26 pm
    I will do my best ! I still have to see the next ch ! :"D Colorless

    After they kiss let die together..

    Colorless August 5, 2017 6:14 pm
    After they kiss let die together.. Picha 88

    hahahah let's :"D
    and I think that we will have quite a big company xD

    Picha 88 August 6, 2017 12:14 am


Colorless August 4, 2017 8:54 pm

I like really want this to become shonen ai ! <3 T-T

Colorless July 15, 2017 12:51 pm

Where are Gon an Kill? I like totally forgot whats happening xD

    loveowls9 July 21, 2017 2:12 pm

    They're still separated, Killua went with Alluka, and Gon's currently unable to use Nen

    Colorless July 21, 2017 6:46 pm
    They're still separated, Killua went with Alluka, and Gon's currently unable to use Nen loveowls9

    oh so it's the same as in anime..
    but are they also on that whale ship? are they also heading to that weird continent?

    Mai-chan July 21, 2017 7:34 pm
    oh so it's the same as in anime.. but are they also on that whale ship? are they also heading to that weird continent? Colorless

    gon nor killua are in the whale ship so none of them are going to the dark continent...

    Colorless July 22, 2017 11:38 am
    gon nor killua are in the whale ship so none of them are going to the dark continent... Mai-chan

    Oh really? that;s too bad... :/
    anyway... thank you and @loveowls9 for helping me remember ^-^

    Mai-chan July 22, 2017 3:28 pm
    Oh really? that;s too bad... :/anyway... thank you and @loveowls9 for helping me remember ^-^ Colorless

    i really want to know why the mangaka left out both of them in this arc, we will know when they arrive to the dark continent, gon"s father is going to the continent and in the ship is Leorio i think and so kurapika, i think this arch will be more about them , what do you think? i want to know about gon and the journey for him to have back his nen ...

    Colorless July 22, 2017 11:48 pm
    i really want to know why the mangaka left out both of them in this arc, we will know when they arrive to the dark continent, gon"s father is going to the continent and in the ship is Leorio i think and s... Mai-chan

    I'm also really sad because Kill and Gon are not in this arc.. but on the other hand it's nice to see a little bit more about Kurapika and hopefully about Leorio.. and their growth... but still I really miss Kill and Gon ! T^T <3
    but I kind of have a feeling like they will show up somehow.. xD don't know how... but hopefully they will <3 I just can't see how the hell can they show something so important as new continent without two main characters ! and I feel like maybe Gon will be able to get back his nen or find some new power on new continent.. like I don't think there is any other way...
    I don't know... hope that I'm right and that we will see Kill and Gon soon <3 :D ^-^

    Mai-chan July 23, 2017 12:36 am
    I'm also really sad because Kill and Gon are not in this arc.. but on the other hand it's nice to see a little bit more about Kurapika and hopefully about Leorio.. and their growth... but still I really miss Ki... Colorless

    i feel the same :)

    ereri July 24, 2017 6:17 am

    Its been so long xD why isnt gon able to use nen again?

    Colorless July 24, 2017 12:48 pm
    Its been so long xD why isnt gon able to use nen again? ereri

    He lost it in the fight with that cat ant that killed a... what was his name again?.. that friend of Gon's father.. xD
    and Gon almost died because of that but Kill's little sister managed to cure him.. but wasn't able to bring him back his nen..

    Milkmaflowa August 7, 2017 5:13 pm
    They're still separated, Killua went with Alluka, and Gon's currently unable to use Nen loveowls9

    I thought he was cured by alluka?

    Milkmaflowa August 7, 2017 5:14 pm
    I thought he was cured by alluka? Milkmaflowa

    Why was his nen not able to return?

    Colorless August 7, 2017 7:06 pm
    Why was his nen not able to return? Milkmaflowa

    He was cured by Alluka.. but only to the point of not dying...
    she was not able to give him back his nen... I can't remember the reason... but I think it has something to do with her ability... maybe she can't do impossible? (it seems like when people lose nen they can never have it back, so probably Gon will learn some new ability or something.. ).. or she can't do something that she doesn't know ... ? I don't know... but it's true that she wasn't able to do it..

    Mai-chan August 7, 2017 8:55 pm
    He was cured by Alluka.. but only to the point of not dying... she was not able to give him back his nen... I can't remember the reason... but I think it has something to do with her ability... maybe she can't ... Colorless

    yeap , i think gon will able to have nen again but with other training or something. he is the protagonist of this story so he had to overcome the odds and regain his strenght...

    Milkmaflowa August 8, 2017 6:08 am
    yeap , i think gon will able to have nen again but with other training or something. he is the protagonist of this story so he had to overcome the odds and regain his strenght... Mai-chan

    Omg thank u! I was so worried for Gon! I thought he would never gain it back but of course, he is very stubborn so i hope he could overcome that obstacle.

Colorless May 18, 2017 11:53 pm

so pathetic... at the beginning it was so amazing! I loved it...
but then.. after the white one came... and One became Eric... it became so pathetic... the usual romance shit....
I'm so disappointed.... such a good beginning came to be such shitty end... -___-
I;m sorry to the writer... but that's how I feel... I expected some different, unique story... with a lot of S&M play.... .... but in the end it became shoujo cliche story.....

    kyra 23 May 19, 2017 12:15 am

    You're pathetic

    Alex May 19, 2017 9:09 am
    You're pathetic kyra 23

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Colorless May 19, 2017 11:18 am
    You're pathetic kyra 23

    buahahahhaha omg ok.. :"D
    but why in the world am I pathetic if I just stated my opinion... ?
    you can say you like it but I can't say I don't?
    that's just plan stupid...
    of course there will be some people that like the manga and some that don't...

    honestly I was expecting so much more... but in the end main characters changed so much that they became different people... and why the hell did s&m play stop? that was like the main reason I liked this manga in the beginning...
    really there was no manga that made me so angry in this 5 years that I'm reading (living on) yaoi... this is the first time I got so angry and disappointed... so I just had to say it... I'm sorry... but that's how I feel...

    and I'm sorry but I will not tolerate someone saying bad things about me just because I stated my opinion... you can say yours so I can say mine... I didn't say anything meaning to insult anyone.... and I think that writer should also read this with open heart.... without reading or hearing bad comments about your work you can't progress..

    so @kyra 23 don't attack someone just because of the different opinion... these comment sections are there for *comments*.. not good ones not bad ones... but comments... peoples opinions... so of course there will be some different than yours.. or of the most people...

    Namida713 May 19, 2017 5:01 pm
    buahahahhaha omg ok.. :"D but why in the world am I pathetic if I just stated my opinion... ? you can say you like it but I can't say I don't? that's just plan stupid... of course there will be some people tha... Colorless

    Don't let it bother you. There are some kids here on mangago who can't handle negative comments on mangas they like. They'll learn to accept other opinions once they grow up. And if they don't, they'll probably grow up becoming a troll ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Btw, I agree with you that's why I actually stopped reading this; just came back for the last chapter since I hate not knowing how a story ends. I don't mean to downgrade the author's efforts, I really appreciate them, but the story just headed a totally different way than what the author made us expect, which ended in mere disappointment :/

    kyra 23 May 19, 2017 5:25 pm

    I said what I said and I meant every word. I'm always eager to read someone's opinion or shall I say critique about a body of work. However, to call something pathetic, I feel is a poor choice of words. That's why I called you pathetic, because I believe your review was pathetic. My opinion is that you and your opinion are pathetic. I guess I'm no better than you. Seems like other people agree as well. That's all I have to say about it.

    Colorless May 19, 2017 6:39 pm
    Don't let it bother you. There are some kids here on mangago who can't handle negative comments on mangas they like. They'll learn to accept other opinions once they grow up. And if they don't, they'll probably... Namida713

    Namida-san thank you for your comment and thank you for your concern ^-^
    I'm not really bothered by the comment I just don't like people acting that way so I just tried to make Kyra-san see what they did wrong... but judging but the last comment it seems like I failed ( ̄∇ ̄")
    also I totally agree with you... the beginning and the ending were made almost as if they targeted different type of readers.. that's probably the reason of our disappointment...
    and I also of course appreciate authors efforts I just didn't know (more like forgot) how to say it before xD

    Colorless May 19, 2017 6:49 pm
    I said what I said and I meant every word. I'm always eager to read someone's opinion or shall I say critique about a body of work. However, to call something pathetic, I feel is a poor choice of words. That's ... kyra 23

    Kyra-san if you thought that I had a poor choice of words you could just say that nicely and really didn't have to insult me and my opinion....
    I have a lot more to say to this.. but I really have no interest in arguing with someone acting so immature and having zero interest in actually listening to the other party ...
    so I will hold my words and hope that one day you will change your attitude.. because if you don't you will have rough time in society...

    I bet I sound like some 30/40 years old mother ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Never May 20, 2017 3:54 pm

    Sorry Colorless, I accidently liked your comment, please disregard. Your argument shows that you were expecting something else, which would be fine but they way you handled it was..... tactless. While the plot may not be completely seamless and the ending felt a little rushed, this was an AMAZINGLY vivid, complex, and complete story that held my attention for 61 chapters. That indicates to me something worthy of thoughtful comments, but "so pathetic", it simply is not. Calm your tits, your opinion was inflammatory and it got what it deserved. Again, sorry, didn't mean to like it. .. (︶︿︶)=凸

    maychan May 20, 2017 7:47 pm

    has someone that didn't expect any plot, I was very surpise that this had a plot. and a very complicated one. let's ignore our cute pair and focus on the minor characters, now that this comic [not mange] did best!! Talked about subjects that I would never have read about in my life, cause I want too in a very interesting way.
    here to be masochist it's not some boring disease to only have sex. it show how both of them cope with their reality through, what I never seen comic or mange actually trying to talk about masochism more then just a chep sex games and nothing else. I'm even talking about slavery that also come in this story, that by the way was a real thing in our world and in some country's still is a real thing! so I don't agree with you.
    and I read many shoujo mange's too so no, it really not come close to shoujo crap.

    maychan May 20, 2017 7:49 pm

    I"m not even talking about slavery*
    talk about in masochism*

    Colorless May 20, 2017 8:24 pm
    has someone that didn't expect any plot, I was very surpise that this had a plot. and a very complicated one. let's ignore our cute pair and focus on the minor characters, now that this comic [not mange] did be... maychan

    I liked that point of story as well
    but what I'm saying is that the story in the second half is really not the same story as in the first... the first half was so complex and interesting and as you said it wasn't some cheep masochism but it went deeper.. and was absolutely amazing!
    but then the second half came... and the complexity disappeared... and it stared to be the usual *the world is in danger and only I can save it but you stay here because its dangerous* *no I will go with you* *I love you* *I love you too* *I will never hurt you* *hugging on the beach with sunset*.. love love love.. and other shit...
    did Shell change his personality? like where did that M Shell disappeared? where did that S One disappeared?
    I'm both sadist and masochist.... and I say this as masochist person... only love without pain is not amazing as much as love with pain.... ( as a sadist I loved masochist Shell and as masochist I absolutely loved sadist One... like I felt soo jealous of Shell because I wanted to make the face he did by One... )
    I'm not saying that they shouldn't ended up loving each other... but the SM sex should be continued... really the comic (sorry for saying manga in the beginning I thought it was Korean type of manga for which I don't know how it's called so I said manga) in the fist part was aimed for completely different type of readers then the second half... and as the person who only came to read the first half type of manga... and definitely didn't expect nor want to read second half type of manga.. I said what I thought.... the first half was so brilliant and promised amazing story without love full of flowers and hearts and shit.. but like deeper kind of love... which second half totally destroyed...
    maybe the words I chosen were wrong... but at that time I was so annoyed and mad that I really didn't think of anything else... I will say sorry for the word *pathetic*.... but I will not go down on my opinion... I still think that this manga was the biggest disappointment in my 5/6 years of reading yaoi and normal manga (and comics)...

    Colorless May 20, 2017 8:54 pm
    Sorry Colorless, I accidently liked your comment, please disregard. Your argument shows that you were expecting something else, which would be fine but they way you handled it was..... tactless. While the plot ... Never

    as I already said in the replay above..
    I am sorry for the word *pathetic*.. I was mad and annoyed and didn't really think of the words I used...
    but I still think it was a real disappointment...
    story was amazing and complex but only the fist half... after the white art appeared and One changed into Eric (really? it couldn't be some better name but Eric? ) it became the usual Hollywood love story.... everything was so predictable that I first time ever thought of dropping a manga... but I hate not knowing the end of something I read so I continued reading.. in pain...
    I'm just saying my opinion... not trying to be mean to anyone... if you liked it, good... I will not try to convince you it was bad or something.. nor I'm going to laugh to you or be disrespectful to you'r opinion...
    so I really don't think that I got what I deserved.. more like I DIDN'T deserve this kind of behavior towards me... I was not disrespectful towards anyone.. I didn't say *those who like this are idiots* or like *the author is so stupid* or I don't know what else [I'm not really good at being mean to people ( ̄∇ ̄") ]... if I said that then your (not only you but the rest too) attitude would be justified... but I didn't say anything like that... I even said that I was sorry towards the author.. and I actually really appreciate authors efforts... but I just stated my opinion... without being mean to anyone.. so even with poor use of words I didn't deserve this kind of approach... you could just say that my choice of words was poor.. not that I deserved this... or like how it was good story or something... or that I'm pathetic.. or something... that's really disrespectful...
    and I really hope that you guys are younger than me and have time and possibilities to change... because this is really wrong way of acting and it can only make you hardships in the future..
    and don;t worry about the like.. if I knew how to cancel it I would but I don;t know how xD ...I will just think of it as 7 dislikes.. ( ̄◡  ̄") ..

    Colorless May 20, 2017 9:04 pm
    I liked that point of story as well but what I'm saying is that the story in the second half is really not the same story as in the first... the first half was so complex and interesting and as you said it wasn... Colorless

    maychan-san sorry I still continued to say it was manga and not comic... it's just a habit... and anyway.. manga is comic.. so it's almost the same..

    maychan May 22, 2017 2:54 am
    maychan-san sorry I still continued to say it was manga and not comic... it's just a habit... and anyway.. manga is comic.. so it's almost the same.. Colorless

    I know, but you need to get that this is not a Japanese mange, it is a Korean comic. and that's why it is not called a mange. Korean have a different culture and approach to things and stuff XD
    I actually didn't mind the second helf that much, cause I can accept people can change. and I guess I didn't have any expectations for this cause I don't really know much about the subject and I don't think you need to know anything about the subject to read this comic, since it APPEALS to yeas it didn't bother me that much. of course it is still only a comic XD
    so I think that's why the author did it. I like how Eric make himself be the bad guy, cause he blame both sides in the Slavery what was really interesting way of doing it.
    I did dislike a little that the story start to focues too much on Humpty Dumpty [that to be honest kind of make me don't like Eric that much anymore] and not the main characters or the masochism subject that it start with. but again, it is what it is and of course it can't be perefct. but for what it is, it still good and much better then other mange's that just used masochism to show just sex only. consider I didn't expected any plot from this from the start XDD
    also Humpty Dumpty character also become very complicated and I admit interesting villain to see grow up. he become something very scary, that can shake the world [reference to the Holocaust I guess?] that only one man can wipe up helf the world. so I won't say the second helf was that bad even if it wasn't the same like the first helf. it still have other good things to offer, at least in my opinion.
    I respect your opinion, I get why you angry. you allowed to think what you want, but I still disagree with you that it was "that bad" really. it a little harsh even if it turn out has it did, it still was interesting from different angles that I didn't see much at all in normal mange.
    I disagree with you about it turn out into Shoujo mange the most, yeas it a little different in the end but not has bad has Shoujo [I read a lot of those before, believe me it's not that bad has those XDD]
    did you read Moritat by the way? also very good comic but not has good in the second helf. at least not to me XD I mean I did like it, but the second helf disappointed me. kind of like the feeling you talk about in this comic, since the start was SOOO good I come to expect too much for the end. but then if I look at other mange's, it still was good so...I guess Korean comic tend to do that.
    be too awesome in the first helf, and less good in the second helf. but for what it is, it still awesome ^__^ also if you have recommendations for good mange's/ Korean comic? [not KS cause I try this one and really hate it] tell me XD I be happy to read it.

    cherry_cherry May 22, 2017 8:53 am
    as I already said in the replay above.. I am sorry for the word *pathetic*.. I was mad and annoyed and didn't really think of the words I used... but I still think it was a real disappointment...story was amazi... Colorless

    i get what you mean. i was also sad the BDSM parts stopped but i consider it as a development linked to the psychological development of the characters. Shell was asking One to punish him out of his feeling of guilt to feed on humans. the moment One/Eric offered him to drink his blood, this feeling probably disappeared (Shell also started to feed on animal blood from then i think), so even if Shell continued to have some kinks the real SM was not "necessary" anymore. i loved the rest of the story, too, because i think the development was very relatable (especially compared to most yaoi manga), but i also hope for some more SM in the extras. (nonetheless, one should always watch his way to express himself on the internet because it's natural for people to rapidly get offended :) )

    Mameiha May 23, 2017 8:03 am

    I agree with your opinion. I was disheartened midway as well. I do, however, understand why the writer chose to change course. I actually participate in BDSM activities and most "vanilla" people can't put "love" and BDSM in the same bedroom. My assumption is that the writer is one of these "vanilla" types, or they felt that the average consumer of their work would be so. It's kinda sad, actually. If your lover enjoys kisses, you kiss them, but if your lover enjoys pain or humiliation it is taboo to indulge their desires.
    As for the rest of this thread, I can imagine that you wrote your comment immediately after finishing the story. Your feelings were raw and fresh. So, you wrote what you felt. Don't apologize. You may soften your opinion later or reword it, but never apologize for expressing what you really think. Offense is never given, it is only taken. Those that take offense are the ones with the problem, not the person honestly expressing their feelings.

    Colorless May 23, 2017 11:42 am
    I agree with your opinion. I was disheartened midway as well. I do, however, understand why the writer chose to change course. I actually participate in BDSM activities and most "vanilla" people can't put "love... Mameiha

    thank god that there is some reasonable human being here ╥﹏╥
    Thank you so much for the comment and for understanding me ! <3 all love <3
    and thank you for saying that I don't have to apologize.. ^^
    but I thought that at least I have to apologize for choosing wrong word.. but I never thought of apologizing for my opinion.. I don't know if it was understood that way but if so I want to make it clear (not to you Mameiha-san but to others ^-^ ) that I have no intentions of apologizing for my opinion.. ^-^

    also.. that's precisely what I was thinking... there is no way that he stopped being masochist so I find the story not complete or more like the totally different story comparing to the fist part with them just being regular lovers and no s&m (whenever I write s&m I think of m&m's and I'm like *is this right? I wrote this correctly, right?* xD )

    Colorless May 23, 2017 12:51 pm
    I know, but you need to get that this is not a Japanese mange, it is a Korean comic. and that's why it is not called a mange. Korean have a different culture and approach to things and stuff XDI actually didn't... maychan

    Thank you for respecting my opinion and sorry for always saying it's a manga... [it's a habit ( ̄∇ ̄") ] I know it's a korean comic but because I didn't know if it was called comic or manhua or whatever I always call korean comic - korean manga :D I mean manga is in japanese word for comic ... it's just that we from west say that manga is only japanese comic; manhua (I think it's called like that) is korean type of japanese manga and the rest is comic.. only recently have korean and chinese comics like this one started.. so because I'm like totally lost because of all names for comic.. I have chosen japanese word for comic - manga to refer to all types of comic I read..

    and also I do respect you opinion.. but I really think that it was as bad as I said it is..
    ( ̄◡ ̄") I have seen this kind of ending in a lot of movies (especially american) and anime and have read it in a lot of manga so it was really annoying to me... especially the part where Eric takes the blame for everything and Shell shoots him... saw that a thousand times...
    and when I said that it became shoujo manga in the end... i didn't mean for action but how their love was showed ... like all hugging and gentle kissing and all loving words.. and shit.. I started reading this manga because in the beginning it didn't have that at all.. and that's just what I wanted to read... I don't really like that kind of manga with all love words and actions.. but I can read it if it's like that from beginning.. like I know what I;m reading and I have chosen to read that myself.. but here I started reading this because I wanted to read
    something with s&m sex and this was perfect.. I wouldn't have minded if the love was involved... but like s&m was the main reason I (and probably some more people) have started to read this and stopping that was the same as loosing half of the readers...

    also I can't agree with you that the characters were complicated.. to me they were so obvious and simple... HpDp was only mad at the Erics father that he thought he left him but he wanted to destroy the world for that... like really? and like we never found out why did White Ghost follow HpDp even thought she thought that the things he was doing were wrong... and why did 13-san be that mean to One... and in the end he believed him everything and followed what he said... we didn't fond out nothing deeper about Ones mother and her relationship with her father... and her father who was.. what? king? or something.. he died so easily... -__- and we never saw Shells brothers.. nor did we found out what happened to the sister of that poor kid that was killed.. what happened to the chef of the bank or whatever he was... we didn't find out what kind of relationship did humans and vampires have after 3 years... did some humans forgive.. did some vampires start to love humans... were there more hidden human-vampire relationships... why is world going to end...
    we hardly know anything...
    also the Shells father was so obvious from the beginning... from the beginning I thought that One was the child of that previous art and that that art was a lover or someone special to the Shells father...
    so many obvious things... so I couldn't enjoy the manga (comic) at all...

    but I do respect your opinion.. :) I'm happy that you shared it with me knowing that I don't like the manga (⌒▽⌒)

    I have some K comic / manga that I have read.. but most of them are from Line Webtoon...
    I recommend you if you didn't read :
    Smile Brush (everyday short comedy.. really cute )
    and Smile Brush: My Old Pictures
    For the Sake of Sita (romance really beautiful )
    Flow (really good)
    Bastard (of course)
    Brutally Honest (genius)
    Super Secret (cute)
    Catharsis (good.. but annoyingly short..)
    Athena Complex (good)
    I don't want this kind of hero (masterpeace :D comedy love it )
    Sophie: One eyed cat ( so cute and funny ! <3 love their human form <3 )
    Wind Beaker (like the best one there is ! <3 )
    Oh! Holy (romance, ghost's, really cute )
    Trump (really good)
    My Giant Nerd Boyfriend (love them so much! <3 )
    dustinteractive (good)
    Noblesse (you're probably already reading this but I will write it anyway.. xD )
    Adventures of God (I just love this one ! :"D but if you are really religious and tend to get offended by the jokes about Christianity then you probably shouldn't read it... but it's really good :D )
    Behind the GIF-s (genius :"D )

    if you have some to recommend me too please do.. I love K manga / comic .. :D

    cherry_cherry May 23, 2017 7:51 pm
    I agree with your opinion. I was disheartened midway as well. I do, however, understand why the writer chose to change course. I actually participate in BDSM activities and most "vanilla" people can't put "love... Mameiha

    i just felt kind of stereotyped as a "vanilla" (´∀`) i understand what you're saying but i still don't know if that was the background for the story. don't you think there are different reasons for people to practice certain sexualities and that circumstances concerning those can change? probably not, but i'm neither inside any community nor have i given it much thought until now.
    + isn't softening or rewording a kind of apology, too? though i think ppl putting it explicit are the ones who show more strength

    maychan May 23, 2017 8:11 pm
    Thank you for respecting my opinion and sorry for always saying it's a manga... [it's a habit ( ̄∇ ̄") ] I know it's a korean comic but because I didn't know if it was called comic or manhua or whatever I a... Colorless

    haha yay more things to read, thanks I check those out. Noblesse IS MY LOVE!!!!! for now hahaha XD
    and it's fine, at first I celled them mange too and people got so pissed at me LOL XDDD and thank you for understand how I feel. even if you have different Different opinions, it's still fun to share them. I"m sorry it feult to you like a Shoujo ( ̄へ ̄) I read too much Shoujo in my life and know how ANNOYING Shoujo is!! and god it is annoying. I know I"m talking about a ganre here, but fuck! I read too much for all my life. [haha more Shoujo mange then Korean. I actually read only two Korean Shoujo comic's. I wasn't creazy about them either 0_0] oh I never watch movies with M&S so....I can't say much about it XD sorry. but I like anime much more then american movies anyway so....XDD

    you mentioned many different subjects in this comic, so I try to answer all of them. but remember, it only my opinion. I can't say it totally in stone but XD well that what I got from it. if you want too of course please read it^_^ this is going to be super super longggggg!!! I"m sorry about it XD OHH AND I"M SOO SORRY ABOUT MY HORRIBLE ENGLISH!! I"m sorry =___=
    1. "HpDp was only mad at the Erics father that he thought he left him but he wanted to destroy the world for that... like really?" - the thing with HD is that his "great, amazing, most awesome" guy in all this comic, Eric father - Gary stu [=I call him Gary stu from now on if you don't mind. I kind of forget his name anyway hahaha and I don't like him] so Gary stu found him in a very very difficult and delicate situation - he was trying to kill himself. now I don't know about you, but I found people that try to kill themselves not so normel or stable Mentally, they need professional help not someone to "save" them. and that's a given after what is done to his mother and him for many years.
    so what I'm trying to say is that first HD wasn't normel mantelly from the first place and that's why the first person that try to "save", "help" him, he will cling to him all the way. even if it don't seem normel and too much obsessive and unhealthy, he will break down if that "saver" leave him. cause he wasn't in a mantel state to live by himself. so....I wasn't surpise he was going to destroy the world over Gary stu that save him one them. since his mantel state wasn't normel, and I don't expect him to be normel after what done to him over the years. but it still was interesting to me to see him saffer XD and he didn't kill himself again, that's good right? XDDD he learn something. sorry I kind of like him much more then Gary stu.
    2. "and like we never found out why did White Ghost follow HpDp even thought she thought that the things he was doing were wrong" - White? you mean that blond girl we seen like only two or three times. well, I think she just wanted to run away from him. that's all Basically XD can't blame her though. but yeas I agree with don't know much about her, not that I care either. [am I a horrible person?]
    3. "and why did 13-san be that mean to One... and in the end he believed him everything and followed what he said" - ohh you mean that guy that was a pain in the ass? well I think at first he was jealous to the other guy that work with them, cause that guy 13 like had a crush on Eric for no reason[forgot his name]...soo the typical jealous-possessive boyfriend I guess XD it a classic don't you think? but well that guy get killed, and 13 sew Eric revenge on the guy he love so I get why he forgive him. and he was scared of Eric too. but he still can't revenge like Eric did, so it something right?
    4. "we didn't fond out nothing deeper about Ones mother and her relationship with her father... " - AGREE WITH YOU ON THIS ONE!! Hundred percent agree about this. but then again, I hate Gary stu ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I mean Eric father anyway so....yeas. I didn't much about them that much either.
    5. "and her father who was.. what? king? or something.. he died so easily... -__- " hahahaha I know right? who the fuck is this guy? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I still wonder about that. the most I got from it is that he is the "lord" of the lend or some noble or some crap, very strong vampire and Eric uncle that besically like to use people/vampire's has his tools. that's all I know about him. ohh and he have a thing with Shell dad [they have sex sometimes for no reason] ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ [WTF] don't ask me, I don't get it either XDDD I"m just happy he's dead.
    6. "and we never saw Shells brothers.. nor did we found out what happened to the sister of that poor kid that was killed" - ahhhhhhh don't remind me, I"m still bitter about it! I wanted to see Shell brothers too DAMN IT!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄) (╬ ̄皿 ̄) (╬ ̄皿 ̄) but I guess the author didn't have time to show them. DAMN!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄) *rant rant rant*
    has for what happen to the sister, I guess she died too? 0-0 Her chances to survive were zero so...I assume she died.
    7. "what happened to the chef of the bank or whatever he was" - WAIT...WAIT WAIT what Chef??? 0-0 is there a chef in the bank that I miss?? where?? do I need to read this again?? ┗( T﹏T )┛
    8. "we didn't find out what kind of relationship did humans and vampires have after 3 years... did some humans forgive.. did some vampires start to love humans" - we do actually learn a few things about this from Shell friend, I read what he said like three times until I got it but we do get some info about it. their relationship is still bad, they don't like each other. but with time, the vampire's got used to the humens around them. I don't think the humans forgive them, but at least they live way better then how they were. and some of them didn't care about it anymore since the vampire's stop killing them. vampire's I think, have some respect to human's after those 3 years, so they won't attack them. but I won't go so far has saying they love them. doubt it XD but maybe, who knows? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ not that it matter much even if we do know since the ending was super rushed.
    9. " were there more hidden human-vampire relationships" - OMG I wish! let's write a fanfic about this! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ but yeas, we don't know that either. what we do know, that there is many vampire's that hide and was like Shell, into masochism and like pain. we don't know if all of tham that come out from the closet about their masochism is into humens, but we can imagine some of them are and some of them not XD you free in this matter.
    10. "why is world going to end" - well you can ask why the world exploded during the dinosaurs period - I can't really answer it. but I figure the fact the world in this story is kind of similer to the dinosaurs period. at least in my head it make sense, since we don't know what caused it when the dinosaurs were alive. maybe the vampire's make air pollution too in some way and the earth hate them for it XDDD but yeas, you right we don't know much about it, but that part of the charm in this story. at least to me, we don't need to know everything in this story to like it ^_^
    11. "also the Shells father was so obvious from the beginning... from the beginning I thought that One was the child of that previous art and that that art was a lover or someone special to the Shells father" - so am I the only one that didn't see it coming?? 0__0 well I had a faw guesses but it wasn't that much obvious to me. and I pretty good with those things, oh well. to me it was still fun to find out (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    okay about the list of comic's:
    is "Bastard" is that comic that the father force his son to kill people and make his son become all twisted and shit? cause I try that. can't say I like it or hate it. but well...can't say I can read it until the end. cause I can't XD I just can't read this.
    Tramp - do you mean Cheese in the Trap ? cause I also read that one until it didn't have anymore chapters. I don't know, it kind of bored me cause I already know with who she will end up with and that guy with the black hair annoyed me =__= and I didn't care about him. I found "Siren's Lament" =a great comic by the way!! you have to read it! much more fun to read then Tramp cause at least there we don't know who she end up with. and that's fun to see her get all confused XDDD I know it the typical shoujo but I find one of the guys supper funny, has a parody character that laugh on shoujo. I know, it still the typical shoujo but it still much more funny and fun to me then Tramp [then again it only my opinion XDD and how I felt about it]
    Adventures of God - I was going to read this.....someday. so I try to start it too soon.
    Noblesse - MY LOVE!!!!!!(≧∀≦) I know it have too many fights in it for no reason, but it still awesome!! I"m a hardcore fan of Rai and No-21 and Frank [that I called him Franky-poo (≧∀≦) <--- don't ask. this comic ruin me!]
    the others you mentioned I will start to read them, thank you!!! ^___^
    can I rant to you about them after I finish? XD just kidding, you don't have to read my rant anymore. sorry it was soo long and about my english XDD

    Mameiha May 23, 2017 10:50 pm
    i just felt kind of stereotyped as a "vanilla" (´∀`) i understand what you're saying but i still don't know if that was the background for the story. don't you think there are different reasons for people... cherry_cherry

    Please don't feel stereotyped, the term vanilla is not an insult. It is merely a term used to describe those who prefer "traditional" sex. A person's preferences do not make them "better" or "worse", only different.

    Being a masochist, sadist or having a fetish is not much different from being homosexual. You don't choose what turns you on. You can suppress your desire, but it never stops existing. There is a difference between liking/being casually turned on and a fetish. What you like can change over time, but a fetish will ALWAYS turn you on regardless of how long you've had it. I have one that I discovered when I was 6 and I am 47 now. It never gets old and it never fails to turn me on. That is what makes it a fetish vs being a casual turn on. So, in answer to your question, though tastes change, fetishes don't and for most masochists and sadists, their state is a fetish.

    If I reword the statement, "I despise you with the fire of a thousand suns and I wish you were dead" to, " I hate you", have I apologized? No, rewording is not an apology. Nor is a simple apology a sign of strength. What makes an apology a sign of strength is it's sincerity and the sincerity is shown through the actions taken to prevent repeating the circumstances being apologized for. I can say, "I'm sorry for being a bitch", but if I continue doing bitchy things, the apology was not sincere and is certainly not a sign of strength. In fact, it's patronizing and cowardly. When someone only apologizes in order to get out of trouble or to make things easier for themselves, they are taking the easy way out. The apology only made things better for them, not the person they were apologizing to.

    Please know that, although we disagree, I hold no animosity toward you. I have sincerely enjoyed exchanging ideas with you. We view the world differently and by talking with you, I am able to see the world through your eyes and you, through mine. Thank you for that opportunity.

    Maychan May 24, 2017 8:48 pm

    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ so I know it kind of weird, but someone delete my account. [the one with the pic of the fox] so I won't be able to answer you. sorry about it, I can't do anything.

    Choi Jinyu May 25, 2017 5:19 pm

    Cliché? Well what's wrong with that? People likes Cliché and well it's popular maybe because of it- though i don't really love the end too but shitty is a mean words, This manhwa was amazing with it's own chram. I respected your opinion but not your words.

    Mameiha May 25, 2017 6:22 pm
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ so I know it kind of weird, but someone delete my account. [the one with the pic of the fox] so I won't be able to answer you. sorry about it, I can't do anything. @Maychan

    I had the very same problem yesterday, but it seems to be cleared up today. I wish you the best of luck in getting things straightened out.

    maychan May 25, 2017 7:01 pm
    I had the very same problem yesterday, but it seems to be cleared up today. I wish you the best of luck in getting things straightened out. Mameiha

    (⌒▽⌒) yeas I freak out sooo much!! but it's okay now hahah it seem it happen to all of us in this site #-.-) it was scary!

    Mameiha May 25, 2017 7:44 pm
    (⌒▽⌒) yeas I freak out sooo much!! but it's okay now hahah it seem it happen to all of us in this site #-.-) it was scary! maychan

    I have over 1700 manga listed as read here. If I had to start over I would have died or gone blind. LOL I think they were doing site maintenence yesterday. Still, that was frustrating.

    maychan May 25, 2017 7:47 pm
    I have over 1700 manga listed as read here. If I had to start over I would have died or gone blind. LOL I think they were doing site maintenence yesterday. Still, that was frustrating. Mameiha

    they should have warn us at least ヽ(`Д´)ノ I got really scared there!! you can't do that to so many people ヽ(`Д´)ノ ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Mameiha May 25, 2017 8:00 pm

    I only knew about the site maintenence because I was in the middle of reading and the page wouldn't load. It told be to go to another storage site because Mangago was offline.

    maychan May 25, 2017 8:37 pm
    I only knew about the site maintenence because I was in the middle of reading and the page wouldn't load. It told be to go to another storage site because Mangago was offline. Mameiha

    it never told me that and I was on the site too 0-0 it seem normal with nothing new or page that say that. that's why I freak out so much XD

    Mameiha May 26, 2017 12:19 am
    it never told me that and I was on the site too 0-0 it seem normal with nothing new or page that say that. that's why I freak out so much XD maychan

    That must have been very worrisome. Luckily, it is all fixed now and if it happens again it won't be as scary. Also, if you contact the site moderators, they are always fast to fix a problem.

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